So anyone else get this? It's on the DS and 3DS (same price. I got it for the 3DS.) I've already beaten it twice. Maybe it's because I don't have a lot else to do right now-on a restricted phase right now in my tech school-but it is a lot of fun, I thought. The writing is about as sharp as it is in the show, the gameplay reminds me a bit of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (although nowhere near as hard) and the soundtrack is pretty awesome-love Marceline's theme and the Rainicorn theme. I think they got random "indie" bands to do the music. I don't know who. I don't know if that is accurate information either. I could look it up, but meh. Anyway, I dunno what else to add. If you like the show, you'll probably like this. Anyhoo...

Wuv, Yer Mom