Video Games taught me a lot. I honestly think that having played the videogames that I had made me the person that I am today. There are many other factors of course, but video games were probably a pillar.

One thing was patience. Loading screens were a bitch to wait for sometimes, but if you wait for them, you will be rewarded. I learned how to just sit there and wait for em.

I learned how to form strategies. Beating some of those FF bosses in FFVIII were tough. Especially under a time limit sometimes. It taught me how to think of my toes and plan the best course of action. FFX was another tough one sometimes. Especially at the age I has started it at.

Super Mario was just fun, but it taught me what was right in some cases. And that is you put your mind to it, you can beat anything. If a guy with a mustache can do it, so can you.

Claymates was probably my first video game that I remember. That taught me how to stand up for myself and stand my ground. Not to say that the others didn't either. But learning those fundamentals at a young age probably helped.

All of the FF titles that I had played taught me to stand for what I believe in. No matter what kind of odds are against you. This lesson itself had gotten me through college thus far. Thank You Final Fantasy XD

There are probably more things that I had learned from video love and relationships (FFIX Not that Zidane is the model guy, but he helps people out because it's the right thing to do, FFX ----why NOT to marry a person).

Yeeeeah, I could go on for a while.