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Thread: Good PSP games

  1. #1
    Chief Inspiring Officer Good PSP games Cyanist's Avatar
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    Question Good PSP games

    I have the sudden urge to buy another game for this system (cuz it's what I use when my brothers are hogging the television)
    I currently own:
    FF7 Chrisis Core
    FF Tactics
    and FF8
    All wonderful games in their own way, but I've played them all to death. So, any suggestions on what I should get next for my PSP? I'm into strategy games and RPGs.

    Please help me!
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  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Good PSP games Xanatos's Avatar
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    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker... end of story, thread closed. I know it's not an RPG or RTS, but bare with me. If you love other games in the series you'll love this one for sure, it's way more than just polished version of Portable Ops. The story is bit lacking, but the superb gameplay, humor, music and characters make up for it. There's so much to do next to singleplayer campaign, you can recruit soldiers, assign various roles to them and send them to mission, expand your own base and develop various items and weapons... MGS PW never feels like a chore.

    You pretty much mentioned all the RPG's I myself played on PsP, save for YS Seven, it's fun, but it's characters and story are goddamn awful to say the least, one could say both are typical JRPG-ish. Dissidia games are pretty good, addictive as hell. I guess they can pass as RPG, Fighting/RPG to be more precise with all your favorite Final Fantasy characters and huge amount of additional content to unlock. Story wise, Dissidia Duodecim covers both games, in fact you don't even need to play the first one. If you're looking for a good platformer than I suggest Daxter, Blast Off is another title you should look into, unless you have it on your mobile phone already.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 11-19-2012 at 06:10 AM.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  3. #3
    Registered User Good PSP games
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    Good PSP games

    Final fantasy 9

    Why not get the full lot

  4. #4
    The Quiet One Good PSP games Andromeda's Avatar
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    Valkyria Chronicle 2 is definitely worth buying. If you don't mind trying something different and want to support visual novels, Hakuoki is really good, but it is an otome game. Joan d'arc another good TRPG. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is supposed be one of the best side story of the KH games.
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  5. #5
    I want to play a game. Good PSP games Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Tactics Ogre:Let Us Cling Together. A remake/remaster of the SNES version. It is from the creator of FFT -Matsuno. This game came before tactics. Matsuno worked with Square when they were making this version. They combed through the script to get out all the incorrections and Alexander O. Smith (FFXII) did a fantastic job on the.translation. There is plenty to do in the game and branching paths in the story. It is TRPG like FFT so you should check that jank out.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  6. #6
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Good PSP games Leon's Avatar
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    I kinda asked this question myself, to myself >>

    If I were you, I'd try to download the Final Fantasy games from the PSN. I haven't played VI but I hear it's pretty good. And V's not bad, but I only passed it once and left it for FFVIII midway through the game. So it really depends on how far back you want to go.

    There's also Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection. It has the original story with revamped graphics and The After Years as well, plus an Interlude that hasn't been seen before. When it first came out, I got my copy for $30 so who knows how much it'll go for now. But it was worth every penny

    It's been pointed out already, but there's Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. I recommend it, especially if you love the series. Prequels are kinda meh most of the time, but this one was well done.

    Which leads me to my next suggestion, Dissidia 012. Sure, it's more like a fighting game than RPG but it was made for Final Fantasy fans. The good thing about it is that it has the first and newer stories all rolled into one. But in my opinion, they butchered some of the original storyline to make way for the second. Other than that and the FFVII fanservice it's really a good game.

    And I'm sure I don't need to point out FFIX but I will anyway because it's an awesome game. You might as well play the last FF made for the original PS.
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  7. #7
    Certified tech, come at me! Good PSP games SuperSabin's Avatar
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    As I VMed you Cyan, I'd go with these three: Ys I&II chronicles, Ys Oath in Felghana, and Ys Seven. Those games will give you a good time and they have a decent story. Ys I&II Chronicles has the best story out of all 3 of course.

    If you're into Persona there are 3 PSP persona games out there, I believe Persona 3 Portable is the most popular out of the 3. There is also Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II, oh and The 3rd birthday is supposed to be good as far as I heard. Other than that, don't waste your time with other PSP games.

    EDIT: almost forgot, they have a portable version of FFT if you are interested in that as well.
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  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Good PSP games Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    There's also Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection. It has the original story with revamped graphics and The After Years as well, plus an Interlude that hasn't been seen before. When it first came out, I got my copy for $30 so who knows how much it'll go for now. But it was worth every penny
    I'm not really a fan of Final Fantasy IV, though I have to say this version is well worth it's money. It's gorgeous looking and it's packed with over 50 hours of content. I found myself enjoying The After Years way more than I thought I would.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    Other than that, don't waste your time with other PSP games.
    May I ask why?

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  9. #9
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Good PSP games ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    There is some real good PSP games out there, for any genre. But here's a few I would definitely recommend:

    The 3rd Birthday: whether you played Parasite Eve on the PS or not, this is a very good game with an intriguing story and wonderful visuals (although a bit bleak and scary, it still is nice to look at). I really liked this game from start to finish.

    Lord of Arcana: Although a lot of people said this was a rip off of Monster Hunter, it does a good job of standing on it's own. Although I've never played a Monster Hunter game, I found this very fun. The best way I can describe it is a smarter hack and slash game.

    Valkyria Chronicles II: My favourite PSP game. The PS3 original was one of my favourite games, but this one seems to be a lot better. I always loved VC's gameplay, because it was smart and tactical, but in no way tedious like some strategy RPG games can get. Truly a gem that cannot be missed.

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy Good PSP games Rowan's Avatar
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    Pixeljunk monsters is a tower defense game for $10. It's addictive and has so much content. I've been hooked on it and spent hours trying to perfect each stage. Trails in the sky is another amazing game. It's an rpg about unrelated siblings trying to become bracers (mercenaries) and learn the mystery behind their fathers death (I believe). Check it out. Do check our lunar:silver star harmony.

  11. #11
    I want to play a game. Good PSP games Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    I kinda asked this question myself, to myself >>

    If I were you, I'd try to download the Final Fantasy games from the PSN. I haven't played VI but I hear it's pretty good. And V's not bad, but I only passed it once...

    Addressed to the OP:

    I would leave those version alone. They are the psx versions that had sub-par translations and long load times. If, you haven't played them go for their GBA version - they're a lot better. Not the handheld you are wanting to play just giving a helping hand.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  12. #12
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    I've been playing Persona 2, its well worth trying out.
    I believe the first 2 Disgaea games are on it, I plan to get them too.
    Recently got KH: BBS but I haven't played it much yet.
    Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth is quite good and the PSOne version can be expensive.
    The other FF games are ok, I never played much of FFT but I enjoyed the FFIV Collection.

  13. #13
    #LOCKE4GOD Good PSP games Alpha's Avatar
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    I kinda liked Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, although I find it a little dull and only played 15 hours.

    The GTA games (Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories (are the others now?)) are pretty much full-size PS2-era GTA games, if you're into that (I 100%ed both of them).

    Can't stress Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together enough... hands down the best PSP game that I am aware of, and certainly one of my all-time favourite games, and I haven't even finished it yet (100+ hours in). It's the same nature as FFT, so you'll probably like it. Get it.

  14. #14
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Good PSP games Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    The GTA games (Liberty City Stories, Vice City Stories (are the others now?)) are pretty much full-size PS2-era GTA games, if you're into that (I 100%ed both of them).
    There's also GTA: Chinatown Wars, it plays a lot like older GTA games, the camera is set to birds eye view. Some say it's even better than those two you mentioned, perhaps seeing as it's constantly ranked among better games games for both DS and PsP. I only tried it out once, it's usual crazy fun as in any GTA game.

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  15. #15

    Good PSP games

    No mention of kingdom hearts Birth by Sleep or Persona 3 Portable?

    Shame on you all!
    EDIT: just kidding, they were briefly mentioned.

    But yeah. I don't own a lot of games for the PSP. I picked up many and returned many. I currently only own like 5.

    If you like the older RPG you could pick up the two Star Ocean remakes.

  16. #16
    I want to play a game. Good PSP games Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I'll second the Star Ocean games. Fun games. Felt a little dissapointed by Second Evolution; I was expecting much & it came up short.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  17. #17
    Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City. Easily one of the best NFS for PSP, as it's the only one with a fully explorable city. The city is also very cool, because it's a redesigned version of NFS Most Wanted one with same roads and terrain, but with different buildings and during the night time. If you're a NFS Most Wanted fan, you'll probably be really interested in seeing the new, remixed city.

  18. #18
    Chief Inspiring Officer Good PSP games Cyanist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    You pretty much mentioned all the RPG's I myself played on PsP, save for YS Seven, it's fun, but it's characters and story are goddamn awful to say the least, one could say both are typical JRPG-ish. Dissidia games are pretty good, addictive as hell. I guess they can pass as RPG, Fighting/RPG to be more precise with all your favorite Final Fantasy characters and huge amount of additional content to unlock. Story wise, Dissidia Duodecim covers both games, in fact you don't even need to play the first one. If you're looking for a good platformer than I suggest Daxter, Blast Off is another title you should look into, unless you have it on your mobile phone already.
    Whoops, forgot to mention I already got both of those. I didn't enjoy either of them. Most of the stories really bored me and I never was a fan of arcade type games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    Valkyria Chronicle 2 is definitely worth buying. If you don't mind trying something different and want to support visual novels, Hakuoki is really good, but it is an otome game. Joan d'arc another good TRPG. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is supposed be one of the best side story of the KH games.
    Already got 'KH: BBS' liked it for the board mini-game, otherwise hated it. Leonard Nimoy wuz good, tho

    Btw, I've already got the earlier FFs for PS1, I'd rather not purchase those again. Thanks anyway.
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