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Thread: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

  1. #1

    Square Enix Vs. Farmville

  2. #2
    Registered User Square Enix Vs. Farmville Pendulous's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    A company that made a flash game. That definitely makes them the greatest thing to have ever come upon our planet.
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  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Let the social networkers have their little victory.
    We're all playing SE games which are that good we don't need to be voting and social networking all day.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    Let's make it rain. Square Enix Vs. Farmville Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    This is sad, really sad. I kinda wanna punch people for that. Wow. Farmville? Petville? Gimme a break, And I read further down, Zygna beat Rockstar as well? That really irritates me, I let stupid things bother me.

    Ahaha, but really how stupid can you be to think that someone who created Final Fantasy 13 and Grand Theft Auto 4 is worse than the people who created FARMVILLE!?

  5. #5
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Square Enix Vs. Farmville Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Let the social networkers have their little victory.
    We're all playing SE games which are that good we don't need to be voting and social networking all day.
    I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. Hold on, let me just tweet about it!

    ... Aw fuck.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  6. #6

    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    PLEASE HELP US!!! D,: We at the Escapist can't stem the wave of annoying, half-lobotomized facebook users flooding the ballot with votes! I know it's annoying, but I can't stand to see one of the best gaming franchises in history, IMO, defeated at the hands of the two-bit flash animators at Zynga T.T

    Don't begrudge our community, we're all just as surprised and dumbfounded as you are, and most legit Escapist members are voting Square. But these damn Farmvillers!!!...

    The Escapist : Forums : The Escapist's 2010 March Mayhem : Poll: Round 4 - The Great Eight - North: (4) Square Enix vs. (7) Zynga

    that's the link to take you to the vote. You have to register with the escapist, but it wouldn't take long, and we're a pretty nice community if you stick with us! Just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take Zynga out!!

  7. #7

    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Pretty funny stuff for anyone who isn't part of that community, but I read a bit of that thread. Seems like this is pretty much an injustice to that community.

    Zynga is easily getting votes because players can simply click a link that's right by the game, from what I understood. They even get automatically created accounts by a simple click. None of the other developers have such a way to garner votes.

    I feel kind of bad for them. Sure, it's just a poll. But I wouldn't want something like this if I was looking for some serious answers to a poll.

    Then again, what is Zynga even doing on that poll.

  8. #8
    .............. Square Enix Vs. Farmville smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Is this not proof that the apocolypse cannot come soon enough. A company that makes flash games( and bad ones at that) being voted as being seen as superior to Square Enix is proof that humanity has outstayed its welcome. Unless anyone knows how to ween out the 95% of morons that make up the bulk of humanity of course and would probably vote for Zynga given the choice.

    Or we could just be content knowing these brain-addled idiots are content playing mindless bullsh*t while we are playing high quality games.
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  9. #9
    Registered User Square Enix Vs. Farmville
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    I've never heard of Zygna before stumbling across this thread, but I did hear about Farmville. Never paid much attention to it other than the name.

    For what it's worth, I signed in and cast my vote for SE. Don't know how much good that will do ya (and other SE fans), but I did it.
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    Registered User Square Enix Vs. Farmville Ashelia's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    To be honest, I couldn't care less about rankings. It all means nothing. Final Fantasy is for real gamers, while those online Flash games aim for a way larger public, basically for everyone.

  11. #11
    Square Enix Vs. Farmville Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    SE hasn't exactly given me a reason to defend them lately. In terms of pure profits per product, Farmville has surpassed anything SE has done. That game has raked in billions of dollars. Moms and tweens have deeper pockets than you think.

    Really though, who cares? Some people like a social network game better than SE. It wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last.

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  12. #12
    The real reason why the rum is gone Square Enix Vs. Farmville Nightmare Cloud's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Square Enix win hands down! They created FF and that's why we're all here... However I do play Cafe World *shifts* I've been sucked into the trap of social networking!

  13. #13
    Registered User Square Enix Vs. Farmville winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    lol, I saw this on facebook this morning, although I am addicted to playing farmville and cafe world (ok, ok I get bored easily at home) and love the games, I don't think Zynga should of won. SE's FF games win hands down
    By the way I didn't vote on that lol

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  14. #14
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Quote Originally Posted by Ashelia View Post
    To be honest, I couldn't care less about rankings. It all means nothing. Final Fantasy is for real gamers, while those online Flash games aim for a way larger public, basically for everyone.
    I fail to see how playing a franchise that beats a dead horse makes one a "real gamer."

    I've ranted on this topic countless times in the past, the term "gamer" doesn't mean jack shit anymore as EVERYONE plays a video game in one way or another.

    Anyways, since when do polls mean anything? IGN runs polls for game of the year all the time and the most jacktarded games always win.

  15. #15

    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Lmao i lol'ed when i saw the title of this thread

    But seriously, farmville annoys me, ive played a bit of cafe world then that got annoying. The reason these games are so popular is that there short and sweet and you can do them while you social network (i should know i had an affair with mafia wars for awhile). Its basicly a few clicks here and there and then you wait for a bit check you facebook and click the game some more... its less of a game and more of a daily routine. My mother (yes thats right i wasnt born via SE) constantly plays hers and due to that she constantly harrases me with notifications of such lame games. They became popular first with older people then spread fast, they are popular because they are simple and easy to play/understand.

  16. #16
    Stream Crosser Square Enix Vs. Farmville Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Hell no. Zynga beated SE? How come?

    I think Zynga's games obtain a lot of rate, because we have to play it almost every day in order to serve the meal on Cafe World, or harvest the crops on Farmville, but it doesn't mean they better than SE's :/

  17. #17
    Square Enix Vs. Farmville Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean View Post
    I fail to see how playing a franchise that beats a dead horse makes one a "real gamer."

    I've ranted on this topic countless times in the past, the term "gamer" doesn't mean jack shit anymore as EVERYONE plays a video game in one way or another.

    Anyways, since when do polls mean anything? IGN runs polls for game of the year all the time and the most jacktarded games always win.
    Normally I'd agree with you, as any reference to a decaying Final Fantasy franchise is agreeable to me, but you're missing a big point here. "Gamer" does not just mean someone who plays games anymore. It's the name of a subculture. There is such a thing as a gamer identity and, as with all identities, it's based more on who's excluded rather than who's included. There are rules, rituals, and symbols that would keep an Anthropologist busy for quite a while. There is a fundamental difference between a game like Final Fantasy and a game like Farmville, and I don't just mean in the objectives or design of the game. It's not really necessary to go into the specifics in this thread, but it is true that Final Fantasy, flawed as it is, conforms to the subculture and is therefore a "gamer's game", while Farmville is not. Obviously I'm being somewhat reductive - there are nuances within all this - but elitism exists, even in paradise. Everyone's subject to it.
    Last edited by Jin; 04-01-2010 at 09:56 PM.

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  18. #18
    Bananarama Square Enix Vs. Farmville Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    It makes perfect sense to me.

    While farmville is a bullshit game, it's one of those endless things that can pretty much suck anyone into. It really spans generations and clique archetypes because of it's ease of gameplay, goal, and availability. I mean who doesn't have a computer or a facebook account today?

    Plus, as strange as it sounds, it provides some kind of sense of community, where people have to help each other to go and make their farms better, by feeding animals, trading and all that.

    From what I hear, once you start it, it's pretty addicting and hard to stop.

    Now, let's look at Final Fantasy.

    Yes, these games are GOOD (5, 8 and 10 aside). That goes without saying. However, they are often complex and bring many factors into play. People are stupid, they like simple.

    Also, not everyone has the time to go and grind out these 100+ hour games, especially when you're working 9-5 and have social lives outside of work. Factor in girlfriends, kids, etc and that time gets cut even moreso. That makes these lengthy games with complex stories harder to follow, especially if you're playing them a few times a week for maybe an hour or two at a time. Farmville is just a couple of clicks to maintain things, which you can do while at work, and that's that. It's not a deep game, and you really can't forget any complex subplots. Oh shit, where is my ugly duck?!

    Also Farmville is on facebook and is like THE cool thing right now. Final Fantasy has established itself as a gamer's series, as already has been stated. Most casual games are familiar with 7, because that had an insane marketing blitz, and had the allure of being the first FF with 3D (ish) graphics and the first one on the PS.

    Long story short, Farmville is the more popular game over FF simply because of it's simplicity, ease of accessibility, status as THE popular game, free cost and the super sneaky hook of getting you casually addicted.

    FF, while it is clearly superior in terms of story, gameplay, graphics and all of that shit that people really value in games, just can't compete with the addictive nature of Farmville, nor will it ever have that epic reach, mostly because of the niche it's carved for itself in 20+ years.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  19. #19

    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    farmville sucks! SE should be crushing them! Zynga makes no good look! i bought a chicken

  20. #20

    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    Quote Originally Posted by edotree View Post
    farmville sucks! SE should be crushing them! Zynga makes no good look! i bought a chicken
    They may suck but it is proving to be popular, there free unless you choose to buy credits and they are highly addictive... some people just dont want to commit to games that involve a storyline anymore ): tis a sad day for gamers everywhere.

  21. #21
    Registered User Square Enix Vs. Farmville BigWill's Avatar
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    Re: Square Enix Vs. Farmville

    It is a sign that people have no attention span anymore. I seriously don't see what is so great about Farmville. I tried it for a bit wasn't that appealing.

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