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Thread: Mario N64

  1. #1
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Mario N64 Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Mario N64

    who here knows how to get the last star in Mario for the N64????
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    Because we know what the "last star" is you need.
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  3. #3
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Mario N64 Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    number 120 if you really didn't know
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
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  4. #4
    Registered User Mario N64
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    Re: Mario N64

    The 120th star could be almost any one of them, really. Just giving a number doesn't really give us much to go on.
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  5. #5
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Mario N64 Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    fine i collected all of em inside the castle but it still says there is one left and its outside
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
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  6. #6
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Mario N64 chrono's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    I actually got all the stars as a boy.......but sorry ethan i do not remember to much about the game.

    Try youtube.
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\bit torrents\jiu jitsu\helio.jpg

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  7. #7
    Registered User Mario N64
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    Re: Mario N64

    Did you get all the secret stars? That's the only ones that I can think of that you might be missing.

    Here's their locations:

    There are two on Princess Peach's Secret Slide. The first you get by just completing the course, while the other one is given to you if you complete the course in under 21 seconds.

    There's a special swimming course located in the room where the Jolly Roger Bay painting is on the first floor of the castle. On one side of the back wall, there is a large hole that you have to jump up into. After you jump through it, you'll be transported to a stage where everything is underwater. You must get all the eight red coins before you run out of air.

    Pretty sure you caught the rabbit in the basement both times, so I won't go into detail about that one.

    There's a special flying course that's located in the room with the big clock. When you enter the room, go to the left and jump up into the hole in the wall, and then jump down into the stage. Get all the red coins in that stage and you'll get another star.

    Pretty sure again that you got all three secret stars from the toads who are around the castle, so again, I'm not going to go into detail about that.

    Did you make sure to get all the red coins in the stages where you unlock all the special caps? I'm pretty sure you did that as well. Also, make sure to get all the red coins in the Bowser stages, but I'm sure you did that too.

    That's all the places I can think of where your missing star could be. If you already did all those things, then you'll have to be a little more specific about details.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 02-14-2010 at 08:11 PM. Reason: changed some wording around
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  8. #8

    Re: Mario N64

    Quote Originally Posted by ethan View Post
    who here knows how to get the last star in Mario for the N64????
    More importantly, who here climbs trees with mario just to watch him hump them?

  9. #9
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Mario N64 Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    is that all you think about che if you ask me seeing mario hump trees isn't very entertaining
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
    My Final Fantasy Family Ralz the First Brother I had he is stuck marrying Yuna xTidus The second Brother I had he really Adores Blitzball genomes blade My youngest Brother he Really enjoys his Older Brothers' company And my Mystic Brother Vivimastermage of Chaostroph may you never play cards with him. And my Awesome Brother Fate who is just great to be around all the time I would be lost if it weren't for him and My awesome Older Brother Meier Link the Party animal And my Soul-devouring, Soon-to-be-game making brother, Alther Primus Also introduing The Graceful Lord of Chaosthroph who adores big Swords and Über Spells." Elyon My Awesome Learning Sister Himi And my Auron Loving Sister Dodie16 I introduce you to My younger sister Ann another fan of FF 10 My Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi And my younger Sister Terra Branford the pie loving Fullmetal alchemist FF6 Obsessed If you want in and you are a fan of Blitzball send me a VM and you are welcome to come
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  10. #10
    TFFF Ghost Mario N64 Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    More importantly, who here climbs trees with mario just to watch him hump them?
    Me! I so do that! My mom gives me the weirdest look. Its epic! And my dad cracked up and always asks why do you make him do that? (I was really trying to get the extra life...) but I always reply with I dunno. *snickers*

    Anyway. I always get way more stars then I need to open the last door. I get them in different orders or different ones each time I play the game so I dunno ><;;

  11. #11

    Re: Mario N64

    I dont really know lol but Mario 64 was the best Nintendo 64 game ever!!!!

  12. #12
    Death Before Dishonor Mario N64 Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Mario N64

    The best thing I can tell you is get on gamefaqs or some other site, and scan and find the one you haven't found. I quit playing after a while cause I couldnt get all of them..

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  13. #13
    Banned Mario N64
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    Re: Mario N64

    DAMN YOU MARIO AND YOU CURSED STARS OF DOOM!!! I hated those stars..and their majesty...

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