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  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Wasted Time Xanatos's Avatar
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    Wasted Time

    I was wondering, on which game franchise besides Final Fantasy did fellow TFF-ers spend most of their time? For me it would be a football simulation known as Pro Evolution Soccer. I've been playing it since it first appeared on SNES (1994), back then it was called International Superstar Soccer. Since then I've spent and continue to do so an enormous amount of time, be it playing solo or just against my friends, mostly second. Imagine, thousands and thousands of matches so far, and every one lasts ten minutes at lest, the time I've spent on Final Fantasy franchise including bunch of other games can't even compete with this.

    As for the tittle of this thread, well, that's something my friend's mom would tell us whenever we played PES, we would waste our time according to her (maybe she was right all along, but who cares, I'm pro in PES).

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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    Zelda Ocarina of Time and Banjo Kazooie, Dynasty Warriors 4 (all expansions) and Dynasty Warriors 5 (which I still play)

    Zelda OOT I mastered, tried a speed run, I'd say I was able to beat the game in 5 hours when I was in the 5th grade. Banjo Kazooie was the first game I got 100% on every save file on. I even got all the unnecessary items (eggs and ice key). And Dynasty Warriors 4 and 5, I can play these games, any time, anywhere, ALWAYS. So much fun.
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  3. #3

    Re: Wasted Time

    I have spent massive amounts of time on Monster Rancher 2 and 4. I have been playing no.2 since 2001 and no.4 since 2004. So, there is a lot of years backing those two already.

    Any DBZ game gets at least half of my life so far haha.

    Gears of War 2 has kept a lot my time in the last two years fairly occupied. However, I am trying to reduce that time to none for a few months because I feel that I waste my time when I play a game online that will no longer have a server in a few years.

    I am sure that there are a few more but those are the main ones.

  4. #4
    Registered User Wasted Time
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    Re: Wasted Time

    If you enjoy wasting that time, then it really isn't wasted at all then, is it?

    Anyway, I would say Mario games got a lot of my time growing up, particularly Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 64, the Mario Kart games (especially the 64 version), Mario Party (the first one) and of course, Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars. I couldn't get enough of that last Mario game I listed. It was probably the first RPG that I ever got addicted to, and it still holds a pretty special place in my gaming heart.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Wasted Time Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    If you enjoy wasting that time, then it really isn't wasted at all then, is it?

    Another game franchise I've spent a lot of time on, still do, but not nearly as before, is Tekken, in this category it would be ranked just behind Final Fantasy, though miles away from PES. The money I've spent on this game in arcades could have been used more wisely, like buying myself a console and play Tekken on it instead. And there's a Street Fighter franchise, the same case as with Tekken, though, I must say I've been neglecting it for quite some time now.

    I also have to mention few more games I play over and over again, nothing extreme like with the previous tittles I mentioned, props goes to Starcraft, Command & Conquer, Quake, Tetris, and Zelda games.

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  6. #6

    Re: Wasted Time

    For me, I spent a lot of time completing Valkyria Chronicles. DLC included. (Except for the latest one, by the time that came out I was tired of playing that game.)

    Not too long after I completed it, my PS3 started to act up causing most of my games not to load up. So I had to restore my system which erased my data. So I went and completed the entire game again. 8(

    Another game I spent a lot of time on would be The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. There was so much to do in that game, I think I clocked around 200 0r 300 hours in that game. Good times.
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  7. #7
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    I've spent mucho money and time on the halo series, way back from when I was 14 until now, lol. I've also made a lot of money, friends, and fun lifetime experiences/opportunities from playing it, so it evens out
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  8. #8
    Certified tech, come at me! Wasted Time SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    Lately, this has been really eating my attention and Its about to get my attention again once it hits PSP.

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  9. #9
    Wasted Time Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time


    Without a doubt this series has eaten most of my time. I wanted to explore every aspect of the game (particularly the second one). If I saw a slight divergence in the path and thought it was significant enough to change something, I started a new file for the sole purpose of changing that one little thing. And of course, there were the obvious differences: good male character, evil male character, neutral male character, good female character, evil female character, neutral female character, multiplied by different classes and in the case of the second game, different party member influence. I've lost count how many times I played through those games.

    A close second would be Morrowind, which I still play.

    Until now!

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post

    Without a doubt this series has eaten most of my time. I wanted to explore every aspect of the game (particularly the second one). If I saw a slight divergence in the path and thought it was significant enough to change something, I started a new file for the sole purpose of changing that one little thing. And of course, there were the obvious differences: good male character, evil male character, neutral male character, good female character, evil female character, neutral female character, multiplied by different classes and in the case of the second game, different party member influence. I've lost count how many times I played through those games.

    A close second would be Morrowind, which I still play.
    Oh yeah and I forgot about KOTOR. It's the latest game I played right away after beating it the first time. I must have done every known thing in that game. Today it's still so fun to play.
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  11. #11
    Death Before Dishonor Wasted Time Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    Hmm let's see other than the FF series they're are many games I put ridiculous amounts of time in.

    Fallout 3- I have had 3 different characters on this game, and every one I have put in at least 200 hours of gameplay. I am a completionist with games like Fallout, and the Elder Scroll.

    The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind- I have had 2 save files on this games. One of them was a f*ck-up so I didn't play it very long. The other was a Nord. I had exaclty 344 hours an 32 minutes played. It was considerably longer than Oblivion an there was so much to do.

    Legend of Dragoon- I have only had one save file on this game. My time was up at 200+ hours or so. It was a very fun, but time consuming game. Then again I did do everything that I could possibly do on it.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- I have been on hiatus from this game for a while an don't plan to play it in the next few months. I got wore out quick. The first month I had it I played for roughly 100+ hours. By the time I had grown tired I had maybe 1000 hours played. I did everything possible. Beat campaign on every difficulty, found all intel, 3 stared all special-ops, and got everything on online multiplayer.

    Halo 3- This is one of the games I just f*cked around on for a while. I spent over 100 hours just doin forge and trying to figure out cool shit. The campaign didn't take me very long to go through. I don't play much online multiplayer, and if I do it is always Social Slayer.

    UFC Undisputed 2010- Not long after getting this game I was shipped to Iraq, but since returning home I have played the shit out of it. I have put in at least 5 days of solid gameplay. I have every achievement except one, and I have completed 15 undefeated Create-A-Fighter careers.

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  12. #12
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    Oblivion took up hundreds of hours of playtime for me. I've made many characters, and spent at least fifty hours on each one, if not more. My save game with the longest playtime on it is over two-hundred hours, if not three - my character is now incredibly unrealistic now, being able to jump massive distances, survive long falls, run really fast, etc. I have so many characters because I liked learning different things.

    Fallout 3 took perhaps a little less time than Oblivion, but I still have a few hundred hours on it. I lost count of how many characters I made. There was so much choice in Fallout 3, that just going on three characters was disappointing.

    Tomb Raider has been a favourite since I got my PSOne in '98. Many hours shooting up monkeys and tigers in Tomb Raider III (first video game... x3). Many more hours trying to figure out what to do next in all of them (the TR games were SO much bigger and longer back then).

    I think I spent a lot of time playing Dark Cloud. A really fun game, likeable characters, wonderful story, creative and lots to do. I think I started this game like four times... >>;

    Onimusha. I only ever played the first and second one, but I own the third one too (I saw it for like £3, and thought I should grab it >>; ). I've played the second one a few times - it was my first PS2 game, so you can imagine that I played the hell out of it. I couldn't get into the first one for some reason, but they're really epic games from what I've played of them.

    And finally, all the GTA games I've owned have had some serious time spent on them. GTA III was good, but when Vice City came out, III looked very dull. Then San Andreas came out, with all these new features and made III and VC feel horrible (come on, no swimming or climbing, and cheats to change your character skin?). I've not spent nearly as much time on GTA IV as I could have done, but it's gone back to Liberty City... which is still pretty dull.

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    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  13. #13
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Wasted Time

    I'll just come out and say it: Pokemon. XD I play at least one game of every generation. In the beginning I played all of them, so I've cut back a bit. That doesn't stop me from having ridiculous, 300+ hour save files though. Or restarting, which I used to do regularly. Don't really do it now since both of my current games have some cool stuff on them. I've even gotten a little bit into that weird postgame world call the metagame, where rare Pokemon are commodities bought and sold and auctioned off like cars. >_> Yeah, I scare myself too.

    Aside from that, I have a small number of games that can rival the amount of time I spend on any given Final Fantasy. First and foremost would be Tales of the Abyss, thus far the only RPG I have played through in its entirety twice in a row. I literally watched the ending credits, came back to the main screen and loaded up the cleared file for a new game+ run.

    I'll also admit to playing way too much Final Fantasy: Dissidia solely because one of my all-time favorite characters is in it. =X And what else...Ocarina of Time, the Super Smash Bros. franchise, Legend of Dragoon....pretty much any game I really like I'll end up spending tons of time on.

    I don't really consider it wasted time though, cause if I had something more pressing to do, I would be doing it.

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