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Thread: PSP remaster series

  1. #1
    .............. PSP remaster series smurphy's Avatar
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    PSP remaster series

    So yeah, sony have announced that they plan to start remastering select games from the PSP catalogue for the PS3, in HD and with added feature like sixaxis control, starting with Monster Hunter Freedom 3.

    So what games from the PSP would you like to see remastered for the PS3.

    My PSP is kinda.....kaputt so considering I cannot play most of my PSP games anymore I would like any good games on the PSP converted but specifically:
    :Valkyria Chronicles 2(and 3 when its released)
    :MGS Peace Walker
    :FF VII Crisis Core
    :Star Ocean 1 and 2
    ersona 3 Portable(just so I dont have to dust off the PS2 to play a Persona)
    :Valkyrie Profile Lenneth
    :Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
    arasite Eve The 3rd Birthday
    :FF IV The Complete Collection
    issidia Duocedim
    :Gran Turismo Portable
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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: PSP remaster series

    Crisis Core and Portable Ops.

    ...but really? They're already thinking of remastering PSP games?

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  3. #3
    .............. PSP remaster series smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: PSP remaster series

    Here is a link to an article about it and also a link to a video showing off the difference between Monster Hunter on the PSP and the PS3

    I think it seems about the right time to start doing it given the NGP is on the horizon. As long as they dont charge full price(50 euros+) for what are essentially old games I will be happy.
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  4. #4

    Re: PSP remaster series

    I'd LOVE for FFIV: CC to be put onto the PS3. I like the game as it is now, but I'd like it even more if it were on a console, so I could play it on a bigger screen.

    Also, the Dissidia games. I hate when games are restricted to just handhelds.

  5. #5
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み PSP remaster series ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: PSP remaster series

    I wouldn't want it. I think the games on PSP have a certain charm that you can't find on console. To put them on console would take that charm away and be just another game.

    To tell the truth, the only one I'd be happy with is Valkyria Chronicles, but only because it's the only one on that list that I really want to play and is hard to find. I'm going to stick to PSP with the others. There's no point in re-buying them just mainly for visuals.
    Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 05-22-2011 at 05:35 AM.

  6. #6

    Re: PSP remaster series

    All the Final Fantasy and The 3rd Birthday. AND of course, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.

    Found that on Google, and wrote the text :3

  7. #7
    Registered User PSP remaster series
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    Re: PSP remaster series

    I finally got my PSP library looking fairly decent too, and now they announce this? Heh, but knowing me, if they announce that Crisis Core port, I'd just have to get it for HD Sephiroth goodness.
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