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Thread: Square Sucks

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Square Sucks Xanatos's Avatar
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    Square Sucks

    Apparently, the overall quality of video games is drastically decreasing (way too many people bitch for no good reason nowdays if you ask me), some say giant's such as "Square", "Konami" and "id" lost their touch... with that in mind which video game company still delivers and will continue to deliver quality games?

    I'm kinda disappointed with what Konami released these couple of last years, I guess Valve and Blizzard (despite merging with Activision) remain last two developers in which I have complete trust. I like their policy "it's done when it's done", they take their time, though in return deliver darn good games. I wish Valve was more active though, "cough"HalfLife3"cough, then again I'll rather wait several years for a masterpiece than play a mediocre game every year "cough"Activision"cough".

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  2. #2

    Re: Square Sucks

    Blizzard Entertainment
    Bethesda Softworks

    Lost Their Touch
    Lionheart Studios

    I still trust Square. I don't think its so much as they have lost their touch as JRPGs have lost fandom across the globe. Final Fantasy's scores have dropped a little, but they are still high quality games. Kingdom Hearts is still going strong. Dragon quest is still hanging in there. Yeah

    I've always bought and loved every; Diablo, Warcraft, and Starcraft game so far. Loved each and everyone of them (besides WoW). I still highly value Blizzard Games.

    Bethesda + New Elder Scrolls = Two months of my life

    Ugh, i was so disappointed by Lionheart after Fable II. It was like they took this amazing game and made it as mediocre as possible. Bland, boring, and left a bad taste in my mouth. They redeemed themselves with Fable III, but it still wasn't the game i was hoping it would be. The studio definitely has interesting ideas on gaming, i just don't feel they implement them well enough.

  3. #3
    Warlord of Your Mom Square Sucks ultima_trev's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Square has definitely lost their touch. They might release semi-decent stuff here and there, but god damn it, when are we going to see another FF as epic as VI, Tactics, or even VII? Every FF title as of late has been geared more towards mainstream audiences rather than the die hard geeks who adored the game before it became a teen drama series. Really grinds my gears.

    The last Square titles I thoroughly enjoyed were Dragon Quest VIII and Radiata Stories back in 2005, but those were more accredited to Enix/Level-5/Tri-Ace than Square. Didn't play DQIX, but I don't care for handhelds, and DQX seems like it will be an MMO, which is just tragic.

    IX and X were pretty good. VIII, X-2, Kingdom Hearts and KHII were just okay. XI, XII, XIII, XIV and all the spinoffs were just blah (XI and XIV could be okay, but I detest MMOs).

    Crytek and id seemed to have lost their touch also. Crytek at least redeemed themselves when they released the DX11 and High-res Texture patches for Crysis 2, once again making the most PC crushing benchmark in existence (more so than BattleField 3, although C2 doesn't support standard ROP based MSAA or Adaptive/TRAA, so you can't compare the two fairly).

    There is no hope for Rage though, they'd have to remake that from the ground up for it to come close to Crysis.
    Last edited by ultima_trev; 02-25-2012 at 03:55 AM.

    Undisputed masters of all creation since 2004.11.11.

  4. #4

    Re: Square Sucks

    I like Valve and Rockstar, always banging out great games as opposed to the other companies whose only major interest is making money and feeding us the same crap over and over with better graphics.

    Blizzard used to be up there, but they have given into the hampering of gaming to suck up some more money. Compromising game play for the sake of more $$$ its fucking sick!

    Square can **** right off too, sequels to FF games, jacking off the cash cow to no end.. Square died with the merge, nothing Great has come since FFX imo.. Bored to death with square games, for awhile i was thinking it was me just getting old, but its not..

    Games devs are just styling their games with flash graphics and interactive FMV's to make the sales and offering us nothing short of complete horse shit game play challenge wise and mostly story wise.

    Really need to fish around to find a worthy game these days, which is sad as back in the day i would have an encyclopedia of awesome games in my collections.

  5. #5
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Square Sucks ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    It's a real shame about Squeenix. They used to be the company I trust the most. The last game they released that I really enjoyed was KH Birth By Sleep. The last couple of FF games have been weak (although I enjoyed XIII in the end, XIII-2 is a bit of a disappointment).

    However, there are a few companies are trust now. First is Bioware, of which I have never ever played a bad game from them. Mass Effect has taken over and become my favourite game series. Dragon Age (even II) was great and I thoroughly enjoyed them. KOTOR is great too.

    Another is Bethesda Softworks. Just one word: Skyrim. Bethesda have never disappointed me, especially Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

    Valve is also a great company. Portal 2 was in my top 3 games of last year, Left 4 Dead is a lot of fun, and not much needs to be said about Half Life and TF2. I just wish they could count to 3.

    I think the one to watch for the future is Rocksteady. Their Batman games are amazing, and I can foresee them making some great games in the future.

  6. #6
    Registered BRUISER Square Sucks Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    This certainly doesn't apply to every game developer, there are exceptions, but I've generally been noticing a trend in Eastern developers sliding while Western developers are getting better and better.

  7. #7
    Boxer of the Galaxy Square Sucks Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    I tend to think they peaked at FFX. Just look at the imagery.

    Its beautiful and striking. They havn't been able to convey these kind of emotions with me since this game. Everything is dialogue when it use to be about the scenario. Sometimes words didnt need to be spoken.

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Valve doesn't release games until they know they are finished. Name any Valve game that had major problems upon release...

    Also Half Life 3 has been in the making for years. They just don't tell anyone about it or they get more complaints.
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  9. #9
    Registered BRUISER Square Sucks Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Valve doesn't release games until they know they are finished. Name any Valve game that had major problems upon release...

    Also Half Life 3 has been in the making for years. They just don't tell anyone about it or they get more complaints.
    And apply the same for Blizzard. They can take as long as they want for Diablo III, when it's done I'll eat it up.

  10. #10

    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Nidogod View Post
    And apply the same for Blizzard. They can take as long as they want for Diablo III, when it's done I'll eat it up.
    They have ruined the multiplayer aspect of the game prior to even releasing the game, real money auction house......Que wow chinese farmers whoring a non MMO game, Thanks blizz! Great idea! NOT!

    I've already made a conscious decision to not buy the game, which is a shame as i was looking forward to it. As i was with SC2 until they decided to make it into 3 games, another game i havent bought as a result of their greed.

    Sadly not many have the same passion for gaming as I, as all the idiot sheep are still lining up to hand over alot more cash than they should to play a game.

  11. #11

    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    They have ruined the multiplayer aspect of the game prior to even releasing the game, real money auction house......Que wow chinese farmers whoring a non MMO game, Thanks blizz! Great idea! NOT!
    Not the greatest idea. But i bet people will still use it.

    As i was with SC2 until they decided to make it into 3 games, another game i havent bought as a result of their greed.
    Sticking to a strictly Multiplayer purpose yes, you essentially paying for an expansion ($40?) for three new characters for each race.
    But each campaign is roughly the as long as the last. I don't know about others, but i thought SCII was a pretty long game. Especially when going for achievements and things. If each game is going to be that long, I think its worthy of my money.

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    When you know how to play a game well. It doesn't take that long to play.

    It's like everyone telling me it takes roughly 30-35 hours to beat the Tutorial in FFXIII...I did it in 20. Same with SC2. I had friend's beating it within the day, and others taking forever.
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  13. #13
    Bananarama Square Sucks Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    I think Square's sucked since FFX; as in IX was their last great game. That's a 12 year layoff, and that just blows. And yes, I've played X, XII, KH, KH2 and Crystal Chronicles. That's a heapin helpin of meh right there.

    I'm a big fan of EPIC, because the Gears series has been nothing but solid fun, with awesome multiplayers and a great story.

    Rockstar pumps out nothing but winners.

    Bioware is another big winner to me. Mass Effect and Dragon Age are both incredible series. They seemed to slip a little bit with DA2, but I hope that my theory is right in that it's just a setup for a much more immersive DA3.

    I also happen to put a lot of stock in Bethesda. New Vegas was good but it felt week compared to Fallout 3. The buggyness didn't help. So far Skyrim is blowing my mind, so I'm a fan.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #14
    Registered BRUISER Square Sucks Nidogod's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    They have ruined the multiplayer aspect of the game prior to even releasing the game, real money auction house......Que wow chinese farmers whoring a non MMO game, Thanks blizz! Great idea! NOT!
    I have absolutely no problem with this whatsoever. With how unbelievably rampant Internet stores selling D2 items, as well as scammers saying they sell D2 items was, it would be crazy for Blizzard to not centralize and capitalize on it. If you created a game and knew that hackers and botters and the such were making over a million dollars combined off of items for your game, would you ignore it or implement it? Unless I'm missing something, I have no idea why so many people are up in arms about this.

  15. #15

    Re: Square Sucks

    They could yknow, prevent it by monitoring their game, crazy i know but they done it for years for D2 and didnt have anywhere near as much money as the company have now.

    D2 is a hack heaven now as its over a decade old and not really supported, at the time they implemented counter measures to get rid of dupe items and im sure over the years they have adapted alot more useful tools to make their games better.

    This isnt something they need to do, its something they want to do. They are doing it with all of their games now to make even more income and the only things we get in return for giving them a shit load of money are just new ways to make them more money.

    Heck their super secret project titan game looks to be already ruined by in game advertisements which they are currently hiring designers for, and they havent even announced anything about the game other than its an MMO now with in game advertisement.

  16. #16
    Registered User Square Sucks Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Squaresoft > Square Enix

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  17. #17
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Square Sucks Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by sdX Squall View Post
    Squaresoft > Square Enix
    How about you add more substance to your post, explain why Squre's superior to SquareEix, and if you're up to answer the opening question.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  18. #18

    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    When you know how to play a game well. It doesn't take that long to play.

    It's like everyone telling me it takes roughly 30-35 hours to beat the Tutorial in FFXIII...I did it in 20. Same with SC2. I had friend's beating it within the day, and others taking forever.
    I use my measurement of "long" as how long it took me to beat the original game.
    SCII is roughly twice as long as the original both by Blizzards "hours of gameplay" and how long it takes to do a speed through by a single person.
    The game will be longer no matter the pace or player when looking from this perspective. Which probably has some flaws. But oh well.

  19. #19
    is not a douche Square Sucks Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I tend to think they peaked at FFX. Just look at the imagery.

    Its beautiful and striking. They havn't been able to convey these kind of emotions with me since this game. Everything is dialogue when it use to be about the scenario. Sometimes words didnt need to be spoken.
    Oh my god, I hated that game so much.
    The only one, it seems. :/

  20. #20
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Square Sucks ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall View Post
    Squaresoft > Square Enix
    Could do with a bit of explaination here.

    Also I tend to disagree here. The company has had great points as Squaresoft and as Squeenix.

    If you look purely at FF, you could say so. From FF to X was definitely more beloved, and the games were more iconic. However, I enjoyed XII and XIII (eventually) so I don't like to dwell on it too much.

    But you look at the other games that they have made/published. As Square, they had other great games like Chrono Trigger, Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, the Mana games etc.

    Whereas, if you look at Squeenix, they have had some other really great titles. Just look at the Kingdom Hearts series, The World Ends With You, Nier, Last Remnant etc.

    Quite frankly, both have had their great points. Personally, I don't think one was better than the other.

  21. #21
    The King Square Sucks Tydis's Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    that sounds right "its done when its done" and when its done there can be no changes to so bitchin sounds pointless you can complain in person but then you won't be able to buy anymore FF games because square will pick you off the streets and take a couple of mugs shots of you then when you wounder why you can't buy anymore final fantasy games then you can bitch all you want so go ahead do you and see what happens.

    I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.

  22. #22
    Registered User Square Sucks + Revenant +'s Avatar
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    Re: Square Sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by ultima_trev View Post
    Square has definitely lost their touch. They might release semi-decent stuff here and there, but god damn it, when are we going to see another FF as epic as VI, Tactics, or even VII? Every FF title as of late has been geared more towards mainstream audiences rather than the die hard geeks who adored the game before it became a teen drama series. Really grinds my gears.

    The last Square titles I thoroughly enjoyed were Dragon Quest VIII and Radiata Stories back in 2005, but those were more accredited to Enix/Level-5/Tri-Ace than Square. Didn't play DQIX, but I don't care for handhelds, and DQX seems like it will be an MMO, which is just tragic.

    IX and X were pretty good. VIII, X-2, Kingdom Hearts and KHII were just okay. XI, XII, XIII, XIV and all the spinoffs were just blah (XI and XIV could be okay, but I detest MMOs).
    This!! Damn, you could have been reading my mind. They went downhill ten years ago as far as FF was concerned, and Radiata and DQ8 were their swan song as far as anything else. It's a shame to see them going the teeny-bopper/MMO route these days. They used to be so cool.

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