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Thread: Gust previews Atelier Escha and Logy with 45 minute video

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    The Quiet One Gust previews Atelier Escha and Logy with 45 minute video Andromeda's Avatar
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    JRPG News Post Gust previews Atelier Escha and Logy with 45 minute video

    Gust and Tecmo Koei continue to slowly release new information on the upcoming game Atelier Escha and Logy. This time though they have gone beyond the normal trickle of information by putting together a 45 minute gameplay video along with commentary. The video covers a little of everything in the game. So you can see how the two main characters interact with each other, the new alchemy system and even combat.

    The alchemy looks fairly similar to what was used in Ayesha, but the interface changes make it clear that are some new things as well. The meters seem to fill a little differently. Combat shows off the six party system that they are bringing back from Mana Khemia. It also looks like Escha and Logy have different inventory bags or different items they are able to use in combat as none of their items looked to be in the other's bag. It seems like the items that Logy uses are in combination with his skills.

    The game is running on the Dynasty Warrior's engine, but it still looks to have retained a lot of the appearance from Ayesha. There are some lighting differences that can be seen when the characters are talking. It does bring a different visual to the games that has not been present before.

    Source: Gust Explains New Atelier Escha & Features In A Lengthy Game Play Video | Siliconera
    Attached Images Attached Images Gust previews Atelier Escha and Logy with 45 minute video-ateliereschalogo-jpg 
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