Hmm, I thought I had done this already. I guess my mind is going on me or something.
You can find me on my PS3, PSN - Andromeda365
This is a straight copy and paste from the other thread, the only difference is i'm going to a) try and update this as much as possible and b) delete posts once i've included the games/tags from them so I know where i'm at, since i got lost in the plethora of posts that was the last thread XD
I've obviously edited the games for myself, as i know what i play and such haha. If you want tags taken out/added just post in here and i'll edit this post as soon as i can, obviously i'm extremely busy during the week so it will most likely be every weekend.
Ok this thread is for posting all your Tags for Online Games (can be any online game). I'll try and find the old thread we had for this and update it accordingly (i'll also look around the various World of Warcraft threads to see if i can find any info there), but for now we'll start a new. I'll update this whenever possible, so don't post asking me to do so. This is the only thread in General Gaming where i'll let one line posts stand. As a note feel free to include X-Box Live/PSN usernames and i'll add those aswell.
Last Update: 10 April 2010
X-Box Live
Musashiden :- Malahk Angel
Great Writer Fuji :- ShinoFuji
Kou :- Explosive Sushi
LocoColt04 :- MisterCZAR
Tiffany :- Tiffany0204
Megatron0000 :- Sgtaskicker
Playstation Network
Kain FF4 :- Kain FF4
LocoColt04 :- LocoColt04
Tiffany :- Tiffany0204
Meier Link :- TheRealMeierLink
Sabin Rene Figaro :- Sabin1337
Kaiden :- Kaiden85
Silver :- SilverFurore
Megatron0000 :- optimusprime_01
General Online Game List
Final Fantasy XI
LocoColt04 :- Character: Argentos, Server: Alexander
Musashiden :- Character: Butterz, Server: Fenrir (not sure if it's still around >_<)
World of Warcraft
Juriell :- Juriell, Server: Deathwing [Europe], Faction: Horde
Sir Kenneth :- Natzsnik, Server: Deathwing [Europe], Faction: Horde
Toph Bei Fong :- Jeane, Suigintou, Freyajeane, Server: Terenas [US], Faction Alliance. Kisara, Server: Azgalor [US], Faction: Alliance. Jeanelament, Jeanefire, Server: Hyjal [US], Faction: Horde. Jeanehawk, Server: Tanaris [US], Faction: Alliance
omega destroyer :- Andorenas, Server: Thrall [US], Faction: Alliance
Angantyr :- Angantyr, Server: Thaurissan [Oceanic], Faction: Horde. Windir, Server: Azgalor [US], Faction: Horde
Djinn :- Euryphaessa, Server: Kahrun [UK], Faction: Elyos
Guild Wars
Priscilla :- Le Cilla
Toph Bei Fong :- Nova Seductress
Battlefield 2
Megatron0000 :- staypuffmmellowman
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Megatron0000 :- (DKC)Megatron01
Kuyeng13 :- Character: Madilim, Server: Brumheart
Starman :- r5r5
Great Writer Fuji :- ShinoFuji
Starman :- r5r5
Great Writer Fuji :- ShinoFuji
EVE Online
Va-an :- Selexim
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Musashiden :- Malahk
Juriell :- Character: Juriell Runic, Server: Luminera
Toon Town
Dark One :- Darkness420
Zegeneral :- death69
Maple Story
LostUtopian :- Character: BigOGabriel, Server: Bellocan
darkbokodude : - Character: daduck123543, Server: Bellocan
EA Games
Musashiden :- MusaA7X
Nintendo Wii
Hikari :- 5863-2071-6020-6634
Cain Highwind :- 6201-8296-0909-0845
Nintendo DS Codes
Final Fantasy 3
spartan755 :- 270667045968
azzandra :- 425289077216
jschneweis86 :- 201957404165
RYKU - 489745821169
Mario Kart DS
-Xu- :- 227701319723
cloudstrife4003 :- 305013833605
azzandra :- 339371792592
Animal Crossing: Wild World
-Xu- :- 0988-5360-4574, Name: Hazel, Town: Timber
LocoColt04 :- 5455-2200-4338, Name: Argentos, Town: Persia
Hikari :- 5154-7022-7085, Name: Hikari, Town: Glendale
azzandra :- 3007-1059-9014, Name: Blue, Town: Kent
Metroid Prime Hunters
-Xu- :- 412392670652
azzandra :- 017247706181
Tetris DS
LocoColt04 :- 377963536954
Lost Magic
Kinyoto :- 2320077212115
Pokemon (All versions)
Ponk :- Diamond/Pearl - 451076840097
Angantyr :- Diamond/Pearl - 077423118698
Last edited by Djinn; 04-10-2010 at 09:15 AM.
Hmm, I thought I had done this already. I guess my mind is going on me or something.
You can find me on my PS3, PSN - Andromeda365
Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
Don't know how to roleplay, but want to learn? Visit Here!
2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner
I got the same one for both PSN and Xbox Live; Bladedshrew.
XBLGT:Cobra Custom
Just got a PSN account. My ID is zantetsuken13.
Anybody want to add me?! xxx
Ok, psn is YaeKurosawa if you want.
I have xbox live, my gamertag is MrBawb, currently on vacation though so im never online.
My Xbox Live Gamertag is MarkRobboo
I also have Mabinogi my username is Markus
Last edited by Robbo; 09-19-2010 at 10:30 AM.
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
I'm unknownentity666 on PSN if anyone wants to add. Although please no spamming; if I'm playing the same game as you, feel free to send an invite - but I do have the right to decline it. Don't even bother sending an invite if I'm not playing the same game.
Also, I don't mind messaging on PSN, but I don't have a keyboard. Long winded conversations are a no no, and I might resort to txt speak.
My xbl gt is Kraven0718
PSN: occupationactor II): RiffRaff
Guildwars: akuma lynn, demon of fire ifrit
Originally Posted by Wintermetal
current games playing:Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Assassins Creed Revolutions
Saints Row: The Third
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3
Fallout New Vegas
Mugetsu14 on Xbox Live if anyone wants pumped at Fifa or noobed at Cod!
No one will ever beat my darts score!
Xbox 360: Supersoniq Hate
Sometimes I am lazy and just use the default login supersoniq for both of us
PSN - JCNumber9
it's so lame but it was the one I picked when I first started and I like my trophy collection
and psn's down for now so...![]()
My PSN name is CalvanSTR.
Guild Wars -Karuvan Sutarin
-My Tee Eff Eff Family-
Unknown Entity, My recipe trading, PS3 playing cousin.
And then just like that i'm gone again.
I`m in PSN too! Add Latvis200 to list![]()
Xbox Live Gamer tag: x 3PITOM3
I know it's on my Sig, but it doesn't specify for which console it is associate with.
Edit: Actually, I can fix that.
gaming service ID:
to PS3.
Also have world of warcraft but I just quit and I dont think ill be playing it anymore so /shrug
PS3. GypsyElder (No Space) Gogogogo.
PS3. GypsyElder (No Space) Gogogogo.
Been Awhile Eh?
Anyway Here Are Mine...
Battlefield Vietnam:
Battlefield 1942:
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (With SA-MP):
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (With MTA):
If I think of some more I will Post Em Here...
Last edited by Ss4gogeta0; 02-15-2021 at 05:13 AM.
PSN: CloudyDaze
360: Kingkidd87
I have xbox live, my gamertag is MrBawb, while on vacation though so im not online.![]()
I do a few things online.
PSN: IcyJimmyJam
LoL: IcyJJ
Blizzard/ IcyJJ
I might be getting into Guild Wars 2 later, so I can update.
Chill the body, freeze the soul. ~ Maya, Legaia 2
I quit WoW a while ago so disregard those.
PSN: Angantyyr
I figure I may as well make some new friends.
Xbox Live: Mystyrion
PSN: Nokt_exe
Steam: OffensivebiasX
Diablo III battletag: Aoi#1637
As you can see I can't really keep a set alias haha.
I do most of my multiplayer (& co-op) on the Xbox. Its my preferred console.
But my PC collection is coming along quite nicely and would appreciate some PSN friends, consider I have none![]()
XBL: El Martininho (I want to change it, I just never have)
PSN: Cilllah (We share it)
Steam: Martininho
Raptr: Martininho
Backloggery: Martininho
Diablo III: Martininho#6714
Add me on any, just let me know you're from here and we'll do the dance with no pants. (BRICKLOVESLAMP)
I just got my PS3 today, and I have already signed up with PSN. My gamer tag is...
Feel free to add me!
Social Group Endorsements, TFF Awards, and Other Accomplishments (Updated December 26, 2013):