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    No Master Sword...or is there?

    In the next upcoming Zelda game for Wii, Miyamoto gave us some artwork which contained an older link, with no master sword present. People are all like, "oh man, no master sword! crazy!", but after looking at the screenshot my guess is whoever that is in the foreground is the master sword, personafied. The shape looks like it could have a hilt and blade. The color is that of the master sword...


  2. #2
    Registered User No Master Sword...or is there?
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    The Master Sword, personified? That could be pretty cool if that happens, and this is the first I've seen of anything of a new Zelda game (besides Spirit Tracks). The character in the foreground looks feminine. I honestly wouldn't have thought that the Master Sword would be a girl. Not that it couldn't happen, I just never thought about it before. I hope that you're right, because that could be a pretty cool concept.

    I'd like to see some more info on this new Zelda game for the Wii. I'll have to check up on that.
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    i have ears :) No Master Sword...or is there? Full Life's Avatar
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    most likly there will be a master sword i mean alote of zeldas have the master sword in it

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by highskill64 View Post
    most likly there will be a master sword i mean alote of zeldas have the master sword in it
    GTFO out my thread.

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    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth No Master Sword...or is there? Xanatos's Avatar
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    It sure is strange that Link doesn't hold his legendary Master Sword in the other hand I mean he already holds a shield so he should have a sword. I must admit Che that your theory sound really interesting and judging by the picture it could likely be possible. If so than this Zelda will have a unique feature just like Twilight Princess what would be awesome.

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  6. #6
    Master of the Shadow Key No Master Sword...or is there? KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    It is pretty obvious that the feminine....thing has some relation to the sword. At first glance, it looked like a Zora to me but I'm not so sure now. And is it just me, or does that Link look more serious and adult than the Link in Twilight Princess??
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  7. #7
    I feel epic... No Master Sword...or is there? Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    This could mean Link will be right-handed again(was to accomodate most right-handed people on US shores). But, it wasn't always the Master Sword, in the original NES game, it was called the Magic Sword, this might be a typo, but that's it. I have a good feeling it'll be there. The sword ITSELF is an icon.

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  8. #8
    A Plain Old Derp No Master Sword...or is there? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralz View Post
    This could mean Link will be right-handed again(was to accomodate most right-handed people on US shores).
    It looks like it, because it shows him holding the the shield in his left hand... either A) making the shield more important (which could be cool) or B) He's gonna be right handed... I find him using the left hand is cooler...

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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralz View Post
    This could mean Link will be right-handed again(was to accomodate most right-handed people on US shores).sword ITSELF is an icon.

    He is only right handed for the Wii title. Play the Gamecube version, he is left handed...also the entire world is flipped.
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    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I just cast her off as being adult Zora princess chick that I hated lugging around in OoT.

    It's obviously not an oversight that some official art would leave out the master sword, though original art and screens of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker didn't include the Master Sword, though he was holding A sword at the very least.

    I just sort of envision this current character being shown as the Navi/whatever that thing that rode on your back in Twlight Princess was named/your boat/other NPC companions that Nintendo seems to throw your way for Zelda games these days.

    I do really like the thought of it being the Master Sword personified, that would be a pretty fun idea to toy with.

    Honestly, I seriously need to go back and beat Wind Waker and actually acquire said Master Sword in Twilight Princess. I burned myself out waiting for Twilight Princess by playing through Ocarina of Time and A Link to The Past, and for some silly reason could never really sit down and get dedicated to Wind Waker.

    Oh shi, I remember why now. I didn't want to play Wind Waker without first beating Ocarina of Time, and by the time I managed to get almost done with Ocarina of Time (I had 2 dungeons left) I just sort of lost interest in Zelda as a whole, and then Twilight Princess was released.

  11. #11
    Well Twilight Princess was amazing. It seems boring at first and in the middle, when you don't really know what's going on still. But towards the end things start to come together. At the very least play through it using a guide so you can see it.

  12. #12
    Memento Rhapso No Master Sword...or is there? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    I saw a Youtube video on this, and her body structure lines up with all of the Master Sword's points and parts and whatnot, so I think Che's idea is well fortified. I theorize that she will be a Midna like character and be called on to turn back and forth between the girl Zora/Spirit/Thing to solve puzzles and such and the Master Sword for ,what else, cuttin' stuff.

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    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    There are Zelda games where there isn't a Master Sword in the game. Not a big shocker.
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    Do the elements trust you? No Master Sword...or is there? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    I bet that Che is right
    I also have a feeling that it's a sequel to twilight princess which would explain links seriousness
    what if the monkey puppetear dude from t.p. fused the girl that gave link the horse whistle(can't remember name) and the master sword as link was putting it back. Perhaps the game will be about returning her to normal.
    Any comments to my theory would be appreciated.
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    Memento Rhapso No Master Sword...or is there? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    There are Zelda games where there isn't a Master Sword in the game. Not a big shocker.
    Which also raises another question, since Twilight Princess was a Redux of Ocarina of Time, maybe this next one will be a Majora's Mask Redux. Then, the girl may be the next Skull Kid, but maybe in Zora form, I dono.
    @Genome, that sounds kind of credible, but in Twilight Princess during the credits you can see the Master Sword already in the Sacred Grove. Oh, and what pupeteer guy were you talking about? I don't recall any puppet masters in this one, unless you mean Zant, but he's dead so that's another dead end.

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    Do the elements trust you? No Master Sword...or is there? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsoBlarg View Post
    Which also raises another question, since Twilight Princess was a Redux of Ocarina of Time, maybe this next one will be a Majora's Mask Redux. Then, the girl may be the next Skull Kid, but maybe in Zora form, I dono.
    @Genome, that sounds kind of credible, but in Twilight Princess during the credits you can see the Master Sword already in the Sacred Grove. Oh, and what pupeteer guy were you talking about? I don't recall any puppet masters in this one, unless you mean Zant, but he's dead so that's another dead end.
    The monkey that gets in your way when trying to get the master sword, and he escapes. But how would link get back to the sacred grove to put it back without wolf form? There has to be a catch.(that monkey is annoying)
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    Memento Rhapso No Master Sword...or is there? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by genome's blade View Post
    The monkey that gets in your way when trying to get the master sword, and he escapes. But how would link get back to the sacred grove to put it back without wolf form? There has to be a catch.(that monkey is annoying)
    Ok, clarification time, do you mean
    Skull Kid:
    Or the monkey:
    Because the monkey actually assists you, and the Skull Kid is what I was mentioning to in my post above
    And yes, that's the current held theory Loaf, perfect as I see it
    Last edited by Rhaps; 05-22-2010 at 03:28 PM.

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  18. #18
    Do the elements trust you? No Master Sword...or is there? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsoBlarg View Post
    Ok, clarification time, do you mean
    Skull Kid:
    Or the monkey:
    Because the monkey actually assists you, and the Skull Kid is what I was mentioning to in my post above
    And yes, that's the current held theory Loaf, perfect as I see it
    Skull kid he acts likes a monkey and I never got a good look at him thx for clarifying that.
    Considering the look link was given I'm guessing this one is a redux of majoras mask. This is gonna be good.
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  19. #19

    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    master sword or not----I'm sure we can live without it, I wanted to see something new, anyways. I bet there's more bows, or crossbow action. A golden sword would also be nice. XP
    Last edited by NeedmostFFVII; 05-21-2010 at 07:48 PM.

  20. #20
    Registered User No Master Sword...or is there? Satrus's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    if the game is from the "The Legend of Zelda Ocorina of time series" then it will have a master sword ((not 100% tho))

    but if its from the "Wind Waker series" then probly now ((unless your playing Wind Waker its self))

    I have most Zelda games so I know them pritty well ^^

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    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Satrus View Post
    if the game is from the "The Legend of Zelda Ocorina of time series" then it will have a master sword ((not 100% tho))

    but if its from the "Wind Waker series" then probly now ((unless your playing Wind Waker its self))

    I have most Zelda games so I know them pritty well ^^
    Theres a split timeline after Ocarina. Adult Link ending = all games where you are referred to as the Hero of Time at the start. (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess)

    Kid Link ending = all games without a Master Sword (Except Link to the Past) and you aren't referred to as the Hero of Time (Majora's Mask, Zelda DC, Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Link to the Past, 4 Swords)

    only game out of place is Oracle of Ages and Seasons.

    It's all unofficial but it's the best anyone has come up with.
    Last edited by loaf; 05-22-2010 at 03:13 PM.
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    I'll make you famous No Master Sword...or is there? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Theres a split timeline after Ocarina. Adult Link ending = all games where you are referred to as the Hero of Time at the start. (Wind Waker, Twilight Princess)

    Kid Link ending = all games without a Master Sword (Except Link to the Past) and you aren't referred to as the Hero of Time (Majora's Mask, Zelda DC, Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Link to the Past, 4 Swords)

    only game out of place is Oracle of Ages and Seasons.

    It's all unofficial but it's the best anyone has come up with.
    actually its more logical that twilight princess is in the kid link timeline, as in the story of twilight princess they mention that ganondorf was tried and convicted before he could take over the kindgom, not to mention all of the sages are not from OOT.

    but you are right, i dont understand why people are so set on there being a master sword in this game. nearly half of all the main game titles dont even riference it. not to mention the two most recient zelda games dont have it either.
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    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) No Master Sword...or is there? che's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rydia Lover View Post
    actually its more logical that twilight princess is in the kid link timeline, as in the story of twilight princess they mention that ganondorf was tried and convicted before he could take over the kindgom, not to mention all of the sages are not from OOT.

    but you are right, i dont understand why people are so set on there being a master sword in this game. nearly half of all the main game titles dont even riference it. not to mention the two most recient zelda games dont have it either.
    Because once you go Master Sword, you never go back.

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    I'll make you famous No Master Sword...or is there? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by chad View Post
    Because once you go Master Sword, you never go back.
    except they have...
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Hooray, out of place, dumb, sexually themed jokes!

    I wonder if there has been any more information released since che posted this thread. Was over half a year ago, after all. I could look it up... *checks* Nope. Not really. So shrug.

    genome's blade - your idea about the girl being fused with the sword... I dunno about that. Seems like a stretch. And how could Link get the sword back without turning into a wolf? Who knows, but game story often doesn't have to follow the mechanics of gameplay, so he could've put it back himself.

    Yeah, the Master Sword kicks ass. Anyhoo...

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  26. #26
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    They need to make a Zelda game where Link is an old man. The skilled old man.
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    Bananarama No Master Sword...or is there? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    MGS4 meets Zelda?

    I would very much prefer to see a dark Zelda game. I understand that Link is always a boy or teen, but why can he never be this grizzled combat veteran, like someone who's fought in the equivalent of Crusades?

    I thought Twilight Princess made a huge stride with this simply by allowing Link to use some brutal finishing moves on downed enemies, but I'd love to see a game with a very dark and morose theme, and Link just being a brutal mother****er. Kinda like him saying, once and for all that he's done with Gannondorf and will just end shit once and for all.
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    I'll make you famous No Master Sword...or is there? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    MGS4 meets Zelda?

    I would very much prefer to see a dark Zelda game. I understand that Link is always a boy or teen, but why can he never be this grizzled combat veteran, like someone who's fought in the equivalent of Crusades?

    I thought Twilight Princess made a huge stride with this simply by allowing Link to use some brutal finishing moves on downed enemies, but I'd love to see a game with a very dark and morose theme, and Link just being a brutal mother****er. Kinda like him saying, once and for all that he's done with Gannondorf and will just end shit once and for all.
    probably because its a family game...

    MM is probably the darkest the series will ever get. i was suprised at how dark windwaker was, especially for its childish art style
    Quote Originally Posted by Wintermetal
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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Yeah, or it wouldn't be successful, because Japanese culture seems to be obsessed with youthful main characters. Anyone over the age of 25 or so seems to be getting up there in their age, and anyone older than that is an old fuddy-duddy. I heard that's why we had to have friggen' Vaan and Penelo in at the last minute of FFXII; because Basch was too old, man. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  30. #30
    Bananarama No Master Sword...or is there? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: No Master Sword...or is there?

    Well, it would be successful with me

    As much as I do love my Zelda and Mario games, I would love to see dark worlds. Like, how cool would a Mario game be if the mushrooms caused him to trip balls, and while you gained some more power, the worlds you entered in your addled state would be trippy as hell? Like, when he got hit, or lost his high, he would just look at all the enemies he trampled, and you'd be like "oh my Jesus, what did I do?"

    I totally understand that it's supposed to be family oriented, but it would be awesome if they made like two versions of games, like the brutal version and the regular version.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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