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  1. #1

    Has to be asked

    This had to come up at some point so I decided to bring it up. Which is going to win ps4 or xbox 1? Specification wise the ps4 has the edge. Xbox fan boys are sticking to the cloud which makes it a better machine. I have researched this and it is untrue the cloud has no effect on the machine specs. As people know the ps1 and the ps2 trounced the competition but the 360 outsold the ps3. With both of the new consoles being released only a week apart it is going to be difficult to pick a winner. I personally think the ps4 will come out on top but that is just my opinion. What does everyone else think?

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Depends on what you want to use them for.

    xbox is leaning towards it's Arcade feature, indie games and what not.

    PS3 has a ton of games NOW and I feel PS4 will finally do that at the early stages of release rather than the end of it before t he next one.

    All goes down to what you want to use it for really.

    Both are great.

    Do your research!
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  3. #3
    Mystyrion Has to be asked C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Both have their points, I'm sure many will lean towards the PS4. Cheaper price point, slightly higher specs, more indie support (for now), many series are going multi platform.

    I find it surprising that MS is holding on to its exclusives (Ryse, Titanfall, Halo, Forza), while Sony is shelling out some of their bigger names (FFXV, KHIII)

  4. #4
    The Old Skool Warrior Has to be asked LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C:/Dille.Run View Post
    I find it surprising that MS is holding on to its exclusives (Ryse, Titanfall, Halo, Forza), while Sony is shelling out some of their bigger names (FFXV, KHIII)
    This is... not really accurate.

    Ryse, Titanfall, Halo, and Forza are all games that are backed by Microsoft's wallet, and published by Microsoft.

    FFXV and KHIII are Square Enix titles and receive absolutely zero money from Sony.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  5. #5
    Mystyrion Has to be asked C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    This is... not really accurate.

    Ryse, Titanfall, Halo, and Forza are all games that are backed by Microsoft's wallet, and published by Microsoft.

    FFXV and KHIII are Square Enix titles and receive absolutely zero money from Sony.
    I guess I figured that wrong. Sony just has a large stake in SE.

    Though TitanFall is being published by EA as far as I know (which is probably why it has the PC port).

  6. #6
    I feel like it will be an even run. There is no doubt that 360 owned the last generation of gaming. Not that the PS3 wasn't an equal opponent in every way. They were just missing the proper exclusives to utilize the beginning of the online-gaming craze. I am personally a Sony fan and really want to see them repeat the success they've had in the past.

    I am looking forward to picking up both systems at some point but something tells me that by the end of this run, my XBOX One will be collecting dust.

  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    PS4 for FFXV

    XBONE for Halo 5 (if it's good of course)
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  8. #8
    Mystyrion Has to be asked C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Has to be asked

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    PS4 for FFXV

    XBONE for Halo 5 (if it's good of course)
    I'll buy halo regardless

  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C:\Dille.Run View Post
    I'll buy halo regardless
    Sorry to hear that because Halo 4 is garbage.
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  10. #10
    Mystyrion Has to be asked C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    Sorry to hear that because Halo 4 is garbage.
    Eh, it wasn't anywhere near the quality of some of the older halos, but it's still not my least favorite campaign or least favorite multiplayer .

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C:\Dille.Run View Post
    Eh, it wasn't anywhere near the quality of some of the older halos, but it's still not my least favorite campaign or least favorite multiplayer .
    I played the multiplayer once and vomited in disgust. It was a CoD copy.

    I didn't touch the Campaign and I really should.
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  12. #12
    Mystyrion Has to be asked C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I played the multiplayer once and vomited in disgust. It was a CoD copy.

    I didn't touch the Campaign and I really should.
    Legendary Slayer has become really popular along with the Team Throwdown (whatever the competitive playlist is called, can't remember). Both are more traditional settings, if the vanilla H4 doesn't do it for you.
    I liked the campaign, but it leaves a lot of questions to be asked if you haven't been keeping on Halo Lore through the assorted books among other random things.

  13. #13
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I was told that Big Team Slayer got a lot of attention on Halo 4 since in like Halo 3 nobody touched it but in Halo 2 it was popular and in Reach is wasn't that popular until the the last like year or so of Reach. I ****ing loved Big Team coming form a Battlefield player and old school CoD player where there are 32 man server and even 48 man servers.
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  14. #14
    Mystyrion Has to be asked C:/Dille.Run's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I was told that Big Team Slayer got a lot of attention on Halo 4 since in like Halo 3 nobody touched it but in Halo 2 it was popular and in Reach is wasn't that popular until the the last like year or so of Reach. I ****ing loved Big Team coming form a Battlefield player and old school CoD player where there are 32 man server and even 48 man servers.
    Ah, not that much of a BTB player. It is the highest player playlist on Halo Reach and Halo 4 I believe. It did receive a lot of attention lately, they added objectives into I think along with some other gametypes, some new community maps. I can't remember. I don't pay much attention to BTB.

  15. #15
    Read metacritic reviews of the Xbone games and they did not impress at all. Ryse was too short, boring and repetitive, Dead Rising was same old mindless zombie slaying, Forza was exactly like the previous but with fewer tracks and cars. KI doesn't have many chars and lacks alot of things as if it's a demo, plus you are getting hustled into paying for separate chars to unlock. Not impressed at all. Sony too doesn't have anything good yet either, but it will for sure and I guess Xbone will as well. It's sad the selection is this poor and unimpressive on the launch day. I was thinking of possibly unboxing my PS4 instead of flipping it, but now I'm more interested in the latter.

    Who'll win? Fanboys will win, whichever console they liked before. Even if MS reintroduced their draconian digital copies only/no trading, reselling laws, de fanboys would still jizz over it.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 11-22-2013 at 10:12 PM.

  16. #16
    Queen Has to be asked Crescent's Avatar
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    I wouldn't go as far as to say PS4 had a stronger launch lineup. Both are alright.

    Reviews are just people's opinions. Esp the score. Personally I dont read game reviews they're annoying and they're difficult to avoid as I try to dig past em to get to actual legitimate news. Even if I may agree with some of them in the end I decide what games I like for myself n why and which ones I'll find crap. Most of these game "journalists" are blindly biased n extremely unprofessional- a joke. Yes, Knack is nice and Id LOVE to play a reboot of one of my favourite ever fighting games- KI -on the Xbone, but I honestly believe that using the meta-score to compare what is the best launch line-up is fkng lame.

    To answer the OP, my console(s)/company of choice is common sense:


    I cant wait to play that lil guy on it again

  17. #17
    Death Before Dishonor Has to be asked Josh_R's Avatar
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    Honestly I will probably not be getting either of the new systems. Neither of them really seem all that appealing to me. Not to mention I just invested 1.5k in a new computer set up, and plan to play it alot.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  18. #18
    This ain't no place for no hero Has to be asked Tiffany's Avatar
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    We have the One. Its spiffy, haven't had any issues with it at all actually. I haven't had the chance to really use a PS4 so can't really comment on it. Hubby has played Ryse (loved it) Forza (loved that too) and is currently playing Assassin's Creed. Some of the controls are neat, he'll say "Xbox, record that" and it'll do short recordings of the games he's playing. He does that when he syncs a position in Assassin's Creed. He's been frothing at the mouth for Titanfall.

    I find the arguments over consoles funny. Get what you want! Get the system that has the titles you want to play and like a PP mentioned do your research. I didn't do any research as I'm not the one who bought the system. We've got friends who have both, our one friend's One is bricked already. Another friend's PS4 is really glitchy and he has to send it back. To each their own.

  19. #19
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Pretty sure that both consoles are going to have solid releases of games, so it's kinda hard to pick one or the other now. You guys should all just make Cesar a billionaire and buy both so we can get our SOLDIER Outer Heaven-esque island quicker in the works.

    (I'm still a little skeptical of MS from that whole E3 flop but at least they changed it around. imo, I couldn't care less since I have transcended to the glorious PC master race, so healthy console competition means more game releases for everyone and for them to all be ported or later on emulated to me, eheheh)
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  20. #20
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Both consoles did great.

    I still am leaning towards a PS4.

    I don't know which route to go, might go hipster and go some other company. I've done 1 of each type of console from companies (started with SEGA Gen, went to NINTENDO 64 to SONY Playstation 2 to a Microsoft XBOX 360. Look's like I'm going to Google route!
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  21. #21
    Me and my bf are partial to the PS consoles. Hardware/spec wise the ps4 is better. My bf looked at the sale of the consoles. Ps4 crushed the completion. 48 hours after release sony had made 87 million pounds and sold 250.000 console.

  22. #22
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Has to be asked Xanatos's Avatar
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    It's all matter of exclusives, and which ones you prefer. I lean more towards PS4 due to games such as God of War, Gran Turismo, Uncharted... though to be honest ever since Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy went multiplatform that margin has been greatly reduced. I see myself enjoying both consoles, both PS4 and Xbox One are bound to succeed which is a good thing because healthy competition means both sides will have to give us their best.

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