Compile Hearts has released a new video showing off more of the gameplay for the new title Mugen Souls Z. The video makes it clear that a lot of the mechanics from the original game will be continuing in the new game. However, it does appear that they have made the Moe Kill system friendlier, provider the player with the ability to see how their actions will impact the meters before hand. This will help to remove a lot of the trial and error, and frustration that people had with the system before.
Also talked about was that the main character Slyma will be able to use gathered servant points to summon a giant Chou-Chou, the main character from the previous game. The attack Chou-Chou makes is large enough that she is the size of a large planet and dangerous to even the allies on the field when used. The coffin Slyma uses will also absorb the Shampuru she creates when successful in her Moe Kills.
Source: New Mugen Souls Z Video Shows Crazy Damage Carnivals | Siliconera ; Slyma's Monster Eating Coffin And Planet Sized Attacks In Mugen Souls Z | Siliconera