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Thread: New Details on Tokyo Xanadu

  1. #1
    The Quiet One New Details on Tokyo Xanadu Andromeda's Avatar
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    JRPG News Post New Details on Tokyo Xanadu

    Falcom has started opening up on their latest RPG and new IP, Tokyo Xanadu. They were able to finally confirm that the platform is the Vita. The story for the game starts out with a new transfer student, Asuka Hiragi, getting into some trouble some delinquents when, Kou Takikasa tries to step in and help. However, he see Asuka her drawing a sword and begins his journey as Asuka is investigating an "other world".

    The game will feature both worlds, the modern and other world. In the modern world, you will go to school, shop, etc, while in the other world you dungeon crawl. The other world is a place that most people are unable to see, but Kou after running into Asuka soon is able to see what she can.

    Additional details, Falcom said that they are using all of their experience from their Ys and Trails games to make Tokyo Xanadu and wanted to do something new and different to challenge them. They also said that the younger members of the staff are taking the lead in some aspects of the game, notably the costumes and setting. There will be more than six playable characters. It is planned for a Summer 2015 Japan release.

    Source: Tokyo Xanadu Sounds Like A Falcom Action RPG With A Touch Of Persona - Siliconera ; Tokyo Xanadu Will Be For PlayStation Vita - Siliconera
    Attached Images Attached Images New Details on Tokyo Xanadu-falcomlogo-jpg 
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  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! New Details on Tokyo Xanadu SuperSabin's Avatar
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    From what they describe, it sounds very similar to their PS3/Vita Trails in the Flash game with the taking classes, shopping part, yet it sounds like something new. One thing that worries me is that this game might be similar to persona and the megami tensei franchise, the style is similar and I've heard of JRPGs being similar to each other in style, gameplay and maybe other things.

    I hope Tokyo Xanadu can pull off being it's own entity without being like other franchises, it sounds like it has potential so far. Only Xanadu game that I've really played is Faxanadu which is kinda related to the Xanadu games.
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