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Thread: Nier

  1. #1


    I just heard this is a new square title coming out. Anyone heard anything good or bad about it?

  2. #2
    Let's make it rain. Nier Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    Well after watching this it looks kinda lame...ish.

    I don't know what to think yet, until it comes out and I can read a review. Then I still won't know, and I'll have to go rent it. Ahaha.

  3. #3
    I want to play a game. Nier Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    Well it should be out in Japan, Europe, and Australia and the U.S release date is April 27th. I know very little about the game and haven't seen any footage of gameplay either so I don't know how the game "appears". I'll check on it once it is released to see if I'll like the game.

    If by "anything good" you mean: a woman who was possessed by a demon turning her into a hermaphrodite giving her a disposition of swearing, then yes there is some good.

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  4. #4
    Registered User Nier
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    Re: Nier

    This thread is the first time I even heard of the game. I watched the vid that Jonathan linked to, and it certainly looks...interesting...though I doubt it's going to be at the top of my list for "must-have" games. I'm going to wait until the reviews come out before I make my decision about it as well.

    Weird how it's so close to release, and yet there's not a lot of info about it.
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    Nier Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Weird how it's so close to release, and yet there's not a lot of info about it.
    That usually means it's going to suck.

    From what I've seen of the game, it looks pretty mediocre. The game is being published by Square-Enix, but is being developed by Cavia, a third party developer with a lot of crap under their belt (Resident Evil: Dead Aim, Bullet Witch). On the other hand, this is the team (or at least the name of the team) that developed Drakengard, so maybe this game will turn out okay. Who knows.

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  6. #6
    Let's make it rain. Nier Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    This game will be a letdown, I can see it now. Save your money, buy a good game. Ahahaha. Like Red Dead Redemption!!!!

  7. #7

    Re: Nier

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathanx221 View Post
    This game will be a letdown, I can see it now. Save your money, buy a good game. Ahahaha. Like Red Dead Redemption!!!!
    I agree, watching trailers of this game really made me think "square-enix, why even embarass your'selves with this game?"

    To me it looks like a DMC wanna be, but with some weird features, and a seemingly un-thought story line. It seems that this is basically an experiment gone wrong, and yet they still wish to put this on the shelves for the public to purchase.

    I know fully well, I will not be buying this game, not now, not ever. I might have a little go on it when my friend gets it, but, I highly doubt I will be amused.

  8. #8
    I want to play a game. Nier Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    Quote Originally Posted by Shiverz View Post

    To me it looks like a DMC wanna be, but with some weird features, and a seemingly un-thought story line. It seems that this is basically an experiment gone wrong, and yet they still wish to put this on the shelves for the public to purchase.

    Why is it a "DMC wanna be"? Devil May Cry was not the first Hack-N-Slash game nor the last and Nier is more of an Action-RPG, still there is hackin in both games. Chaos Legion was also considered a "DMC clone/wanna be" but I enjoyed that game; Bayonetta as well, at first, was thought as a crappy DMC clone. It seems like with you the only game to be a hack-n-slash is DMC.

    I'm probably going to buy this game because it has gotten my interest. From what other folks, online, who have played the game have universally said that the music is superb and a lot saying it was the best that they've heard. The dialogue between Nier and Grimoire Weiss is reported to be funny and from the trailers I had thought it would be. Also, for me since I know some people can be general haters of English VA, there are two voice-actors that I like: Jamieson Price (Largo from TotA, Ovan from .Hack//G.U., the Count of Monte Cristo from Gankutsuou) & Liam O'Brien (Gaara from Naruto, Archer from Fate/Stay Night, Endrance from .Hack//G.U, Kain Highwind from FFIV DS) to name a few roles from their long list. Price is Nier and O'Brien is Grimoire Weiss.

    But what really is the draw for me is Kaine the scantily clad hermaphrodite.

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  9. #9
    Nier Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    Who called Bayonetta a "crappy" DMC clone? As far as I recall, its similarities with DMC were talked about with affection on account of the team being made up of a large portion of the team that made DMC.

    However, I completely agree with you that people need to stop their incessant cries of "clone". The developers have used DMC as an example for what they wanted to make the combat similar to, but I think it's a ways off of being a clone.

    But what really is the draw for me is Kaine the scantily clad hermaphrodite.
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  10. #10
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    Bought it, played it, loving it.

    When I bought the game yesterday my expectations were soso after reading a few reviews and forum sites which was why I didn't pop it in right away. But curiousity got the better of me and I ended up sticking it in for a whirl. Bloody glad I did.

    When the game came on there was a terrible video sequence that had me thinking it was going to suck epically, then there was an intro sequence with really terrible looking bland graphics (but alright gameplay) that still wasn't doing much for me, but after that point, shortly into the game, that changed dramatically.

    It plays kinda like an N64 Zelda (you can block or roll to evade attacks and have sword combos mapped to a single button) but with other things like the ability to jump (and double jump) at will and not too long into the game you also gain the ability to use magic through another character you can directly control in battles. Oh, and there's towns (with quest givers) and an experience system coupled with upgradable weapons (they level up and can have other upgrades applied). Throw in the ability to hunt (and in some cases, ride) animals (some of which can pack a nasty kick/headbutt), a gardening minigame, a fishing minigame and a story as unique as the cast seems thus far and you've actually got a winner. The graphics after the opening bit seem to improve a fair bit as well, but they're definetely under those of other newer games. Either way they look nice and don't detract from the game so it shouldn't really stop any bar the most graphic-obsessed.
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  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    I eventually got around to picking Nier up for like £12 on amazon. I actually bought it a month or so ago, but took it back to the store still sealed up (I spent like £30 on it, but decided it wasn't worth that much considering it was a game without much info on it, and had somewhat terrible reviews). I have come to the conclusion that critics have been a bit too harsh about Nier. I haven't got very far, but so far? Me like.

    The game itself has quite a few flaws, but you can easily look past them and enjoy doing what you have/want to do. Before the main menu, you listen to some woman shouting at Weiss and you watch a cinematic. Which makes the game look like garbage. It's like they picked out all the worse parts to display, and it made me wonder if I should have taken the seal off this one. Then you have the opening sequence of the game, which isn't much better. It's dull, it's boring, the render of the city looks pretty shit and unfinished... but remembering Silver's post, I kept optimistic, and didn't go to trade it in somewhere.

    I'm glad I didn't. The graphics do improve, and become more colourful and lively. I wouldn't consider scenes "beautiful" or "breath taking" like the scenes from Pulse in FFXIII, but they're okay. If anything, it's more PS2y than PS3y, but when you're running around and slaughtering sheep for mutton, you get over it. Menus look a bit cheap, but hey - they're just menus. They work.

    The music is pretty sweet and nice. The music in Nier's Village reminds me of being in Balamb, FFVIII, but much better. It's a soundtrack that's quite relaxing in places, and does suit the game well.

    Going into flaws, the biggest thing for me is the action button - it's circle when you're out and about the field (i.e. when you wish to communicate with someone, or gather materials/resources), but in a menu, it changes to the cross button (with the circle button as the cancel button). It's a bit annoying, and whoever thought that was a good idea probably should have a rethink, but I'll get used to it.

    Another thing would be during cut-scenes, there's these boxes on the top and bottom of the screen which are a little distracting. It's like watching a movie in letterbox, but the letterbox is semi-transparent. Again, whoever thought that would be a good idea... >>;

    Also, you can't swim. Everywhere I've been so far has had rivers, ponds and lakes, but you can't swim. Should have been a pretty cool short-cut if you can jump off a few cliffs and swim to land. xD;

    All in all, I'm glad I didn't open the case when I'd spent £30 on it. But so far, so good, and I'm looking forward to what happens next. =D

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  12. #12
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Nier ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    I bought it last night, and I must say, after playing it almost non-stop since, I am loving it.

    I love hack and slash games like Dynasty Warriors etc, and at times it plays very similar to DW, but obviously more action-RPG style. And by the way, this is far from Devil May Cry in my opinion.
    I like the scenery, although yeah, it's not particularly mind blowing. Out on the plains is nice, and the Seafront town is beautiful.

    Also, THE most beautiful soundtrack I have ever heard in a game. I love Kainé's theme.

    Probably the biggest flaw, and even though it doesn't bother me a huge amount, is that the quests are pretty much 'fetch-and-reward' kind of thing. Which I am OK with.

    EDIT* Just beaten my first playthrough (just straight through the story, focusing less on extras), and there are more endings! Just when you thought you were done, guess again. Personally, I love it when that happens. You get to know more about the other characters, and fill in holes left in the story on your first playthrough.

    I'd even go as far as to say it is the best game I've played on PS3 so far. No lie.
    Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 08-13-2010 at 05:20 PM.

  13. #13
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Nier

    As much of a Dynasty Warriors fan that I am...and I love Dynasty Warriors. This game just doesn't appeal to me as much. I guess I can ask my friend to rent it from his girlfriends Blockbuster whenever it comes out to give it a try but I haven't heard anything good.
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