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Thread: Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS)

  1. #91
    Pedobear approves Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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    In your momma's bed !
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    SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
    Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.

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  2. #92
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Name all the Nobodies in KH2.

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  3. #93
    Aww yeah! Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Wolf's Avatar
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    A: Assassin, Berserker, Dancer, Creeper, Dragoon, Gambler, Dusk, Samurai, Sorcerer, Sniper, and the Organization XIII members themselves.

    Free Question

    A special shout out to my amazing TFF Family:
    Little Moogle, Darkwolf, kung fu kitty, Shadowknight241, Anachronism, Fishie,
    H.U.N.K., lazyboy708, guado_gal Dark One, Martin, TheHasteChocobo

  4. #94
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Name all the staffs Donald uses in Kingdom Hearts 1.

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  5. #95
    A: Mage's Staff
    Morning Star
    Shooting Star
    Magus Staff
    Grand Mallet
    Wisdom Staff
    Wizard Relic
    Lord Fortune
    Dream Rod
    Save the Queen

    Q. At which locations can you find the Torn Pages in Kingdom Heart I?

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  6. #96
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Ummm...I'm pretty sure I remember them all...
    1. Library at Disney Castle
    2. The Oasis at the Pride Lands
    3. Around the Crystal Fissure in Hollow Bastion (After defeating Demyx)
    4. Throne Room in the Land of Dragons (Mulans world)
    5. Ruined Chamber in Agrabah

    Free Question can't think of any XD

  7. #97
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Name the locations of each Ansem Report in Kingdom Hearts I. If from a boss, state who it is.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  8. #98
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Okay here it goes:
    1. Beat Jafar (Genie form) in Agrabah
    2. At the Hollow Bastion Library from Aerith
    3. Beat Ursula (Squid form, when she's huge with the triton XD) in Atlantica
    4. Go to Hollow Bastion Library again and get it from Aerith
    5. Beat Maleficent (When she's still a person) in Hollow Bastion
    6. Yet again go to Hollow Bastion Library and talk to Aerith
    7. Beat Oogie Boogie in Halloween town
    8. Beat Hades in Hades Cup
    9. Beat Captain Hook in Neverland
    10. Go to Library again in Hollow Bastion and get it from Aerith ^^
    I think that's all of them ^^'

    Question: This is sort of easy but it took me a while to figure out actually xD...How do you get Yellow Trinity in Kingdom Hearts??

  9. #99
    A. You defeat the Hercules Cup :3

    Q. What are the stats of the Ultima Weapon Keyblade?

    Following the path for truth...

    and ending the dream.

  10. #100
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Clarification, which one?

    Kingdom Hearts 1 -
    ATK - 12
    MP +2
    Boost to magic and summon power.

    Kingdom Hearts: CoM -
    Attack - *
    Swing Speed - B
    CB Recovery - B
    Attack Type - Physical
    0 - 57
    1 - 30
    2 - 33
    3 - 36
    4 - 39
    5 - 42
    6 - 45
    7 - 48
    8 - 51
    9 - 54

    Kingdom Hearts II -
    Attack - 6
    Magic - 4
    Ability - MP Hastega


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    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  11. #101
    Tsuna Feesh Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    In KHII, how does Sora get Second Chance?

    Curiosity Conquers, So Click:

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  12. #102
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Depends on the weapon you choose at the beginning.

    For the Sword, he learns it at Level 85
    For the Shield, he learns it at Level 49
    For the Staff, he learns it at Level 65

    Name all the support abilties Sora learns in Kingdom Hearts II. The ones you don't obtain from bosses, but by leveling up.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
    Click THERE:
    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  13. #103
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Doesn't the abilities vary from which item you choosed at the start of the game ie: Sword, shield or wand?? I always take sword so I know the abilities that come with it: Combo Boost, Experience Boost, Magig Lock on, Reaction Boost, Item Boost, Leaf Veil, Fire Boost, Drive Boost, Draw, Combination Boost, Damage Drive, Air Combo Boost, Blizzard Boost, Lucky Lucky, Negative Combo, Combo Plus, Finishing Combo, Thunder Boost, defender, Beserk Charge, Jackpot, Second Chance, Mp Rage and Scan....I hope I've got them all ^^

    Free Question :]
    Last edited by Led Zeppelin; 05-28-2009 at 03:42 PM.

  14. #104
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    The weapons you choose simply determine what abilties you'll get at different levels. No matter which you pick, by Level 99, you'll still have all the support abilities.

    Now then... How can you learn Curaga in Kingdom Hearts 1?

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  15. #105
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralryx View Post
    The weapons you choose simply determine what abilties you'll get at different levels. No matter which you pick, by Level 99, you'll still have all the support abilities
    Oh really I didn't know that...Thank you ^^

    You get couraga by talking to Aerith in the Library in Hollow Bastion pretty sure after you beat Riku/Ansem...(When Ansem is controlling Riku)

    Question: What are all the materials needed for your raft in Kingdom Hearts I?

  16. #106
    Insanity is a girls best friend. Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Fearless's Avatar
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    In a box.
    A log, rope, cloth, and another log.

    Why is Riku wearing a blindfold?
    I hear you whisper,
    Love me
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  17. #107
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fearless View Post
    Why is Riku wearing a blindfold?
    Ugh... that question. I've heard it a million times, but never got a good answer...

    My best answer to this is that, well, "his eyes couldn't lie," but also he didn't want to see the world of light while he was in the realm of darkness. It's really a mystery, so I really don't know, but there's my answer.


    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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    TFF Family:
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  18. #108
    Aww yeah! Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Wolf's Avatar
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    Q: In KH1, what level does Sora learn scan at if he picks the staff first at the beginning of the game?

    A special shout out to my amazing TFF Family:
    Little Moogle, Darkwolf, kung fu kitty, Shadowknight241, Anachronism, Fishie,
    H.U.N.K., lazyboy708, guado_gal Dark One, Martin, TheHasteChocobo

  19. #109
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    In Kingdom Hearts you learn Scan at level 9 if you pick the staff :]

    Question: How many ansem reports are there in Kingdom Hearts??

  20. #110
    Insanity is a girls best friend. Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Fearless's Avatar
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    Ansem Reports (KH1): I believe there are 12?

    Secret Ansem Reports (KH2):13, including 0.

    Ansem Retorts (XD): 530

    Why was Mickey in the Realm of Darkness and how did he get out?
    I hear you whisper,
    Love me
    Love me

  21. #111
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Doesn't Mikey seal himself with help of Sora in the realm of darkness because they're trying to stop the heartless from escaping it...Now how he got out is a hard question umm..I think Mickey travelled in the Corridors of Darkness to get out :]

    Question: How do you learn Stop (magic) in Kingdom Hearts

  22. #112
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Kingdom Hearts I

    Stop - Defeat Parasite Cage II at Monstro: Stomach
    Stopra - Neverland: Yellow Trinity Room(I think...)
    Stopga - Defeat Phantom at Neverland Clocktower

    Kingdom Hearts: CoM

    Stop - Treasure in Wonderland
    Stopra - Stop + Stop
    Stopga - Stop + Stop + Stop


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  23. #113
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    I'm in the Kingdom Hearts trivia mood right now ^^

    Question: When's the first time you meet King Mickey in Kingdom Hearts I and II :]

  24. #114
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Kingdom Hearts I - You don't see him until the VERY end. I mean after the final boss is defeated. He makes only a brief appearance because Squeenix was only allowed to give him ONE appearance in the entire game. Because of this, he appeared in his natual red pants and big yellow shows instead of his newer designs.

    Fun Fact - In Coded, it's revealed Mickey was in the same alley that Sora woke up in after Destiny Islands was destroyed.

    Kingdom Hearts II - Mickey makes much more appearance in this game. His first appearance is when Sora and the gang are surrounded by Nobodies at the Twilight Town Station. He makes like a badass and jumps 20 stories and defeats all the Nobodies. Afterwards, he hands Sora some Munny(5000) and the Blue Orb, and runs off.

    FQ. I like answering these questions.

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  25. #115
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    I know Kingdom Heart questions are the best ^^

    Question: When was your first encounter with Demyx?? What was he doing and what did he say that made Sora question weather or not that he was a strong enemy?? =]

  26. #116
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleDiamond View Post
    I know Kingdom Heart questions are the best ^^

    Question: When was your first encounter with Demyx?? What was he doing and what did he say that made Sora question weather or not that he was a strong enemy?? =]
    Your actual first encounter with Demyx was in Hollow Bastion when Xemnas and everyone else in Organization XIII(except Axel) appeared and taunted
    Sora, although you didn't know at the time. You later encounter him and meet face-to-face in the Underworld of the Olympus Colisseum. Apparently, he was sent to meddle in the Underworld and when he encountered Sora, mistook him for Roxas, and pulled out his instructions. Sora accuses him of being "bizarre", and Demyx revealed he was the one who stole the Olympus Stone. It's evidenced he might not be the best fighter because during this battle, he only summons Water Clones to attack your group. Your later encounter with him in Hollow Bastion is when his actual power is thrown into question.


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  27. #117
    Master of the Shadow Key Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    Ok, let me give this a shot.

    What were Luxord's intentions in Port Royal and what did he call the Grim Reaper Heartless?
    "Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."

    Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:

  28. #118
    Warrior Ninja Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralryx View Post
    Your actual first encounter with Demyx was in Hollow Bastion when Xemnas and everyone else in Organization XIII(except Axel) appeared and taunted Sora, although you didn't know at the time.
    Ohh I never knew he was in that group sorry...I only knew Xigbar was because he said oopsy daisy XD...I never knew which other ones were

    Luxords intentions of going to Port Royal are he wanted the people of Port Royal to assist him and become heartless...He also revives the curse of the aztec gold...And I can't remember what he called the Grim Reaper Heartless probably somthing to do with Gambling or something with luck...I'll have to play the game and edit this post once I've got it >.>

    Free Question

  29. #119
    I feel epic... Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    What was Xemnas' ultimate goal in all of Kingdom Hearts? Who did he use to help fulfill this goal and how did he go about doing it?

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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    TFF Family:
    Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus CecilGod1994 Flaming Ragnarok Shadow of Darkness Dark Angel Kilala Sato Arashi RagnaToad RamesesII IceColdPillow Kisaragi^^ Elyon Seraphim Shiru MILK Vince Kisuke Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima ethan

  30. #120
    Master of the Shadow Key Kingdom Hearts series Trivia (POSSIBLE SPOILERS) KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    He wanted to complete Kingdom Hearts so that he could make a new world, one heart at a time. He used Sora to gather the hearts by killing Heartless, which would travel to Kingdom Hearts, which was located at the highest tower in TWTNW.

    (By the way, Luxord called the Grim Reaper Heartless a "veritable malestrom of avarice," I love his sophisticated vocabulary!!!)

    Free Question
    "Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."

    Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:

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