Horizon Zero Dawn is a must play in my book.
So I know I'm a bit late to the PS4, but I recently got one. I'm looking for mainly non sports and non JRPG recommendations that are PS4 exclusive. Any major titles I should be aware of? I have a PS3 and Xbox One, so I'm not looking for remasters or major games that hit all platforms, just the PS4 only essentials. Recommendations are appreciated. Thanks
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Horizon Zero Dawn is a must play in my book.
For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.
Bloodborne and God of war are the top shelf exclusives you must play.
If you like open world type games, go with Horizon zero dawn.. Spider man is also great..
The last guardian is an honorable mention also...
And Uncharted IV if you get bored and have played the others on PS3..
I havent played Red dead 2 yet myself or Days gone, so cant comment on those, but they are likely worth looking into also
Last edited by nix; 07-07-2019 at 10:11 AM.
I think I'll def check out Horizon Zero Dawn after reading more about it.
I also totally forgot about God of War so I might pick that up. Is it pretty much the same as the originals or did they change it up?
I'll also pick up Uncharted, since I loved the first three
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
They changed it up, its no longer the button mashing action slasher it once was, its more RPG orientated in that you can do side quests and its more story/character driven. Instead of the Greek mythos, its mostly norse this time around, and you go on a journey with a constant companion, your son. Its like the last of us in that sense in that you're constantly conversing/traveling together much like Joel and Ellie, your son also helps you in combat. You unlock weapons/armor and abilities throughout for both Kratos and his son. I was pleasantly surprised and loved the new direction they took the game, i only played the prior games in a friends house and was never hooked on playing them fully myself, but this is a MUST play for anybody with a PS4. God of war should be at the top of your list, every other exclusive will pale in comparison, except Bloodborne, but thats a different beast and not for everybody due to the learning curve it appears.
I did some googling, so you are looking for non sport and non jrpg...would Shadow of the Colossus be under JRPG category? I looked it up and it is labeled as action-adventure. If you are open to that suggestion, Pete, I recommend Shadow of the Colossus as I hear nothing but good things about the game. It is a remaster of the PS2 game brought up into a brand new engine (most likely built from the ground up.)
I also recommend Spider-Man as that game is a solid super hero game with an open-world environment which has the same playstyle that blends Batman Arkham's combat and Spider-Man 2's exploration.
A series I also keep hearing about for PS4 are the Yakuza games which are an open-world beat-em-up series. (I think there was a spin-off game in that franchise released pretty recently called judgement which is made by the same company and development team)
Ratchet and Clank is another PS exclusive people seem to enjoy.
Currently Playing:
Yakuza's aint exclusive my dood, you can get them on PC at crazy low prices..
This actually excited me quite a bit. I enjoyed the older God of War games but was afraid that the new one would be more of the same, but all shiny and pretty. I'm glad it's going in a new direction and I'm looking forward to grabbing it.
I also loved the original Shadow of the Colossus. I'll have to read more into that to see what's new and all that.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Alright so I picked up God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Assassin's Creed Odyssey. They should be arriving Wednesday, so I'm excited. Gotta love Prime Day deals.
The next debate is which one do I play first? First world problems.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Besides the fact that the game has undeniable qualities (graphics, soundtrack, staging ..) I am rather disappointed with this god of war, I did not find the rage of Kratos, it's a good game objectively with good qualities but for a fan of the series like me and my expectations it's not really what I expected. This is not a bad game but for me it is not the God of War's successor.
TweakBox word counter Tutuapp
Last edited by avensis; 11-16-2019 at 12:59 PM.
Got PS4 Pro for my birthday the other day, one of the massive advantages of getting PS4 this late in its life cycle is how dirt cheap the games are. Aside ePES20 and Gran Turismo Sport that I got with the console, I also bough Uncharted 4 A Thief's End, Horizon Zero Dawn, but most importantly Bloodborne GOTY Edition, 10$ per game. As a massive Souls fan I cannot wait to dig into Bloodborne, heard and seen nothing but amazing things about that game, some even going as far as saying it's the best Souls game ever. So yea, my recommendation is Bloodborne, without even playing it.
Skipped PS3 entirely, only played FF XIII on it, so I'm looking for Nathan Drake Collection before playing the fourth one.
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