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Thread: Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

  1. #1
    Registered User Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today
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    Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

    September 13, 1985 was the release date of Super Mario Bros. in Japan. So in honor of the day, I thought it would be interesting to have a topic pretty much just talking about your experiences with one of gaming's most recognizable mascots (if not THE most recognizable one).

    So, does anyone have a favorite Mario game (or games)? After all these years, there have been quite a few of them released, so there's plenty to choose from in a wide array of genres too!

    It's difficult for me to pick an absolute favorite, since there have been so many great games made that feature Mario and Co., but here's my top picks:

    The Mario franchise has always had really great platforming games (imo), but I think Super Mario World and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island are tied for being my favorite. I especially liked Yoshi's Island for the art style, but both were very addictive and fun games!

    Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars is one of my favorite RPGs in general, and it still ranks up there in my top ten games of all time.

    And of course there's Mario Kart. I enjoyed playing the 64 version the most. Battle mode was great, as was many of the courses in the game, like Rainbow Road, Wario Stadium and Kalimari Desert!

    Gah! Too many great games! I think I'll leave my post at this to give you all a chance to talk about some Mario games that you love.
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

    Mario is still among the top even after 25 years, he became some sort of cultural icon and that's something you really need to admire. I grew up playing Mario games, Super Mario Bros is in fact one of the first games I played.

    As for my favorite, it's toss up between Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins and Super Mario World, God knows how many times I've beaten those two games. Of course I had blast playing other games in Mario franchise, such as Mario Kart, Mario Party and Paper Mario. Though I'm afraid, my interest for Mario games has fallen over the years, somehow they're not fun as they used to be, maybe I'm just tired of Nintendo serving us the same game every time.

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  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

    It's hard for me too, heh. I grew up playing the NES and SNES, so I have a lot of fond memories playing Mario games. Super Mario World will always bring back the fondest of memories. My brother brought his SNES and someone else's copy of this over from college one weekend, and we played it all weekend, but couldn't quite get to the end. Now, I know the secrets, and could pretty much beat it in one sitting. Secrets or no. (Although I haven't played it in a number of years...) Yoshi's Island sticks out to me as well, but isn't that more of a Yoshi game than a Mario game? Super Mario Kart also has plenty of fond memories for me from that era.

    Also loved Super Mario RPG back in the day, though repeated playings and playing much harder games seem to have revealed it as being not very challenging, or long. I still love it, but I think maybe Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is a game I prefer more now... or maybe not.

    Super Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, and New Super Mario Bros. Wii were all great experiences, the last two being real throw backs in terms of gameplay, which I really appreciated.

    Super Mario World is probably my favorite Mario game ever. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Registered User Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today
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    Re: Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    As for my favorite, it's toss up between Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins and Super Mario World, God knows how many times I've beaten those two games.
    Heh... I loved the commercial for that game. I think that's also the very first time we ever saw Wario. He's a pretty cool character too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Yoshi's Island sticks out to me as well, but isn't that more of a Yoshi game than a Mario game?
    Well, the full title of the game is Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, so I personally count it as a Mario game. But yeah, that game pretty much set Yoshi off on his own little spinoff titles, didn't it?

    I haven't really talked about any of the 3D Mario titles that I liked. Well, Mario Kart 64 kind of fills that qualification, but I'm meaning more of the platforming games. I played the hell out of Super Mario 64. I don't know how many times that once I completed the game I started another file over to get all the stars again. I didn't do that with Super Mario Galaxy or Sunshine...mostly because those games were significantly harder! Still haven't gotten all the stars in either of those two (well, Mario Sunshine had Sun Sprites you had to get, but I'm sure you all know what I mean...).

    I still need to play Super Mario Galaxy 2...
    Last edited by Dodie16; 09-14-2010 at 03:18 AM.
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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

    Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World was my favourite cart.
    All the classics with some of the most beautiful sprites I'd seen in a 2d platformer of the period.

    That said, I'm yet to dislike a main series Mario game and some of the spinoffs are also amazing.
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  6. #6
    Certified tech, come at me! Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Super Mario Bros. Celebrates 25 Years Today

    lets see here... mario games, mine have always been Super Mario Bros 3, Super Mario World, Lost Levels, Super Mario 64, Sunshine and I'm adding Super Paper Mario to that list. That was a really good game especially for a Wii title.

    Lets not forget the Mario Party games, those were fun to play, my favorite were the first 2.
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