The previously announced Galapagos RPG has been revealed as the Fairy Fencer F. Compile Hearts has released screenshots of the game, mostly combat and dungeon exploration. The visuals are much like the past games from Compile Hearts. Combat is a lot like with Neptunia, but they have said that there is going to be more features like air combos.
Some of the story has been revealed. The game takes place in a world where a goddess and evil god battled, but they did not do so directly. They created weapons and gave them to others to fight for them. Eventually the two were sealed away. The weapons remained behind and in the present day of the game, the weapons are called Furies. These weapons are powerful items that "Fencers" try to obtain. It also seems that furies have a spirit form.
Source: Fairy Fencer F Adds Air Combos To Neptunia's Battle System | Siliconera