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  1. #1

    ps3 or 360?

    Want to get one for my new TV, which system has better graphics?

    From what I understand, ps3 has 1080p, but 360 has the more advanced GPU?

    Which do you prefer? In high school I had the ps2 and the original xbox, and it seemed back then most "serious gamers" praised the play station 2 and didn't like the xbox. I always wondered why, because xbox seemed better to me, (except no final fantasy) but I enjoyed them both.

    Now it seems like most the games I want to play, like Skyrim, come out for both systems so that's not really a issue anymore.

    Really, I am a PC gamer, because I love being able to mod stuff, but I just want to chill on the couch and enjoy epic graphics

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth ps3 or 360? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    We already had like several of these discussions and came down to conclusion that GameBoy beats both... seriously though, I don't think you can miss with either one, it all comes down to which exclusives you prefer. I personally like PS3 more due to games such as Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain, Uncharted, God of War and many more, not to mention free online pass and blu-ray player. Also, from what I can tell PS3 has better graphics, though nothing severe.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  3. #3
    I do what you can't. ps3 or 360? Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    I have both, and it seems to me that the PS3 would win that competition hands-down. It's more reliable, it has better graphics, it has a better and wider game selection, it has a much wider selection of downloadable games and such ...

    And all the online stuff is free. You can buy games and have them saved to your hard drive (I have FF's VII, VIII, IX, and Tactics on my PS3 hard drive, and I'm currently playing through Red Dead Redemption, which I bought through Playstation Network and saved), and there is a good selection of add-ons and art that you can buy, but there's also a good amount of free stuff. And just accessing it is free -- you don't have to pay for "Playstation Live" or anything like that, you can get on the network and shop, or play games online, for free.

    Throw in the Blu-Ray player, and my vote goes hands-down for PS3.

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  4. #4
    Certified tech, come at me! ps3 or 360? SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    I have an idea for you, wait until the Wii U (or whatever the final name of that thing is) comes out, you'll have loads of fun with that system.

    Here's what its capable of.
    Wii U tech demo
    Currently Playing:

  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth ps3 or 360? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    I have an idea for you, wait until the Wii U (or whatever the final name of that thing is) comes out, you'll have loads of fun with that system.

    Here's what its capable of.
    Wii U tech demo
    Wii also had bright future, look how that turned out.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Wii also had bright future, look how that turned out.
    Best-selling system of the generation? Eh, I don't play mine anymore, but I think I'd like to play Xenoblade Chronicles, Last Story (is that what it's called?) and Skyward Sword some day.

    As for PS3 vs. Xbox 360... I only have a PS3. My friends have both, and they seem to prefer their 360 for whatever reason. I think because of the online community; there seems to be more people on XBox Live than on PSN to play Street Fighter 4 against (and that's ALL that matters, haha ) There are some 360 exclusives that I'd like to play, like Blue Dragon, the original Mass Effect, and Lost Odyssey (although that's about it.) Heavy Rain looks cool and seems like a good story, but I haven't brought myself to buy it yet for some reason. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  7. #7

    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Haha, well looks like I'll be the one to support the 360 in this thread.
    Its updating, patches, and downloads work so much better than how they do on the Playstation.
    Most developers (like Bethesda) prefer the Xbox 360 when developing games (which can lead to better graphics a lot of the time and less bugs)
    Its xbox live (though it cost) is vastly superior to the free online Playstation gives.

    I found the exclusives to be more in my taste on the 360, but thats just personal opinion. I hardly use my playstation for other than watching movies and the occasional game I'll pick up here and there.

    Another personal opinion, but the Controller on the 360 is much better in my eyes.
    The analogs feel so much more natural to me, the analogs feel stiff and responsive. The Playstation analog feels loose and sloppy. Though if you are into fighters, of couse, the Playstation would win hands down. Its D-Pad is so much better.
    I also prefer the triggers and usually how a FPS/TPS layout scheme is on the Xbox controller. R1 and L1 should not be used as aiming, just saying....

    I have both, both are great, both have different strengths and weaknesses. It really just comes down to what you are looking for.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    Best-selling system of the generation? Eh, I don't play mine anymore
    Almost no one does anymore.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 05-06-2012 at 04:26 PM.

  8. #8
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み ps3 or 360? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    It's the age old question, and I hate answering it. But I will anyway.

    I have both, and both are amazing systems. It basically is down to preference.

    I'll look at Xbox first. Firstly, and it goes without saying, it's online service is better. On Xbox Live, you get what you pay for. It's much more reliable, faster and you have more chance of getting into games because a lot more people use it. An example looking at this is Brink (of all games :/). On PS3, the community is dead, yet is still thriving on Xbox. Same with the likes of Borderlands, even newer games like Mass Effect 3.

    Also, look at Xbox's games. If you are looking for awesome shooters, look no further. On Xbox you have exclusives like Halo, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead. It's also good for JRPGs, if you are into that. Here you have games like Last Remnant, Lost Odyssey. You also have the Fable series, Mass Effect and The Witcher 2. You also have the (arguably) better ports of games like Skyrim, Fallout etc. So if you are into that, go for Xbox.

    Looking at PS3, you are looking at lacking online services, but they are free, with the option to pay for a better service if you want to. Although, what PS3 lacks in online capabilities, it is a more powerful machine. Multi-plat games, I think, always look better on the PS3.

    Also, if you look at the games on PS3, I feel PS3 has better exclusives. On PS3 you get Uncharted, Resistance, Twisted Metal, Heavy Rain, InFamous. I may have bought my Xbox for its exclusives, but PS3's exclusives are undeniably better.

    Also, controllers are definitely an issue here. Xbox controllers are definitely more solid, and geared more for shooters. For games that use the D-pad more, like Fighting games and more retro games, it is horrible. I find great difficulty playing the likes of Sonic on Xbox compared to PS3. PS3 controllers are definitely easier to use, but feel less solid. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like I am going to break my PS3 controller if I press something too hard!

    I think it mainly falls down to two choices here really. If you are looking for a multiplayer and community focused system at a lower price, get an Xbox. If you are looking for more reliable hardware, get a PS3.

  9. #9
    Queen ps3 or 360? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Well If we're to choose one of these two consoles which I both own, Iam PRO PS3 for the following reasons:

    The single biggest advantage of the PS3 is that it can play Blu-Ray discs. The Xbox 360 can only play regular DVDs and other discs. The cost of a Blu-Ray player alone is $200ish and due to this Sony loses money for each PS3 console sold. If you do your research you should be VERY grateful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Angel View Post
    ... Which system has better graphics?
    The graphics of the PS3 are FAR better than the Xbox 360.

    ..ALSO It is why more and more game developers are now making exclusive titles for the PS3. The Halo series is the only exclusive title for Xbox 360 (and thats the only reason why I bought oneXD). Some of the awesome exclusive titles that the PS3 has is God of War, Gran Turismo and LBP amongst others and the list is growing.

    The PS3 is also the more trusting and reliable console of the two. 2 of my friends and my brother got the infamous 'Red Ring of Death' of the Xbox 360. I had no idea what that was until I got it. Be afraid it is more common than you realise. The PS3 also has problems once in a while, but has no debilitating and notorious problems like the 'Red Ring of Death' that affects it.

    The Xbox 360 has this annoyingly loud noise when used for long hours, along with overheating problems making it quite unstable. Ive had no issues whatsoever with my PS3.

    The online multiplayer mode of the Xbox 360 (Xbox Live) is better (Ithink) than the PS3 (Playstation Network (PSN)/Sony Entertainment Network(SEN)) BUT.. you have to PAY for Xbox Live whereas the PSN is absolutely FREE! You can surf the web and play online multiplayer games as well!

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Angel View Post
    Now it seems like most the games I want to play, like Skyrim, come out for both systems so that's not really a issue anymore.

    Really, I am a PC gamer, because I love being able to mod stuff, but I just want to chill on the couch and enjoy epic graphics
    So you love your Skyrim right?! So do I, if you want to be one of the first to play the Skyrim's first DLC "Dawnguard" then get the Xbox360 otherwise be patient and get your money's worth till they port it to PS3(&PC). PS3 has the best Skyrim graphics (NATURALLY thats why they havent announced when they're porting it to PS3 or PC, It costs more and takes longer!) especially with a high end HD flatscreen, I can step thru the fkn screen and become the dovakin!>XD

    So in the grand scheme of things and as a fellow gamer, I highly recommend the PS3

  10. #10

    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by omgawd View Post
    So you love your Skyrim right?! So do I, if you want to be one of the first to play the Skyrim's first DLC "Dawnguard" then get the Xbox360 otherwise be patient and get your money's worth till they port it to PS3(&PC). PS3 has the best Skyrim graphics (NATURALLY thats why they havent announced when they're porting it to PS3 or PC, It costs more and takes longer!) especially with a high end HD flatscreen, I can step thru the fkn screen and become the dovakin!>XD
    I never noticed that it was 360 only so far.
    Usually the 360 and PC have corresponding releases.

    And I thought Skyrim was one of the better examples of showing that the xbox can excel in graphics. Its just my opinion, but if you check out these screenshot comparisons, the xbox has better shadows, more foliage, and better contrast, though a little dark.
    Head2Head: Skyrim Screenshot Comparison (PS3 vs. Xbox 360)

  11. #11
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ps3 or 360? che's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    **** Nintendo. Wii is best selling console of all generations because every parent has one to play Wii bowling.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  12. #12
    The Mad God ps3 or 360? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Both systems have advantages, I won both so I don't miss out on exclusives. I've gone through yellow lights as well as red rings, so they both have their issues. Some games I'll go out of my way to get on one over the other for graphics reasons, others I'll get on the 360 because they quite often do better with dlc. Oblivion for example, I don't think PSN ever did get all those minor dlcs and plugins. So I got that on 360, same for Skyrim, mostly because they were going to get all the dlc a month earlier, and I''m not a patient person.
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  13. #13

    Re: ps3 or 360?

    I honestly think Square-Enix should stick to PS3, just because the graphics are better. I mean 360 feels like it's not a platform for it. But I just wish they'd come out with a Crystal Chronicles that marvels the same vision as the GCN version, unlike the DS versions. Those just weren't good.

  14. #14
    The King ps3 or 360? Tydis's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    I n my own vey opinion I would go for the PS3 because thats all I ever play is playstation I know nothing of the all knowing box of the X because I just don't care I would like to get a wii one day

    I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.

  15. #15
    Boxer of the Galaxy ps3 or 360? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Both systems have advantages. The ps3 though has the bigger advantage in my experienced opinion. The ps3 is an entertainment center. It has the first (and to this day) best blu-ray player money can buy. Its interface is far superior and much more user friendly than the abominable mess that is an xbox dashboard. It had a fantastic variety of games just like the xbox, but will run the games far smoother in comparison and SOME games will be 1080p, a lot of the time developers wont create games for 1080p, except final fantasy of course. So dont worry too much about that. The psn is rapidly growing by making purchases available to you that are non existent in physical format anymore. This includes (but not limited too) ps1, ps2, ps3 games. Did I mention that online is free? With a decent internet connection, you dont need to worry about "server speeds" etc being slow, thats just something jealous xbox fanboys say because they pay for a service that you get for free, lets let them believe they are getting something more than us (even though they are not). Aside from the ps3 and its controllers being stylish and the xbox looking like crap, I cant really go much furthar into this. Oh yeah, the ps3 wont give you red rings of death and just die like an xbox can. I realise this is something that was adressed in later models of the xbox, but who you gonna trust?

    I say ps3 for gaming power as well as having a stylish design, user friendly interface and being a powerful media center and free online.

    I say no to xbox for over being quite ugly and making you pay for online. As well as the chance it will burn out on you in a couple of years.

  16. #16

    Re: ps3 or 360?

    People still complain about red rings?
    Dont be stingy and buy a slim.

    Problem solved.

    Even still, they have modified the mobo multiple times on the older models to reduce heating and power consumption. Its not as prevalent as it use to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    The psn is rapidly growing by making purchases available to you that are non existent in physical format anymore.
    I wish release day digital downloads were more widely available. Saves them manufacturing costs and us a trip to the store. Win/Win
    Also I believe Microsoft lets you download it as many times as you want on as many different xboxs. Isn't it like 5 downloads for PSN? EDIT: Just kidding. Its 5 different playstations and you can deactivate them.
    With a decent internet connection, you dont need to worry about "server speeds" etc being slow
    A patch on PS3 5-10 minutes, patch on 360 a minute.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 05-14-2012 at 04:49 PM.

  17. #17
    Boxer of the Galaxy ps3 or 360? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    A patch on PS3 5-10 minutes, patch on 360 a minute.
    Patch on ps3 = 90mb
    patch on Xbox = 10mb.

  18. #18

    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Patch on ps3 = 90mb
    patch on Xbox = 10mb.
    They both range in size and number.

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Why does time for downloading a patch matter? The time you spend downloading patches is completely irrelevant to how good the gaming system is.
    I didn't know how a console handles data didn't matter.
    Where have I been?

    Perhaps I did exaggerate a bit, but this is a fairly good example of what I'm talking about
    Not to mention that PS3 users also have to install the game. I'll give it 2 minutes for the install, thats almost double the time the 360 took. Its just a longer process that is unnecessary.
    Does that alone justify 60 dollars a year, of course not, but its nice to have a little more speed to get into the action quicker.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 05-14-2012 at 06:18 PM.

  19. #19
    Boxer of the Galaxy ps3 or 360? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    Not to mention that PS3 users also have to install the game. I'll give it 2 minutes for the install, thats almost double the time the 360 took. Its just a longer process that is unnecessary.
    ps3 install size = 6gb
    xbox install size = 1gb.

    as you said, everything varies, so both of your arguments are invalid.

  20. #20

    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    ps3 install size = 6gb
    xbox install size = 1gb.
    I'm not sure what you are getting at here. The video shows that he is downloading the exact same thing on different consoles. Unless you are pointing out the fact that the xbox 360 has consistently smaller install sizes for the same thing.

    as you said, everything varies, so both of your arguments are invalid.
    I think you are taking that statement the wrong way. I meant that the two numbers you posted are completely different and could have been from any game and any patch.

    There are no variables when its the same thing for different systems. If the xbox has consistently smaller patches for the same things to both then again, the xbox wins again. If they are adding different things and the xbox is consistently smaller, this also just shows the the xbox is easier to code for and usually has less bugs off launch.

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    From my experience (roomate has an xbox360, I have a ps3). PS3 games all look better. Dunno whats up with your skyrim link thing. My roomate loves how the PS3 version looks, and so do I.

    Also, I'm saying that its irrelevant whether you wait 10 minutes to play a game for 20-1000 hours, or if you're waiting 3 minutes. If it were an hour vs. 1 minute it might have a case. But you're only going to download and install once before you're playing for the next 24 hours or however hardcore you get.

    Did I really just have to explain all of that. I should have just said "**** you, xbox360 fanboy."

    Apparently if i have an SSD hd and an integrated video card I clearly will just ****ing blow someone away with a sata drive with a 1000 dollar video card. Just because my game installed faster. Obviously that means my shit is ****ing ELITE.
    I own both systems. I'm a fanboy of neither, but most of you are being fanboys of the PS3. I'm trying to bring some balance and a different perspective into this thread.
    As for the link just google Skyrim PS3 vs 360. Almost all of the screenshots you will see the xbox trumps the PS3 graphically in this specific game.

    You're right, the difference isn't monumental and I already stated that that alone is worth the extra 60 bucks you pay a year. But its nice to have, especially when you switch from a old xbox to a new one, just the same way you would with a PS3 (which I have done with both). Redownloading all of the those games or even transferring them isn't fun.

    As to the last part, I said nothing of technical specs and how that has any relevance is beyond me. I never have stated that the xbox 360 trumps the PS3 in every situation or that every situation like this one applies to all of the consumers.

    EDIT: Also in terms of raw power, the xbox's GPU alone is more powerful than the PS3's. Problem is that it shares RAM with the rest of the system, where the PS3 has its own dedicated ram.
    The SSD that is in the xbox is only in the 4GB model and only applies to that 4GB. The installation on the video is done on the HDD which both systems use 5400 RPM. There is no difference.
    Last edited by Mystyrion; 05-27-2012 at 01:01 AM.

  21. #21
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ps3 or 360? che's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    Why does time for downloading a patch matter? The time you spend downloading patches is completely irrelevant to how good the gaming system is.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  22. #22
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) ps3 or 360? che's Avatar
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    Re: ps3 or 360?

    From my experience (roomate has an xbox360, I have a ps3). PS3 games all look better. Dunno whats up with your skyrim link thing. My roomate loves how the PS3 version looks, and so do I.

    Also, I'm saying that its irrelevant whether you wait 10 minutes to play a game for 20-1000 hours, or if you're waiting 3 minutes. If it were an hour vs. 1 minute it might have a case. But you're only going to download and install once before you're playing for the next 24 hours or however hardcore you get.

    Did I really just have to explain all of that. I should have just said "**** you, xbox360 fanboy."

    Apparently if i have an SSD hd and an integrated video card I clearly will just ****ing blow someone away with a sata drive with a 1000 dollar video card. Just because my game installed faster. Obviously that means my shit is ****ing ELITE.
    Last edited by che; 05-14-2012 at 08:03 PM.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.


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