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  1. #1

    Resident evil

    i think resident evil games are the most exciting. i've played them in my cousins' house and the creepyness is everlasting. i was afraid of playing it... yah! people who play it probably knows what i'am talking about. what are some scary experiences you've had??

  2. #2
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Really there are to few that stand out to me, some have been freaky but over all scary the list is short.

    As for me most of them revert back to part 2. The first appearance of nemisis was fricken nuts. Also the arms in the hallways, yeah that made me jump more then once.

    As for 4 and 5, I think there was a severe lack of extreme horror and less of a shock factor.

    Personally I would like to see them bring back some of the old feel that some of the older titles have and get off this action adventure kick that the movies aimed this series twards.
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  3. #3
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Resident evil chrono's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post

    Personally I would like to see them bring back some of the old feel that some of the older titles have and get off this action adventure kick that the movies aimed this series twards.
    I doubt this is going to happen.

    Resident evil 1 for its time was the scariest shit ever. You could watch someone play that game and be spooked. Good times.....
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  4. #4
    Freezing Ring! Resident evil Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Resident Evil remake for the WII (Archieve's) Was the scariest. But RE4 and RE3 weren't that scary ^^'. But... I HATE CHRIMSON HEADS!!! TEHY SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!!....
    And the zombie's that randomly freakin jump out of windows, and... HINTERS!!! I HATE THAT WHOLE MANSION!!!
    ... Tyrant was a whimp... Heh heh ^^!

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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Resident evil Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Resident Evil was my introduction to survival horror genre, while playing the older tittles I've gone through a lot of scary moments. Resident Evil 3 was the most memorable, since it was my first game in the series and I was just a kid when I played it. The intense atmosphere, the creepy music and strange sounds kept me on the edge all the time, dogs suddenly appearing and the crows bashing the windows scared me several time. I was also afraid to face Nemesis and so whenever there was an option to skip the fight I would gladly take it.

    I'm currently in phase of playing every game in Resident Evil series, just recently I've finished Resident Evil Directors Cut, 2 and 3, although not scary as they used to be they still have their moment. Resident Evil 4 and especially 5 are nothing more than a shooter games for me.

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  6. #6
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Resident Evil was my introduction to survival horror genre, while playing the older tittles I've gone through a lot of scary moments. Resident Evil 3 was the most memorable, since it was my first game in the series and I was just a kid when I played it. The intense atmosphere, the creepy music and strange sounds kept me on the edge all the time, dogs suddenly appearing and the crows bashing the windows scared me several time. I was also afraid to face Nemesis and so whenever there was an option to skip the fight I would gladly take it.

    I'm currently in phase of playing every game in Resident Evil series, just recently I've finished Resident Evil Directors Cut, 2 and 3, although not scary as they used to be they still have their moment. Resident Evil 4 and especially 5 are nothing more than a shooter games for me.
    Hey now, if you are playing on Ps3, hit me up on 5. We could seriously do some damage and get you under 5 hours if you havent already done so. Also BSAA emblems and treasures are always a perk.

    To lazy to quote:

    @ Crono, I realize that but it would be nice to see.

    3 never had the affect on me that 2 had. Maybe it was just to much of a second hand shooter for me.
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  7. #7

    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by chrono View Post
    Resident evil 1 for its time was the scariest shit ever. You could watch someone play that game and be spooked. Good times.....
    even better than going to a movie theater!! hey..., i bet its goin to be plain profit if they made the game a movie and air it in cinema. i would go watch.

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    I only played 4, nothing was scary. I played the Gamecube remake one or whatever, wasn't scary. I find the game more action then scary.
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  9. #9

    Re: Resident evil

    let me bring some of the feelings back...

    be a hero and shoot these blood sucking maggots down!!! a wimp and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! (meaning just simply turn off your console. )

  10. #10

    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by LIGHTNING_71013 View Post

    be a hero and shoot these blood sucking maggots down!!! a wimp and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! (meaning just simply turn off your console. )
    Haha I do try to do the first but end up doing the second, I just panic waaaay to much haha.
    But I love the games and films, they rock! x

  11. #11

    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    Haha I do try to do the first but end up doing the second, I just panic waaaay to much haha.
    But I love the games and films, they rock! x
    YAH! PANIC...thats the word.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I've played pretty much every Resident Evil game, and I have to say that the first one ( the director's cut)
    i guess the first game is pretty scary cause everyone says that.
    Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-15-2010 at 07:56 PM.

  12. #12
    SeeD Instructor Resident evil theblackmonster's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    a friend of mine had picked up RE5 when it came out, he was not a gamer of this style at all and i was totally surprised that he got it.

    a few nights a week we would play it and the only thing that i could think was

    the AI for your partner (whatever her name is) is pretty stupid and quite annoying.

    i am willing to buy RE5:gold edition for PS3 when it comes out. id like to play through the game and see what its really all bout. i like the survival horror genre but this game defiantly strays away from it a little from what i have seen and heard.

  13. #13

    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by theblackmonster View Post
    a friend of mine had picked up RE5 when it came out, he was not a gamer of this style at all and i was totally surprised that he got it.

    a few nights a week we would play it and the only thing that i could think was

    the AI for your partner (whatever her name is) is pretty stupid and quite annoying.
    LOL. XD. thats the spirit when playing zombie games.

  14. #14
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Makes me miss the zombies.

    The plaga are alright but nothing to extremely horrifing about them. Also the fact that they have retained some pracitical thought process kind of takes away from the senceless killings and shear horror of mindless morbidness.

    Honestly I would want to see a prequal to RE, something better then what is already out there. It could bring some other things to light too.
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  15. #15
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Resident evil Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Hey now, if you are playing on Ps3, hit me up on 5. We could seriously do some damage and get you under 5 hours if you havent already done so. Also BSAA emblems and treasures are always a perk.
    That would be great but unfortunately I don't own a PS3, I'm playing both 4 and 5 on my PC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    Makes me miss the zombies.

    The plaga are alright but nothing to extremely horrifing about them. Also the fact that they have retained some pracitical thought process kind of takes away from the senceless killings and shear horror of mindless morbidness.

    Honestly I would want to see a prequal to RE, something better then what is already out there. It could bring some other things to light too.
    Although not horrifying Las Plaga were a nice change in my opinion, they were more challenging than regular zombies.

    As for the prequel, there was a short scene in Resident Evil 2 where Leon and Claire find out that Chris has gone to Europe in intention to finally stop Umbrella, I think that adventures of Chris in Europe would be a great prequel to Resident Evil 5.

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  16. #16
    .............. Resident evil smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Ive only ever played 4, 5 and Code Veronica so I am no expert but I found them to be more tense than scary. And Albert Wesker who in previous installments was elusive and mysterious was given the worst sending off possible in 5. Quite a shame really for one of the better villains in videogames.
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  17. #17

    Re: Resident evil

    I've played pretty much every Resident Evil game, and I have to say that the first one ( the director's cut)

    def scared me the most and It's one of my favorites. The whole crazy mansion thing is awesome and all the puzzles and statues along with it. I also think it might have the biggest variety of different zombies and monsters.

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  18. #18
    Let's make it rain. Resident evil Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Resident evil 2, it's a police station so they have that room with the mirror, you can't see through it but others can see you, you know what I mean? Well it was really quiet, so I go in there right, and I'm not sure if it was a licker or what but it jumped through the mirror, I was kinda young back then and I jumped sooo bad. And Nemesis always had my heart pumping in 3. As for other ones though, they never really scared me too much. I always laughed at the first one "It's okay, I have THIIIS" "CHRIS! DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR" "You were almost a Jill Sandwich" ahahahahahahaha

  19. #19

    Re: Resident evil

    i'm replaying resident 1 right now and its scaring me more than ever. even the two big black circles under my eyes cant horrify me enough. lol.

  20. #20
    Registered User Resident evil Megatron0000's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    RE:2 is still my favorite and it was the first one I ever played. I still remember sitting in my room with the lights off and watching my first encounter with a Licker (the cutscene where it shows one crawling on the ceiling in STARS HQ).

  21. #21

    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron0000 View Post
    RE:2 is still my favorite and it was the first one I ever played. I still remember sitting in my room with the lights off and watching my first encounter with a Licker (the cutscene where it shows one crawling on the ceiling in STARS HQ).
    yah whenever i play these horror games i tend to blend my own environment in it. lol. and its a total different world with the lights off.

  22. #22
    the psycho in me wants pie!!! Resident evil kurohime's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    resident evil 4 is awesome. zombies. guns what more could you ask for. Plus its a perfect way to take out your wrath, just imagine that its the person you detest. ( mine is my brother)

  23. #23
    Dragoon Resident evil TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Never really had a chance to play it's predecessors but I gotta say RE4 though fun needed more zombies, like one would've been nice.
    Though I have played a FPS one with nemesis which freaked me out when I turned around and he's just there. Looking. Walking, slowly, smoothly towards me... Spooooky!

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  24. #24
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    I liked RE4 even though it didn't have Zombies in it at all, same with RE5 but I still think those titles don't have the same appeal as the other main series titles.

    As for RE5, I just took down veteran mode the night before last virtually doing a solo run. Sheva was being controled by a chick that had absolutly no clue what she was doing and also was on her first play through on EASY! Yeah it sucked but made for a nice challenge. I have to give it to her, where the story actually required both team members she did alright other then that it was

    Meier averaging S rankings with 50+ kills and 67%+ accuracy and low completion times and no deaths on my part compared to her B ranking with 3-8 kills, 22-25% accuracy and a few deaths on her part. Fun stuff, eat em up.

    Pro challenge coming up this weekend, I will report how that goes later on.

    Also I am interested in the D/Lc for RE5 and I think I might get it next weekend, anyone wants join me hit me up some time around then.
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  25. #25

    Re: Resident evil

    it seems like everyday i have to be scared in order to feeel normal. i have to play Resident Evil everyday, but for the most part i do enjoy the thrilling excitment. so i think i've created a hoppy for myself. BOO!

  26. #26
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    If you play it every day then how is it still scary? I know with 2, 4 and 5 I can now run through the games in very short periods of time, almost robotic like, and the events of the game not even phase me.

    Really to me the whole scary feeling is gone and has been for a while now. Now its just for the thrill of the kill.
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  27. #27
    Dragoon Resident evil TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    If you play it every day then how is it still scary? I know with 2, 4 and 5 I can now run through the games in very short periods of time, almost robotic like, and the events of the game not even phase me.

    Really to me the whole scary feeling is gone and has been for a while now. Now its just for the thrill of the kill.
    Yeah I find that with 4 although I get worried when they get a tad too close. I'm gonna try do normal (yeah sad I done easy many times) with the Special 2costume. Did the mercenaries thing with 5* for each character on thier own level, didn't realise you needed to do it all 5* with all characters, it was after that I gave up...

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  28. #28

    Re: Resident evil

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    If you play it every day then how is it still scary? I know with 2, 4 and 5 I can now run through the games in very short periods of time, almost robotic like, and the events of the game not even phase me.

    Really to me the whole scary feeling is gone and has been for a while now. Now its just for the thrill of the kill.
    but the thing is i play it everyday but i'm still scared you know? its that non-stop know they are there but you dont at the same time and when exactly. different everytime i play. yah i know it sounds dumb. lol. but i have all 5 games so i alternate it once in a while so it stays fresh but weirdly i quite enjoy the fact that i dont get bored.

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