how many of you guys rally care about Pokemon?vote and/or comment.
Love it!!!!
I'm ok with it.
f**k pokemon
how many of you guys rally care about Pokemon?vote and/or comment.
I played it when the first few (red/blue/yellow) came out, and later got, I think.... Platinum? Something like that...
I liked it, but eh, every game was basically the same after awhile.
Yep, that's what I experienced, too. I played red/blue/yellow when they came out and after playing every one of them it was just boring. ^^" I tried... some green version once, and I realized that it was the same again, so I didn't play it again.
Besides, those games only were fun when you had someone to play with. You didn't get ALL the Pokémon if you played alone. You needed to have friends (or siblings *coughs* XD) who played the game, too, so that you got them all.
Oh and I still remember how happy I was when I by chance stumbled upon Mew TuDamn, I was so young back then. ^^""
9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
I never actually played the video games, but I did watch the anime for a while, and had a few of the cards. I seem to recall having some plush toys as well, and yeah, I had a cd of the songs that were played at the end of the anime (PokeRap!). I think I got out of it when there was just too many Pokemon being introduced to the series. Isn't there over 400 different ones now?
My older brother had the Pokemon Red and Blue games, so I would just sit and watch him play those. He had a Super Gameboy that you could pop into your SNES and play Gameboy games like that.
Click at your own risk.:
For me the series peaked at Gold/Silver/Crystal so the newest remake is right up my alley. There's just something about a couple continents and some higher level areas that makes raising pokemon that little bit easier.
What pained me most in Diamond/Pearl was the guy's clothing, but once again it was a shorter game (one continent) which didn't help.
victoria aut mors
I frankly love Pokemon. It probably has something to do with me being a fanboy at the turn of the millenium and that Pokemon holds a lot of sentimental value for me. Looking back the anime, which originally got me into Pokemon and has probably contributed to the love if anime I currently have, was mediocre but the games were some of the deepest and most well presented games I have ever played. And like Silver said it peaked with Gold/Silver, probably because those games had the best balance of catchable Pokemon, memorable set pieces( like the red Gyarados) and you could explore both Kanto and Johto.
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
Love the games but yeah they do get really samey after a while and it's hard to enjoy alone. And besides nothing will compare to the feeling of playing the original 'Blue' (or 'Red'.) Don't get me wrong graphics and gamelay would suck now, but it's those original Pokémon that were created like Mewtwo and Nidoking are the best, not all these 'Legendary' ones.
As for anime, I love the deliberate stupidity and how it has obvious adult humour instead of patronising children, yet enough for them to laugh at. (Oh, I got the original series.)
I loved pokemon back when it started. Had the games, the cards, watched the show. But after Gold, it got to be too much. I mean, I had already memorized there was like twice that much? It was too much.
But...I've been thinking about going back and playing the old games.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
Yeah I tried those out back when they first came out, but I was more talking about trying the stuff that's past the original red and green/blue. The new versions of Gold and Silver certainly have my eye. That pedometer thing looks like a great idea as well. Always good when something simple can get kids to exersize more.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
Pokemon is the first real game I played, so it will always have a place in my heart.
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes...or should I?
Last edited by WilsonDean1990; 03-24-2010 at 07:15 AM.
TheDigitalManga Channel -
Bakuman Epsiode 1 Part 1 -
Bakuman Epsiode 1 Part 2 -
Bakuman Episode 1 Part 3 -
I Think You Anime/Manga Fans would really like it!!
I bet half the kids will do what they did with the pikachu virtual pet things with that feature that came out like a decade ago. Shake them even while sitting down...
If I do end up getting the remake, I'll just clip it on my pants while working. Several hours a day easy peasy.![]()
victoria aut mors
I watched maybe the first two seasons of anime but later on it just became tedious and too repetetive for me to watch, the same thing hapened with games. Maybe I got a little bit old for pokemon games but after the Gold and Silver era I just didn't enjoyed playing them as much as I used too, maybe I got tired of Nintendo serving us the same game over and over again.
I like the Silver and Gold remake though, Nitendo gave us a chance to play the best Pokemon games in my opinion again, although after the Leaf Green and Fire Red I expected it to happen.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
Watching me, watching you.
I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
Watching me, watching you.
Is this that yellow Tomegochi type thing? I would prefer the normal game, personally I prefer to split my Pocket monster and exersize life. Such as going out and walking, then playing it on DS when back. What can I say, it splits up the day...
Last edited by TigermusiQ; 03-24-2010 at 11:01 AM. Reason: added opinion
I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
Watching me, watching you.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
OK maybe its just me but I always found Pokemon to be a little too cutsy for me. I tried playin it but never really liked it. My little sister loves it though. I gave her my old GB Color and Red. She played it nonstop til she beat it 3 times. Then she got the other 2 (Blue and Yellow i think idk). She played those and used her friends GB to trade pokemon with herself. Seemed kinda dumb. Well there ya have it.
That was my problem with the series too. You gotta catch them all gotta have friends playing the same game as you but the opposite color. That was fine at the time because everyone was playing it. But now? Nobody I know is playing pokemon. So I can not catch them all. It's just like those pesky multiplayer achievments on xbox that keep you from a perfect score.
This is my signature. It's not good now, but later on it might be. Who can say...
...can you?
I've loved Pokemon ever since I was about 5. My favourite was Crystal, the first one I actually managed to complete.
They are remaking Gold and Silver for DS. I think it's coming out soon.
Death is not the end of your life. It is only the beginning.
If any Europeans are interested Heartgold and Soulsilver are coming out this friday. I cant wait to relive the old times.
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
Winston S.Churchill
the thought of pokemon makes me nostalgic. its been around for quite some decades. i still remember trying to watch every single episode on TV. lol.
Last edited by LIGHTNING_71013; 03-28-2010 at 03:49 PM.
Maybe I'm too old. The first Pokemon came out when I was in high school. lol
yea you are ancient buddy because i had to be in about the 5th or 6th grade when it came out. I had two buddies and we would always pop some popcorn and watch pokemon everyday after school.
I miss those days. Oh and this was when that new popcorn came out that let you pour the butter on yourself........ohhhhhhhhhhhh weeeeeeeeee good times.
Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia
To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana
I've only played a few of the games, Red version was the first one I played, and I got quite addicted.
As for the show, I liked it before they came up with all these random Pokemon and switched out Brock and Misty -_- I liked the original Pokemon, and when you got songs and Pokemon raps at the end of each episode.
I miss there being only 150 Pokemonnow there's like 1255243456 of them..
Last edited by GypsyElder; 03-24-2010 at 05:01 PM.
I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
I carry these memories inside, thoughts of a soul colored by love.
See me grow wings and fly high, passions will die down below.
I burn in a basin of fire, watchers look on as they dance in their merciless sky.
Watching me, watching you.