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Thread: Freedom Wars Announced, New Vita Title

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    The Quiet One Freedom Wars Announced, New Vita Title Andromeda's Avatar
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    JRPG News Post Freedom Wars Announced, New Vita Title

    Previously teased as Panopticon, the official title for the game has been revealed as Freedom Wars. The game is described as a recovery multiplayer RPG game. It has a lot in common with the style of play Monster Hunter has made popular. The noteable elements to the game though is that the players are all criminals and do work to rescue humans to pay off their time. It seems that humans are born as criminals with a set amount of time, shown as numbers over their head. Completing rescues will reduce their sentences and eventually grant them freedom.

    All players look to have red thorns attached them allowing for quick movement around areas and possible to latch on to enemies. The major enemies that they are fighting to rescue humans from are dragon like creatures with enough power to one shot a player. The humans have created imitations of these dragons that are not as powerful, but can be used in combat against these large monsters.

    Also, the player will have an android that journeys with them called Accessories. The Accessories were created to watch over the criminals while they work and make sure they follow the rules. The player will be able to customize their Accessory down to the appearance.

    The game is planned for the Vita with a release date in 2014.

    Source: Freedom Wars' Giant Mechanical Dragons Can Kill Players With One Shot ; Freedom Wars Will Be A Game About Freedom, War And Recapturing ; "Panopticon" Is Freedom Wars, Another Multiplayer Action Game For Vita
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