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Thread: Which game genre(s) do you play the most?

  1. #1

    Which game genre(s) do you play the most?

    RPG? FPS? MMOs? etc etc

    Got a favourite?

  2. #2
    Queen Which game genre(s) do you play the most? Crescent's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    My favourites are Survival Horror, Hack n Slash, Platformers and (J)RPGs. Those along with Action RPGs, Action-adventure(eg LoZ) and Visual Novels(eg.AA) are what I alternate between most these days. I'll always have a soft spot for (J)RPGs, nothing beat's a great RPG. Sometimes one needs to unplug from the real world, and no genre helps me disconnect quite as well as an exploration filled, memorable character and story progression, well fleshed out RPG seeing as my all time fave videogame is one but the once dearly loved franchise that held my interest in the genre as a whole is all but dead to me now. I am more than aware that there are other quality (J)RPGs out there but honestly, idgaf. Realistically, playing rpgs isnt an ideal choice for me anymore because I dont have the time to sit n invest so many hours into em without having week, sometimes month long breaks in between, completely ruins the immersion n my overall experience. I have no interest in online gaming eg MMORPGs bt I still remember a time where I enjoyed Unreal Tournament my brother let me play n I always got killed as soon as I respawned :[ I loved hearing the announcer during the game and the sound effects were so powerful. Fighting games (SSB,UMvC3)n co-op/MP FPShooters (Halo) and multiplayer platformers are only played when family n friends visit, rowdy but so much fun. Never shown an interest in sports games or racing games, a lil burst with Gran Turismo on PS1 is all.

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Which game genre(s) do you play the most? Xanatos's Avatar
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    RPG, by far. Lately I've been leaning more towards WRPG's, as I feel they drastically increased in quality compared to JRPG's, which in all honesty I'm starting to find to be dull. Other than that, Survival Horror and Action Adventure with occasional FPS here and there. I used to be into strategy games big time, though it seems I lost my interest, I did however get hooked on Civilization V recently.

    This may sound funny to some of you, but I'm somewhat afraid to go back to online/multiplayer gaming, being absent for so long and all, a lot of things have changed and not in a good way.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  4. #4
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    RPGs were and still are my first game love. I prefer JRPGs for their style but I've come to enjoy action RPGs as well. Still have problems playing the first person ones though; I just don't like playing that way.

    I've long since branched out to action/action adventure and even some survival horrors. I'll play just about anything as long as it appeals to me, regardless of genre. I really don't like FPS games though.

    Xanatos, I understand completely. I want so badly to go back to Vana'Diel (FFXI) but it's been so long and I've missed so much that I doubt it would be worth it, especially if my character doesn't exist anymore. Makes me sad. I loved the game and the community, but I've accepted that I have to move on from it. I'm also afraid to get sucked into it again, which is why I've been wary about looking too much into FFXIV.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  5. #5
    Recently, I have been into real-time feedback action games.

    Tales of series is an example of having to do things, instead of waiting for your turn. And RNG stuff.

    Very few MMORPGs have real-time feedbacks, though, some already tried, succeeded, and ruined through RNG gear improvements. :V

  6. #6
    I invented Go-Gurt. Which game genre(s) do you play the most? Clint's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Any game that features stealth aspects are always great in my book. So I guess that falls under the category of action-adventure. I like to be mentally stimulated, and I like games to test me. Stealth-based games test strategic thinking. I've always loved strategy. I grew up playing chess, so it makes sense that I would appreciate aspects that force you to observe surroundings, move cautiously, and think at least ten moves ahead.

    I appreciate any games with strategic elements, not just stealth based action games. I'm a big fan of the Civilization games, though they have become way too easy. It is absolutely impossible to lose, and that has nothing to do with the games in general. I've just played them so much that I know strategies for success.

    I'm also a fan of flight simulators, because who wouldn't want to fly an airplane? I would have gotten my pilots license in real life, but I would need corrective laser eye surgery first, and that's like $10,000, so screw that.

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