A lot of you have played the Mega Man X games right? Which console generation is your favorite? what generation of X games do you like over the other generation X games and why? (If applicable) which is your favorite X game of all time?
What do you think capcom should improve on in the generation of X games that aren't as good as their predecessors?

Lets review the different ones in the series, we have the original X1-X3 which were on snes (although the 3rd installment saw a PS1 release as well as a PC port and the 1st game had a PC port as well. The PS1 era of X games consisted of X4-X6 in this one, they introduced animated cutscenes and voice acting. Then you have the PS2 era which had X7 and X8 which had newer graphics and 3D modeled characters.

My favorite era is the snes era of the X series. The reason being, is because the controls are very responsive for it's time and you can also shoot really quickly when you fire X's buster gun. The stories were really engaging for their time and the overall presentation is outstanding as well has having a great soundtrack. I find myself playing the snes ones the most because of their replay value and how they challenge me to get through the game faster. I also like the feel of the gameplay as well, I don't have that as much with the newer X games, I feel like the PS1 era took away the smooth control and response time of firing at the mavericks. I can't really say much about the PS2 era X games as I've had not that much experience except for maybe beating MMX7.

What I think capcom should do to improve on the X games that are lacking is to first off improve the controls, make the control scheme as fluent as it was back on the super nintendo with fast paced movement, and the ability to fire quickly. They also need to fix the plot holes and improve the story altogether to properly explain things (i.e. explanation on the mavericks, what makes a reploid go maverick, some detail on why X and Zero are destined to fight.)