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  1. #1

    Recommend a game for me?

    I'm starting to wean off games, just losing interest, but I still have the craving, though when I play it's not's weird

    Been playing swtor like a Bouse, but did everything I wanted to in the game and im playing it less and less, got gw2 but I don't like it.

    Looking for a casual-ish game, in the realms of "heroine hero" from southpark, just something to play on the side and transcennnnddd...

    Maybe mmo-ish, but idk tbh,

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  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! Recommend a game for me? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Well one question comes to mind, what kind of genres are you after exactly? All I can get out of it are casual and mmo. A good mmo you'd like is realm of the mad god if you do pc games and use steam. It's free-to-play.

    When I hear casual gaming I think of simulation games, do you like any of those (ie sims, roller coaster tycoon)? I also think of rts games like age of empires, empire earth, Starcraft.

    Oh yeaahh, mine craft, that's a casual game, you can go around and build whatever you want.
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  3. #3
    Yeah I used to be into flight sims a lot, might have to give il2 another go
    Didn't really get into mine craft or rts games

    Swtor was perfect for me cuz I love star wars and it's pretty low grindage, but I've gone through all the quests sooo many times on several chars, it's burned out lol

    I been replaying FFx and ff7, forgot how much I love those games <3

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  4. #4
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    I say this to pretty much everyone, but if you've got a PS3 I wholeheartedly recommend LittleBIGPlanet.

    It seems kinda kiddy-ish at first glance, and it kind of is, but it's hard to deny how fun it is. You can play it casually, just checking out user-made levels, or you can get hardcore into level creation. I personally prefer the latter, but I know tons of folks who just want to hop on for 20 minutes and smack a fellow Sackboy into a pit of noxious gas for a quick laugh and have a great time with it. I would highly recommend at least a rental.

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