Which would you crown king?
There are some good games out there, very good. The question is; which is the best?
If you haven't played a Tales game, tell me about your experiances of Final Fantasy. I'd like to know why you think FF is the best of the Genre. If you dabbled in the realms of the Star Ocean saga and hated it; then why not tell me what you liked about Suikoden? And how it is better.
Final Fantasy
Fire Emblem
Star Ocean
Tales of...
Elder Scrolls
Secret/ Legend of Mana
Chrono Cross/ Trigger.
Breath of Fire
Skies of Arcadia
Legend of Dragoon
Dragon Quest
World of Warcraft
Valkyrie Profile
Evolution Worlds
Baten Kaitos
Lost Kingdoms
Kingdom Hearts
Golden Sun
Are the ones dancing in my head right now. Why is yours better than these? Or is it one of those?
Also, tell me the reason yours is best.
My favourite is a little hard to debate. I like all of the above games series. I think I've played just about all the RPGs I could name, mostly on consoles. Some Online.
I enjoy different series for different reasons but I still have my favourites. When it comes to picking these I picked them for reasons like:- Longevity, gameplay, side quests, original chracters, captivating plotlines etc.
Based on these things I narrowed it down to 3:
Skies of Arcadia
Final Fantasy IX
Golden Sun
Then I narrowed these down based on other factors, more personal ones. These were things like memories, personal prefernces in characters and how much I generally enjoyed playing the games.
When I really thought about it I came up with a very bad problem. Golden sun was ruled out because of the lack of substantial sub-plots. FFIX and SoA both have these, and they both last one HELL of a long time. Not only this but once I got thinking, I couldn't decide if I like ViVi or Gilder.
I DID come to a decision though. I thoughtr about my memories of the Game, and though FFIX is actually probably my favourite game because it brought me into the RPG world; I think SoA wins. This is based on how vast the game actually is. From collecting crewmembers to fighting wanted Pirates, finding landmarks to being summoned by the 'Angel of Death'. THe game is huge. Those arn't even part of the plot and they take up a massive chunk of your time, giving enjoyment throughout.
For christ sakes you have a Pirate Rank, YOU can be number one. Thats just cool. As there are other pirates and explorers competing with you it's pretty hard, too.
PLUS, on top of those things you can build your own base. Want a pet panda on your secret island base? You got it. Want to create near unbeatable weapons on your base? You got it! Want your base to be of oriental design? You got it!
Wow, it's huge.
As far as gameplay goes the graphics aren't too bad. Well, for when it was made they are pretty spactacular. I found myself on numerous occasions zooming in to look at parts of the games scenery. There are some stunning locations in the game from ruins to villages. If you don't find yourself zooming in to a fast paced waterfall cascading in a vibrant forest then you aren't normal. Or is that me?
In addition to the stunning visuals of the game the music meshes in perfectly. Swishing from fast paced, epic battle tunes to the songs of a peacefull village with seamless accuracy. Perfectly timed cutscenes accompany the game giving it a 'real' feel. You can get so engrossed in this game that you'll be offended if somebody bad-mouths a character. This is one of those games that you find yourself searching every nook and cranny. This is simply so that you can take in the perfectly charicterised NPC's scattered throughout each location, not least for the pirate points back at the harbor.
The storyline is brought to life via the freedom of what you are doing. The people comment on it, wherever you go. Some even mention your personal feats making your head grow to immense proportions. Through and through this game is immersive. It takles death, treatchery and theft with perfectly unexpected emotion. It dangles you, limp and helpless, infront of unbeatable bosses. Only to find that with the help of your shipmates you can win. The plot is supprisingly well done for a next-gen RP and it's beautiful, too. What more do you want?
Well, if you haven't played this game, do so. You won't regret it!
Now, in the words of Gilder; COME ON! DANCE FOR ME!