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Thread: Duplicate Games

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  1. #1
    Registered User Duplicate Games
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    Duplicate Games

    So what would you do if you wound up with two copies of the same game? Keep them both or get rid of one? Would it depend on the situation?

    The reason I mostly bring this up is because Tele and I are both gamers, and if we decide to live together, that would mean we would have quite a few duplicate games, and duplicate game systems as well. Part of me says that I should keep mine and he keep his, but another part of me thinks that at least half of that stuff will just wind up collecting dust, so why not trade it off for someone else to enjoy?

    ^ Don't let that scenario steer the discussion of the thread though. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, but if you have two cents to spare, I'd like to hear it.
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  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy Duplicate Games Rowan's Avatar
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    its funny you mention this, because my girlfriend is actually a gamer like myself, and we'll have duplicate copies of games (and far more duplicate copies of movies). I think its a great idea to hang onto them, because in the future they may just be worth more than you could imagine. My girlfriend recently purchased Legend of Dragoon for my collection, the PAL version of that game is worth $120 second hand, and there are mutiple brand new copies selling for no les than $400. its hard to imagine once upon a time games such as these were selling for $50 at a k-mart. So I say hang on to your valuables, especially those duplicate copies. Also, perhaps one might get damaged to the point of unplayability, then you will always have a spare.

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD Duplicate Games Alpha's Avatar
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    My flatmate and my dad both got me the first Game of Thrones book for my birthday. Both had purchased online so neither had an exchange card. I plan on keeping the one that comes from the same edition as the second book which I bought for myself, and re-gifting the other one at Christmas, or perhaps leaving it at a bus stop or something.

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