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Thread: How many memory cards have you filled out?

  1. #1

    How many memory cards have you filled out?

    I just realized that my PS1 memory card is completely full, so unless I play on my emulator I can't really play any new games :s I have to go find another now since I'm a Playstation fiend

    This is the first time I've actually filled one out though because I normally delete files of games I either don't have or don't play anymore. Lately I've been playing a lot of games I never played before so yeah...

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  2. #2
    Controlling With Fear How many memory cards have you filled out? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    I just realized that my PS1 memory card is completely full, so unless I play on my emulator I can't really play any new games :s I have to go find another now since I'm a Playstation fiend
    Yeah, i'm kinda a retro Ps1 guy too. I've got 3 ps1 memory cards, 2 of them are full.

  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor How many memory cards have you filled out? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    PSX I have filled up 7 memory cards.

    My gamecube is impressive, but that is cause games take up alot of blocks. I have 12 GC memory cards all filled up.

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  4. #4
    Controlling With Fear How many memory cards have you filled out? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    PSX I have filled up 7 memory cards.

    My gamecube is impressive, but that is cause games take up alot of blocks. I have 12 GC memory cards all filled up.
    Wow, lol, you have a lotta down time.

  5. #5
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    man those ps1 memory cards were ripoffs back in the day. 15 blocks on the memory card, and at least 1 block was required to save. Most games that I remember playing required like at least 2 more more blocks to save lol. I had a big library of PSX games too, I had like 3 full memory cards and still couldnt keep all of my saved stuff on there. My friend had like this super memory card that was like, 6 ps1 memory cards in one, but after having a bunch of stuff on it, it ended up formatting itself if that was me? kms hahaha

    I only ended up buying one PS2 card since I ended up wising up and keeping stuff on there if I play it frequently. Plus they had a bit more room for savefiles so it was a nice change.

    PS3's are godsends though. I'll keep creating memory cards until I'm blue in the face lol
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  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor How many memory cards have you filled out? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unlucky Rufus View Post
    Wow, lol, you have a lotta down time.
    I used to, but now I am very busy. I don't have as much time to put into video games as I would like.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #7
    Registered User How many memory cards have you filled out?
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?


    Haha. I haven't filled up any of my memory cards. Not for my PSX, PS2, PSP (though that is starting to get full...), or the Gamecube (when I had it). I think I also have a habit of deleting files that I don't play often, so I can keep using just the one card (I'm cheap like that...)
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  8. #8
    Controlling With Fear How many memory cards have you filled out? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I used to, but now I am very busy. I don't have as much time to put into video games as I would like.
    Yeah, i feel your pain. Whenever i do have time to sit down and play, i can't concentrate, this house i live in (and need to get out of) is loud as hell. I'm the kind of person that needs quiet to enjoy great games like the final fantasy, or mgs, or ace combat games.

  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    For PS1? Four, I think. More like three, but maybe four.

    For PS2, three definitely. I bought them, so I know... >>;;;

    As for PS3, I filled up a 40GB hdd. Now have a 640GB, so we'll give it a few years...

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  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    My PS1 Emulator Slot 1 is full, and one of my PS1 Memory Cards is full. I have a Slot 2 on my Emulator with about 80% left on it and another PS1 Memory Card about 99% full. I have 3 PS2 Memory cards, 2 of them are full and I can't access them anymore unless I find a new copy of the disc to turn them on or some crap. That's it lol.
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  11. #11
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み How many memory cards have you filled out? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    I've got 3 filled PS1 memory cards, and one of those is double capacity, so in effect I have four. Plus a PS1 slot on my PS3.
    I have a 3/4 filled Gamecube one, 1 filled PS2 and one nearly filled, and a full PSP one.

    I'd like to add that the PS1 and PS2 ones are mostly FF

  12. #12
    Crash Boom Bang How many memory cards have you filled out? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    I think both my PS2 ones are close to full, as are several PS1 ones, I couldnt even tell you what was on half of them mind, and I think one of them is all FF data... theres another one with other games and few FF's.. I can't get the rest of the PS1 ones working anymore though, so I tend to just go with the 2 I have and hope for the best, and one of them is starting to get temperamental as well now. Bah

  13. #13
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    I had one PSOne memory card for every Final Fantasy, plus one or two for all my other games. Most of them were full most of the time. This is because if I came across a really awesome FMV or whatever, I'd do my next save in another file. This way I could replay my favorite scenes any time I wanted. Obviously, this is before YouTube existed. I had one PS2 card I never filled as well, and a couple for Gamecube.

    These days I keep things much more to the point, though I will use dual saves when in difficult game areas, just in case.

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  14. #14
    Registered User How many memory cards have you filled out? Yesha's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    PS1 - I only filled one.

    PS2 - I already filled three.

    I often delete those save games from games that I didn't like after opening it or saving from one point.

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  15. #15
    Registered User How many memory cards have you filled out? xxpanzasanchoxx's Avatar
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    Re: How many memory cards have you filled out?

    Those pesky sports games on the ps2 took up 3 of my 5 memory cards, and I swear I only have like 5 saves for 5 games on them(exaggeration). The other two has a good amount of game saves on them and really had not have to resort deleting my sports saves.
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