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Thread: E3 2010

  1. #31
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Zolarp
    How do I sound like a fool? [...] And yes I am a Sony fanboy, and thank you for the compliment
    You answered your own question. Go to Game Trailers or IGN for that kind of stuff. You'll fit right in there.

    * * *

    Speaking of IGN, I am utterly confused by their approaval of Microsoft's press conference. I don't get it.
    Last edited by Jin; 06-14-2010 at 10:04 PM.

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  2. #32
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) E3 2010 che's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    This E3 is boring as shit.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  3. #33
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Guys, simmer down a bit. We can have a discussion about E3 and remain civil in the process, right? I hope so. (I still haven't looked into any of it myself, so I can't say much. But from the sound of it, I'm not missing much, eh?) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #34
    I want to play a game. E3 2010 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Zolarp000 View Post
    And one last thing. If you think you guys can dispute the fact Activision doesn't take away great franchises from others, then why did Harmonix sign with EA and make Rock Band, and if you really wanted to stand up for Activision, just look at the back of the newest GH games, that includes GH4, GH Metallica, GH VH, GH5, and any other GH games I missed, 1-3+rock the 80's have Harmonix on the back side of the case.
    Ya know, I don't remember anybody in this thread defending Activision. If I remember correctly it was you whom started a thread about Activision's recently bad behavior with Infinity Ward where most of the posters agreed with you - including me -, one of whom was Jinn. Ya know, the poster who had "Activision" with devil horns on each side and beneath that it said "Something evil comes this way" (something like that). So you're really coming out of nowhere with what I quoted.

    Also, I may like a PS3 better than a 360, though most of the latter's problems have been solved, your FF XIII joke could only work before the game was actually released or before the back of the case was revealed to the internet because gamers know that there isn't a disc 4 or a disc 5 to FF XIII, so if anything it makes you look a bit stupid bringing up imaginary discs to a game that only has 3, 1-2-3, for the 360. In the end your huge pic is laughably false.

    Anyhuma, I saw the english trailer for Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light and while it is pretty much the same as the japanese trailer that was shown recently, I am going to like this new hat job system; it gives me the customization and it is done about in a quirky way. I haven't seen anything else that interests me, perhaps later today or tomorrow will what I want be touched on.

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  5. #35
    Memento Rhapso E3 2010 Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I feel like a fool with my pants on da ground, got up relatively early to catch Nintendo's conference, but realized then I was in a different timezone than the site Dodie gave us. *facepalm*
    Who else is about to burst from excitement from the new Zelda info? E3 could make or break all of our theories, so I'm dying to know who was right and who was wrong

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  6. #36
    I want to play a game. E3 2010 Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Currently watching the Nintendo conference as I write this and won't post this response till it is over and done. Golden Sun was just announced!!! Subtitled Dark Dawn and there is some new footage!!!!! GAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! Arrives this holiday season. It said that the Golden Sun was to bring peace but something went wrong - that something is Alex and I'm booking that prediction. Man has got out a lot quicker than expected and is now damn powerful!

    I was just about to comment on the latest Zelda being the latest Zelda, some new tricks but Zelda. Then there was the new Mario Sports Mix which seems fun but more of the same I don't want from Nintendo. What really has taken the cake though is Wii Party, a Mii version of Mario Party - good job Nintendo.

    GoldenEye 007 was just shown and I'm thinking that it may not be as popular as the original because it is on the Wii (controls), but who knows. Though lately hyped games have been getting great scores most of the time and this game could be one of those or it could be geniunely good.

    Disney Epic Mickey looks promising/interesting. I don't see a lot of people doubting the game as what happened with the original Kingdom Hearts.

    Kirby Epic Yarn... influenced by Paper Mario in aesthetic design? I got to give props to UFO Kirby.

    Dragon Quest IX now!!!! Which Regis talked about the game, no footage. But it is coming out soon.

    I liked the Donkey Kong game that I had for the gameboy and it is about time there was a new game released for that series; I wish Square Enix did that with the Mana and SaGa series.

    A Kid Icarus game!! C'mon SE, revive old franchises!!!!

    Well if people start disappearing blame the 3DS as it sucks people in. The support that new handheld is getting looks to be superb, all depends though on how well the devs can work with the new handheld. The conference just ended and overall I think Nintendo gets a B to an A- (in that spread).

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  7. #37
    Sir Prize E3 2010 Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I'm stunned. I never thought I'd... Ladies and Gentlemen, I think Nintendo just won E310. They certainly put the squeeze on Microsoft. I'm actually psyched...a new Goldeneye, Kirby, Donkey Kong Country, Kid Icarus... Plus with the possibilities the new 3DS gives... With graphics equaling and possibly surpassing the PSP, and then having them pushed into 3d... Someone has actually already tried to steal one just about a half-hour ago.

    I actually haven't been "geeked-out" over E3 for several years.

    Last edited by Sinister; 06-15-2010 at 10:56 AM.

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  8. #38
    The Strongest Fusion E3 2010 Gogeta's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    My thoughts on Nintendo, I was a bit un-wherry on the Mario Sports Mix, but I can see this getting sells, Just Dance 2 seems like it will be a huge it, the Nintendo 3DS looks AMAZING!!! The Legend of Zelda has the master sword. It has been proven because of the looks, Metroid: The other M looks very well designed, Donkey Kong looks awesome, I personally don't like the Golden Eye, but hey, thats me, I was really hoping for a new type of Mario that didn't have to do with sports, but hey, who knows how many sales there will be for Mario Sports Mix. I personally didn't pay to much attention to Golden Sun or Icarus. Buy Epic Micky looks very very awesome, you can do basically whatever you want, but there might be consequences for changing the environment.
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    I really didnt get too much into 1-3, I got about halfway through 6, didnt play 9 that much, and played 12 at a friends house.

  9. #39
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I am utterly stunned after watching Nintendo's conference. I was certain it'd be another shit fest of casual yawnings. But damn, they brought their A game. Zelda, Kirby, DK, Golden Sun, GoldenEye AND Kid Icarus. Christ.

    I never thought it possible, but they're the showing to beat for Sony.

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  10. #40
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Oh wow. I didn't think Sony's conference was going to hold up to Nintendo's...then they showed Portal 2 and Twisted Metal. I'm a little disappointed that there was nothing on the Last Guardian or the Agent, but still, shit. Seeing Gabe Newel on that stage was by far the biggest surprise of E3 for me and Twisted Metal looked bad ass (Jaffe said he wouldn't be there, what a liar).

    I think I'm going to have to give the edge to Sony because of the humour they employed. It only struck me after I reflected on the fact that that absolutely nothing was said in Kevin Butler's monologue...but I didn't care, it was awesome. Kevin Butler is the best thing to happen to Sony since GTA 3.

    Microsoft aside, it's been a good E3. And now the floor show.

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  11. #41
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) E3 2010 che's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I've been waiting for the Goldeneye remake my entire life. It's too bad I sold my ****ing Wii already, assholes. So I'll be playing split screen on my friend's Wii.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  12. #42
    Sir Prize E3 2010 Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Woah...Who would've thought they had Twisted Metal and Portal 2 up their sleeves? They still released no information on FF14 that we didn't already know. And I, personally, will be viewing this 3D trend with a doubtful eye. The move looked pretty fine, but I'm not sure. And yes, Kevin Butler's words will ring forever and go down in E3 history in the same way the other epic moments of E3 have.

    I still think Nintendo won and will give it to them. The mouth-watering combination of revisits they lined up teamed with 3DS K.O.ed Microsoft and put Sony on their guard. Sony escaped doom with their own Revisits of Twisted Metal. Is anyone seeing a trend here? Are they doing remakes for the same reason Hollywood is? I doubt it and it's fantastic to see my childhood rear its head, next gen style.

    Now it's time for the floor show...


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  13. #43
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Zolarp000 View Post
    Dude, if you're gonna edit out your entire message and just leave an ellipses, you might as well just delete the message altogether, which I think you can do. Don't feel too bad, though; we all have off days. And you were helped a little.

    Anyway, I watched a few of the trailers a little bit ago. The new Zelda game reminds me of a cross between Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, graphics and color wise, eh? It just seems to be slightly cell shaded. Or maybe it's just because I'm watching it on a computer screen, and I'm used to PS3 graphics right now. Either way, I didn't see anything to be too excited about there, yet. I wonder about the mechanics of that new Metroid game. Will it be part side scroller/3D platformer, part FPS? Showed a lot of 3D/2D platformer in that video. Also, that Donkey Kong Country Returns video takes me back.

    Haven't seen any of the Sony portion yet. Dunno if I'm interested. Saw their demo of their new 3D thing from last year, however. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  14. #44
    Sir Prize E3 2010 Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Don't feel bad, Telegraph... There are E3s that cater to some people and there are E3s that cater to others. Though I don't understand how Nintendo could've done better. Sony could've done a little better. They could've released info on more of the FF13 games and release info on 14...That would've put Sony a little further up in my estimation. But the floor show goes on, who knows what lies ahead.


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  15. #45
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    They [Sony] could've released info on more of the FF13 games and release info on 14
    I think this is probably more a Square-Enix prerogative rather than a Sony prerogative. You know how slow they are. Sony seemed hell bent on including them in their conference even though they had nothing new to show, so I'd infer that the lack of anything to show was Square's doing (or not doing), rather than Sony's. But who knows.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    I wonder about the mechanics of that new Metroid game. Will it be part side scroller/3D platformer, part FPS? Showed a lot of 3D/2D platformer in that video.
    From what I've seen, the game plays in third person view, either 2D or 3D (depending on the specific area, it seems), but goes into first person mode when the Wiimote is pointed at the screen.
    Last edited by Jin; 06-15-2010 at 04:20 PM.

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  16. #46
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Yeah I'm pretty stoked after the Nintendo conference. Seriously so many awesome games coming out.

    I swear I must be the only longtime gamer who has NOT really played Goldeneye. I mean I think I played some multiplayer at a friend's house when it came out but back then I was STILL sporting an NES as my main console and so I just felt like a fish out of water playing it. It was like being one of those clueless parents playing a video game for the first time.

    I haven't really seen the Sony Press Conference yet. But I'm going through todays G4 recording on my PVR.

    What sorta took my away from the TV and back to my computer was none other than

    New Trailer AND Gameplay. So awesome
    YouTube - OfficialMvC3's Channel

    And to not be outclassed by anyone here, here's some funny stuff from GAF

  17. #47

    Re: E3 2010

    Nintendo did pretty awesome.
    Golden sun is still a while away though despite being announced next year.
    Was hoping for some new info on pokemon black and white but I guess we got stuff from the new corocoro leak.
    New kirby game! Epic yarn looks pretty damn sweet and I mean that in the sense of both cute and something I can't wait to play.
    New zelda, I'd play it whatever to be honest...

    Not looked at the sony presentation yet and I wasn't that impressed by microsoft though I expected it to be mainly showing off natal/kinect and it's starting software. I'm not hyped for it but have to remember that E3 is a tradeshow now and they're showing off what will inevitable sell.

  18. #48
    The Mad God E3 2010 Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I'm glad Microsoft wasn't foreshadowing the quality of the entire thing, Sony and Nintendo actually kept my interest this year. Portal 2 was all I really needed to see to be happy for a while.
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  19. #49
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I'm glad Microsoft wasn't foreshadowing the quality of the entire thing, Sony and Nintendo actually kept my interest this year. Portal 2 was all I really needed to see to be happy for a while.
    The portal 2 on PS3 announcement was the biggest "no ****ing way, seriously?!" moment I had at E3 this year.

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  20. #50
    Certified tech, come at me! E3 2010 SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    YES!!!! all the new games look really exciting. Kid Icarus, Goldeneye, MGS3, Zelda. Please tell me I'm not the only one whos excited about this but even some japan only titles are coming too Fist of the North Star (PS3/360), Ys Seven and Ys 1&2 chronicles for PSP.

    Watch and marvel over the Ys Seven trailer for psp ^^
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 06-18-2010 at 09:37 AM.
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  21. #51
    The Lone Dagger E3 2010 Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I liked hearing about the new remake for Zelda, always liked the series but I haven't gotten a Wii so I'll have to find a friend to mooch off of lol. As far as PS3 and PSP I'm looking forward to two titles that probably a lot of people know about and that would be Final Fantasy XIV and Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. They are gonna be awesome!!

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  22. #52
    Certified tech, come at me! E3 2010 SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Oh yeah, forgot about that one Birth By Sleep does look awesome. Did you check out that trailer I linked Xithor?
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  23. #53
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Xithor View Post
    I liked hearing about the new remake for Zelda, always liked the series but I haven't gotten a Wii so I'll have to find a friend to mooch off of lol.
    Woah, woah, did I miss something? I don't recall hearing of any Zelda remakes for the Wii. There was the new one and the tech demo of Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, but what are you referring to when you say a remake for the Wii?

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  24. #54
    The Lone Dagger E3 2010 Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    Woah, woah, did I miss something? I don't recall hearing of any Zelda remakes for the Wii. There was the new one and the tech demo of Ocarina of Time for the 3DS, but what are you referring to when you say a remake for the Wii?
    Prob shouldn't have said remake but it is a new Zelda for Wii, it's called Zelda Skyward Sword. Here is the trailer: E3 2010 FIRST LOOK Nintendo The Legend of Zelda Wii Skyward Sword Official Trailer.

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  25. #55
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Yeah, I know that one.

    When you said remake I thought I had missed something.

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  26. #56
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    I did remember reading somewhere that OoT was being remade for the 3DS. Not a full story, but just a little blip. Don't remember the source, however.

    Also, I am pleased with what I saw from Nintendo. I just don't get excited about a lot of new things anymore. Maybe I'm used to being let down? *shrug* Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  27. #57
    E3 2010 Jin's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    The OoT remake was a tech demo from what I understand, to showcase what the 3DS was capable of. But that doesn't mean it won't happen...

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  28. #58
    The Lone Dagger E3 2010 Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Yea sorry for the confusion Jin. I was excited the most about the new stuff from Square but prob everyone here would agree with me. I didn't see anything about FFversusXIII though. Is that releasing next year?

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  29. #59
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: E3 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    The OoT remake was a tech demo from what I understand, to showcase what the 3DS was capable of. But that doesn't mean it won't happen...
    From what I understand, people were assuming it was too good to be true and called it a tech demo, but there was a special Nintendo Roundtable discussion where it was quietly confirmed by Iwata stating he really wants to fix the Water Temple.

    That's what I thought I heard anyway, I'll look into it and see if it was officially confirmed or not just to be sure.

    EDIT: Nope it's real

  30. #60

    Re: E3 2010

    Ocarina of Time was officially confirmed. It's on their site even.

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