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  1. #1

    Kingdom Hearts III?

    Kingdom Hearts isn't really a FF game, so I put this in General Gaming. But KH III has already had a confirmed development notice stating it'd be released for the XBOX 360 and PS3. So I was wondering what you guys think the next game will be like, given it'll be the conclusion to the series.

  2. #2
    Consistently Average Kingdom Hearts III? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    At this this point i've given up wondering what'll be in it, i just want them to make the darn thing.

    Although i would like to see/play more of Roxas but i dont think that will happen what with him and Sora becoming one at the end of II. Also i did read that this is going to be the game that ties up the whole Xehanort/Ansem saga so who hopefully it'l be a good, heck it better be more then good after the amount of years its taken to get made.
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  3. #3
    Passing fair judgement Kingdom Hearts III? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Are you sure it said it would be released for 360 and PS3 because last I heard it was the 3DS. Maybe it was an old report, I don't know, but if it is for the PS3 that's awesome.
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    Consistently Average Kingdom Hearts III? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    Are you sure it said it would be released for 360 and PS3 because last I heard it was the 3DS. Maybe it was an old report, I don't know, but if it is for the PS3 that's awesome.
    Its Kindom Hearts 3D that is for the 3ds funnily enough. I think there would be many unhappy people (me) if Square decided to not put it on the ps3 at the last moment. What am i saying i dont even own a ps3
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  5. #5
    Passing fair judgement Kingdom Hearts III? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Well, I own a PS3 and I would be really angry if it didn't come out for it.
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    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Kingdom Hearts III? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Nothing has been confirmed about what console it will be for. It will likely be multi platform, and Squeenix will most likely wait for the Wii U. PS3 owners, such as myself, will be happy as it is very likely to be on PS3, as the other two main entries were on PS2, and Birth By Sleep (the other main entry) was on PSP.

    As for content I'd like to see? New worlds and the same combat as KHII/Birth By Sleep. KHII was one of the most fun games I've ever played, because of the combat.

  7. #7
    Passing fair judgement Kingdom Hearts III? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    I want another 1000 Heartless battle like in KH2. That was my favorite battle in the entire game, as was teaming up with the FF characters. But I agree, since KH has been a mainly PS title, it should stay that way.
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  8. #8
    Registered User Kingdom Hearts III? EveVanilla's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    I hope when Kingdom Hearts III, that they will add "Tangled" and "The Princess and the Frog" characters. And still the classic old Disney movies too!

    They need to make Yuna,Rikku and Paine human size not super tiny! >:x

    Square is mostly likely going to make it only for the PS3, maybe they will surprise us and there will be another system too.

  9. #9
    chocolateer Kingdom Hearts III? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ginomee View Post
    Kingdom Hearts isn't really a FF game, so I put this in General Gaming. But KH III has already had a confirmed development notice stating it'd be released for the XBOX 360 and PS3. So I was wondering what you guys think the next game will be like, given it'll be the conclusion to the series.
    What you've heard is a lie, KH3D for one thing is still in production, and will be the prequel to KH3, plus supposedly SE have said that the ffxiii verses team will be the ones to produce kh3 and that game hasn't even been finished yet.

    However I do believe it will be a big end to the Xehanort saga, and round up all the lose ends such as the three main characters from BBS.

  10. #10
    The Brave Kingdom Hearts III?
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    Arrow Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Here is some things that would certainly spice up the KHIII experience.

    1: Items, that when used in a certain location, gives us a glimpse of the 'events that should have been', in other words, clips from classic Disney cartoons and movies, usually concerning characters and locations that have already appeared in the series thus far. Those that are harder to find concerns characters and locations that haven't appeared in the series thus far and are slightly longer. Even rarer are the items that shows you clips from past FF games and are labelled as containing 'views from distant words'.

    2: You can switch characters you play as instead of playing as one character at any given time. Each character also has a different command menu, giving you variety in gameplay. Like in Kingdom Hearts II, you can perform Limits with other characters. They are much more than simply pressing triangle at the right time.

    3: Minigames are once again abundant and you can get sweet rewards when you reach a certain score.

    4: The Journal now can record the number of steps you have taken among other things.

  11. #11

    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Personally, i would love if this game allows players to make more use of Riku as a playable character. Sora is fun to play as, but it would be nice to shift control of party leader.

    As for the story, i like not knowing what to expect. Square Enix has managed to make each KH story better than the last, so i don't have any reservations in regards to the story. They will make it worthy of the Kingdom Hearts name.
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  12. #12

    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    I heard that it's not about Xehanort anymore but a new boss... I don't have any idea what they would do, but I know for sure it's going to be awesome (KH never disappoints me >:3)
    I just hope that they'll make KairixSora official. C'mon guys, it's so obvious that they want to be more than friends (/nosebleed)
    Although it kinda pisses me off that Sora leaves Kairi alone again... (/needs new footage for GMVs >x>)
    Anways, I hope they'll work on it soon and that it doesn't take as long as FFvXIII with it's.. 8 years? ~ uxu

  13. #13
    Registered User Kingdom Hearts III? NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    What if they took us into FF worlds too? On ehalf brings us into the general Disney worlds we all know and love and then BOOM, we're in Midgar, like, WTF!? Maybe that is asking too much, but hey, it could be fun too! I just hope they do have plans on releasing it within the next year or two. They need to get more developers. Gorsh!

  14. #14
    Consistently Average Kingdom Hearts III? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Kingdom Hearts III?

    Quote Originally Posted by xRinaChan View Post
    I heard that it's not about Xehanort anymore but a new boss... I don't have any idea what they would do, but I know for sure it's going to be awesome (KH never disappoints me >:3)
    That's strange, i've heard elsewhere that it's going to be the end of the Xehanort saga, so it's got me thinking that it could be Master Xehanort somehow.

    What if they took us into FF worlds too? On ehalf brings us into the general Disney worlds we all know and love and then BOOM, we're in Midgar, like, WTF!? Maybe that is asking too much, but hey, it could be fun too!
    I thought that would be a good idea too, going with the FF characters to see their original homes, but in the KH universe they all come from Radiant Gardens or Sora's home town, which name escapes me... something Island...
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