Alright, then. After you defeat the Grim Reaper Heartless in Port Royal, Jack asks Sora for the Keyblade. Sora "gives" it to him, but soon after reclaims it. After this, Jack makes a promise. What is it?
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Alright, then. After you defeat the Grim Reaper Heartless in Port Royal, Jack asks Sora for the Keyblade. Sora "gives" it to him, but soon after reclaims it. After this, Jack makes a promise. What is it?
Thanks KebladerXIII I would have never guessed that ^^
Jacks promise is:" But someday, I'll gather a blood-thirsty crew, and come to take that blade. Chance by then I'll have the way to wield it."
Question: You know at the start of the game Kairi writes a letter to Sora, does he ever recieve it??If so where does he get it?? :]
yes, Sora does. After you defeat Xemnas(in a very epic way) Sora and Riku travel through the Door to Darkness. After walking around a bit, they sit down near a beach, where the bottle arrives on the shore. Sora reads it, the Door to Light opens, and it's happily ever after from there, until Mickey's letter came........
Let's see: What is the name of the song that plays when Sora first meets Santa Claus in Christmas Town???
Oh my that took me forever to figure out since I don't know the name of songs XD...I was listening to every song on Kingdom Hearts II and finally found the one that matched when you were talking to santa XD The name is " Laughter and Merriment" Here's a youtube link to the song :] YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II Music - Laughter And Merriment
Question: I can't think of anything umm... When did Donald and Sora get into a fight in Kingdom Hearts, before what world?? And how did their fight start?? :]
Oh, that was right before Deep Jungle, when Sora wanted to land there. Donald doubted the King was there and refused to land. Sora and Donald fought for the controls, thus causing a crash; and Goofy didn't do a thing.:ohno:
Free Question....
Alrighty. Where do you find the Oblivion keychain in Kingdom Hearts 1. And what a random find it is!
A. You can attain this from a treasure chest at Hollow Bastion Grand Hall.
Q. Who does the voice for Kairi? In the english version that is.
I think this is my last trivia question of the day since I'm going crazy with answering questions >.>...I can't help myself sometimes XD...The person that does the voice acting in English for Kairi is Hayden Panettiere :]
Question: How many matches are there in the Hades Cup?? And what is the number one thing that must you fight in order to win the cup?? =]
There are 50 matches. The number 1 match is a fight against the Rock Titan, who was surprisingly easy(unlike Ice Titan).
heh heh, an easy question now: Who voices Sephiroth in KH and who replaces that guy (thankfully) in KH2??
In KH, they chose the vile creature... Lance... Bass! Fortunately, in AC, they chose George Newborn, who really portrays Sephiroth quite well. They chose the same voice for KH2, and he will also be in Dissidia.
In KH1, what does beating Yuffie in the Hades Cup net you?
A. You will receive the Genji Shield.
Q. What are the items you can find by using ALL of the trinities in Traverse Town? (KH I)
First District
Blue Trinity near world exit - Bunch of munny.
Blue Trinity near cafe-like area - Teleports to balcony with Postcard.
Red Trinity in alley wera Sora woke up - Secret room in Alleyway with dalmations.
Green Trinity in Accessory Shop - Access to Moogle Shop.
Second District
Red Trinity in water after dalmation house - leads to secret waterway.
Third District
Blue Trinity on top of other staircase - Munny and Tents?
Merlin's House - Blue Trinity - Uh, munny?
Been a while, correct if wrong.
Ok, what is the exact order and manner in which each Organization member died???
Let's see...
Vexen - Killed by Axel.
Larxexe - Defeated by Sora.
Lexeaus - Originally, he used his last power to send Riku to the Dark Realm, but in Re:CoM, Xehanort's Heartless possessed Riku and killed Lexeaus.
Marluxia - Defeated by Sora.
Zexion - Originally, Axel sent the Riku Replica after Zexion, and the scene faded to black with Zexion saying "NOOOO!" In Re:CoM, however, the Replica syphons Zexion's power.
Demyx - Defeated by Sora.
Xaldin - Defeated by Sora.
Axel - Used his full power to help Sora reach the World that Never Was, and died shortly after.
Roxas - He accepted Sora as "a good other" and vanished.
Xigbar - Defeated by Sora.
Luxord - Defeated by Sora.
Sai'x - Defeated by Sora.
Xemnas - Defeated by Sora and Riku.
I think that's the order, although I don't know if Larxene or Lexeaus comes before the other.
Question: In Kingdom Hearts II during your visit to Beasts Castle for the 2nd time an Organization XIII member comes along named go outside to fight him in the courtyard but if you die during your battle with him what will happen?? Will you have to restart the game at that point and challenge him again or will something else happen?? If so what takes place?? :]
The Xaldin battle is just a regular boss battle. If you die you have to go back and face him again. However, there is a chance for King Mickey to come to your aid and fight him off. Of course, you have to deliver the final blow, not Mickey.
Q. What are all of the summons you can attain in Kingdom Hearts I? And where do you find them/how do you get them?
Simba - Obtain the Earthshine from Leon and give it to the Fairy Godmother.
Genie - Defeat Genie Jafar and Genie will join you afterwards.
Dumbo - Obtain the Watergleam from Monstro and give it to the Fairy Godmother.
Bambi - Obtain the Naturespark from 100 Acre Woods and give it to the Fairy Godmother.
Tinker Bell - Defeat Captain Hook and Peter will give her to you.
Mushu - Obtain the Fireglow from Dragon Maleficent and give it to the Fairy Godmother.
List the names and locations of all the summons in KH2.
A. Chicken Little - Merlin gives this to you <3
Genie - Received after you defeat Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord in Agrabah.
Stitch - This little guy is found in a chest near the Computer Room in Hollow Bastion, after having received the Master Form from King Mickey.
Peter Pan - fter you defeated the first form of Grim Reaper in Port Royal, there is a chest near the save point of the area. Open it for tights boy XD.
Q. Free Question ^.^
Q: Name the four special abilities that are unique to each form.
Valor Form - High Jump - Lets you jump higher!
Wisdom Form - Quick Run - Short dash in any direction.
Master Form - Aerial Dodge - Basically a second jump. Deflects some projectiles.
Final Form - Glide - Break the laws of physics and fly around. Different from the KH1 version, you can glide without moving, and glide just above the ground for eternity if the ground is flat and you never let go of the Square button.
Might as well add this...
LIMIT FORM - KH2FM+ ONLY! - Dodge Roll - Classic KH Dodge Roll to move quickly in any direction. Completely nullfies all damage during the Dodge Roll.
Q. In Kingdom Hearts I, there is the Hades Cup. How many Rounds are there? Who is the top boss? And what items can you win by playing this tournament (in group)?
I have an easy since I can't come up with anything better....Which FF character that appeared in the KH series is from the earliest FF?
A: From my memory, the Hades Cup had 40 rounds, the final boss was the Rock Titan, and you can win the Save the King or Save the Queen by beating it. I forgot which mode was awarded with which weapon.
------->Just move my badly timed question here!
Well Setzer was from Final Fantasy VI so that would make him from the earliest Final Fantasy in the Kingdom Hearts series since he appears in KHII...But if you were only talking about Kingdom Hearts (The first one) it would be Cloud, Aerith and Cid =]
Question: How many Final Fantasy characters are in both Kingdom Hearts I and II?? Name all of the FF characters also :]
Let's see:
If you want, you can count the Moogles which brings the count to: 20 (only 20??!)
Fate, there are actually 50 rounds in the Hades Cup, and prizes include the Genji Shield, the Lionheart, Thundaga, Graviga and Blizzaga, and Trinity Limit.
OH... I'll pass on that FQ. Just wanted to correct Fate's mistake.
Hey, I don't exactly have perfect memory!:P
Fine, I'll do the FQ then. Q: How many red, white, yellow, blue, etc. Trinity Marks are in the game?
Do I have to say where each individual are if so I'll edit this ^^...Anyways theres 17 Blue trinities, 6 Red, 9 Green, 4 Yellow and 10 White Trinitys
Question: After the seperation from Riku on Destiny Islands where is the next place that you meet him??