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Thread: EA Tells Fans to Not Buy Their Game?

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    EA Tells Fans to Not Buy Their Game?

    (Inserting links doesn't seem to be working for me anymore, so here's the address to the story I reference: After Tons of Negative Feedback, Battlefield 5 Creator Insults Consumers and Tells Them Not To Buy Game! - Bounding Into Comics)

    I guess this happened in June, but someone on Twitter posted it today. The new Battlefield, which is set during WWII, features a female soldier with a prosthetic and make up, on the front lines, I guess. Fans got mad because it would be historically inaccurate for this woman to exist. The writer, and a few tweets he embedded in his story, indicated that there were lots of women involved in the fighting, they were just elsewhere, like in the French Resistance, and in the Soviet Union, as snipers. The EA director was like "there was totally women in WWII, and my daughter was like, 'why don't these guys like this girl in there?' and I was like 'cuz they're SEXIST!' And I mean it, you shouldn't buy my game if this bothers you, neckbeards!" (That's a paraphrase.) That wasn't the only complaint about the game, as I guess a lot of people were also complaining about the gameplay looking like an arcade shooter, or Fortnite, or whatever.

    I just thought it was hilarious that someone at EA was telling fans not to buy their game. A lot of people over the years would probably have liked for customers to not buy EA's games, because maybe then, they wouldn't have eaten so many smaller, cooler companies, and we would still be getting installments of games like the Wizardry series.

    EDIT: Here's a video The Quartering did in response to a video Angry Joe did, which was an indirect response to his original video on the subject... just for fun. Also because it was one of the first videos I saw when I looked at my subscription feed on YouTube, just now.

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy EA Tells Fans to Not Buy Their Game? Rowan's Avatar
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    Ill preface this by saying I didn't care enough about this game for other reasons. However, what really bothers people is the virtue signalling. Theyre obviously only including female soldiers in the game (and on the goddamn COVER) in an attempt to jump onto the PC bandwagon. That's all.
    Sure, there were women in war supposedly, a very small minority, like that one straight twistie you would find in 1 in 1000 packets, so why go to the effort to highlight this? Why is the gender so important be it such a minority?
    Because it intended to cause a shitstorm of PR for their franchise. Thats it.

    They're using women as a PR stunt and that's all they mean to them. So if I were a woman, id take offense to that and stop pretending its about equality, when women are just used as a marketing ploy.

  3. #3
    I want to play a game. EA Tells Fans to Not Buy Their Game? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Poor Westwood. At least we are getting Command & Conquer: Rivals. The game we did not know we wanted on the best platform imaginable. The only way it would have been better is if it is released on the N-Gage.

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  4. #4
    There were no women with robotic arms on the frontlines though. If it was the Wolfenstein Universe it would be perfectly fine.

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    Last edited by avensis; 08-21-2019 at 04:34 AM.

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