Ive been wanting this game for awhile now but didn't know how good it was.I found it at a nearby store for only $18.00,and is that a good deal.
So my real question is,is this a good game,and would you recommend it.And if you would recommend it,what are the reasons that you would.![]()
Until now!
Hmmm,I don't know if that was actual help or just helping while being an a**.Well Ive read a lot of reviews,but I wanted to know what people here thought about it.Thanks though,I did find some reviews I hadn't read before,and I liked what I read.
Rent it. If you like it, buy it. If you don't, you only lose a little bit of money.
And if you've read reviews before, why would our opinion matter? In the end, you'd still have to rent it to get YOUR OWN opinion.. >.>;
i bought the game... and the intro was boring...
the gameplay was a little bit rare... and I played about ahm.. 15 minutes..
ok I'm a lover of Square Enix [but i preffer Squaresoft] games... and this game is boring. maybe I didmt play enough but I dont recommend you to buy the game, better wait a little to FF XIII [2010]
I bought my xbox360 to play FFXIII cause i dondt have enough money to buy a ps3 and its games
Last edited by Elyon Seraphim; 08-31-2009 at 12:46 PM.
My Reaction of People That Points The Obvious
This is my Daily Day in 2FortMy TFF Family:
sorry ^-^U
but i played only 15 minutes... I get bored when I arrive to the castle...
the music is perfect I agree with you...
but I dont like the battle style u.uU
At gamespot this game has more or less 6
Thanks for the personal reviews,and I did have one question that only those who have played it can answer.Does this game play out like a Kingdom Under Fire or like another army rpg.
Its good, but don't get it on the xbox 360 it is plagued with bad frames and many bugs, making it pretty much unplayable. I made the mistake of getting the 360 one, but I've since brought the PC version from GAME. So your best bet is to get the PC version as it more stable, and has many more features then Xbox version. Story is not bad, it isn't the best, but sure is good enough, but the Battle music is great. Although the Battle System is like active time, it is slightly different since you are taking control of groups known as unions, and not individual character actions like most Final Fantasy games.
However overall, yeah its pretty cool!
You should deffinitly get it, but its really up to you to decide if you want to get it or not. My Cousin has it, and its pretty good. Different gameplay, but still pretty good. So, you should Probly rent it first, but as for me, I just buy the games that I think look Great, and that is Great, in Gameplay, and in Graphics. That is just my Opinion, so you can do whatever you want, it is your Choice. Anyway, Happy Posting![]()
I felt it was a good game but I would give it a little more time the price may drop again again....
I've only played it a little bit, but i found that the battle system was i bit too relaxed for me, i prefer more control over commands
TheDigitalManga Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDigitalManga
Bakuman Epsiode 1 Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDigit.../0/hAID_tCqznY
Bakuman Epsiode 1 Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDigit.../1/_SGnj0AI5WI
Bakuman Episode 1 Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDigit.../0/szpHqaSscC4
I Think You Anime/Manga Fans would really like it!!
Wow, I didn't know that. I have the Xbox 360 version and have beaten the game and haven't had any problems with bad frames or bugs.
Anyways it is an excellent game. At first I thought it sucked when you couldn't change anyone's equipment except for Rush's and the beginning went on forever. But I look beyond that and I started to get attached to the characters of the game and of course the background music sounded epic.
I normally love games by SE, but I must say I did not enjoy TLR, I didn't like the battle style.
But thats my opinion..
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I just bought it, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm liking it the more and more I play it. I definitely recommend it.
The latter.Hmmm,I don't know if that was actual help or just helping while being an a**.
Anyway, I started Last Remnant and found it pretty bad.
The story is cliched as ****ing hell and the characters are unlikable and annoying (most of all the main character).
The graphics are really damn bad. The "real" graphics look good, but the game loads some blurry low res textures whenever the scene changes (probably to avoid even longer load times) and loads the high res textures after a while, this can take between 30 and 90 seconds.
Especially when the scene changes a lot, that might mean only ugly low res textures.
The battles are also really weird.
While there seems to be a good tutorial easing you into it step by step, the first battle showed you what it's going to be like normally.
You'll be giving one command every 2 minutes or so and your troops will execute like 10 actions without you being able to interact.
Oh, only the 360 version is this bad?
Well, it doesn't change anything about the battle system or story though![]()