I came to the realization a long time ago that in most games, the main character just doesn't catch my interest as a side character, whether it be that s/he doesn't talk (Mario, Crono, Ness) s/he's bland and uninteresting (Cecil, Ramza, Sora, Vaan) s/he's an asshole (Cloud, Squall, Lightning) or s/he's just annoying (Tidus). Sometimes I like the main character a lot (Terra Branford, Zidane Tribal) but they get overshadowed by someone else in the cast (Locke Cole, Freya Crescent). There's a handful of main characters I can think of who are actually my favorite from that franchise: Fox McCloud, Sonic the Hedgehog, Solid Snake.
It's not just this way with video games, either; I tend to like the second fiddle a lot of the time, or the goofy sidekick, or the dashing rogue. Or the character who's hiding/has a checkered past. Generally, the character with the most unique personality and/or look, though not always. It seems to me though that the main character much of the time is a stereotype or archetypal hero, especially in JRPG's. How many Vaans, Soras, Ramzas, Roddicks, and Tiduses have there been anyway? And then they try to make the main character brooding and bad ass, like Cloud, Squall, and Lightning, and they forget to give the characters a sense of humor or sense of compassion-y'know, things to make them likable.
Anyone else feel the same way? Maybe I'm just not playing the right games. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom