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Thread: Metroid: Other M

  1. #1

    Metroid: Other M

    Wow. That is all.

    Well, that wouldn't make for much of a thread, so I'll elaborate. I just finished this game and I feel it's definitely the best game of the series. No, that would be an understatement; this is probably the best game on the Wii.

    I had very high hopes for this game, and they surpassed them by far. The gameplay definitely feels a lot like Super Metroid, but in a 3D environment. This is a good thing, since Super Metroid is often ranked as one of the best games ever by many, myself included. At the same time, its first-person mode feels a lot like Metroid Prime. Not quite as good, but it's a very nice mix. It also has its own unique touches though.

    Going between third-person and first-person feels natural. It gives you a bit of a slow-motion while you switch to give you a little time to react to incoming attacks, or not miss your shot. I thought it might be a problem at first, but it's not. It's very nice being able to scan your surroundings in first-person, much like the Primes. However, they could have probably made use of this a little more. The times they do force you to use it can be annoying, as I had trouble figuring out what it was I was looking for.

    The storyline, though, is the biggest part. This is what the Metroid series has lacked the most. Recently they've been adding a little more to it, but not on this scale. This game has a fully worked out storyline. About 40+ minutes of cutscene and FMV, detailing a lot of Samus's past, but focusing on the present at the same time.

    If they make more Metroid games, please, more of this. The gameplay can change, but please keep the storyline.

    Also, the ability to play the entire game Metroid: Other M The Movie at the end was a great touch. I loved watching it all after I beat it to see all the greatness again.

    Anyone else played this or looking to play it? Curious to know if others felt the same.
    Last edited by Fluffy; 09-02-2010 at 11:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Certified tech, come at me! Metroid: Other M SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    I'm currently playing it as of right now. I loved this game, the controls are a bit hard to get used to mainly because of the d-pad in the 2.5-D environment. I like how Samus talks in this one and I like how theres other people with her which makes the story more interesting.

    I liked this one alot better than the prime series since it plays like the 2D games and it had cool action moves like blasting an enemy in the head, dodging out the way, and roundhouse kicking space pirates in the face. What more could you ask for?
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  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Metroid: Other M Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Fluff, you do know there's a Metroid Prime game on the Wii, right? The trilogy? Try playing that, and then comparing it to Other M's FPS portions.

    And the story? Don't make me laugh. Samus defeats Ridley time and time again, and all of a sudden she becomes a chicken shit in front of him?

    And not to mention that she can't use her powers that she already has? Just because of some bland male character? I mean, do you remember the stage where you couldn't use your Varia suit? >.>;

    *shakes head* Other M is a disappointment, IMO. >.>

    Also, how is this the best Metroid game if you keep pointing out glaring flaws? XD;;
    Last edited by Victoria; 09-03-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Certified tech, come at me! Metroid: Other M SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    Fluff, you do know there's a Metroid Prime game on the Wii, right? The trilogy? Try playing that, and then comparing it to Other M's FPS portions.

    And the story? Don't make me laugh. Samus defeats Ridley time and time again, and all of a sudden she becomes a chicken shit in front of him?

    And not to mention that she can't use her powers that she already has? Just because of some bland male character? I mean, do you remember the stage where you couldn't use your Varia suit? >.>;

    *shakes head* Other M is a disappointment, IMO. >.>

    Also, how is this the best Metroid game if you keep pointing out glaring flaws? XD;;

    Metroid Prime 1-3 is a flaw in itself. Shes slow, can't do much moves, you can't see everything thats going on. They are fun games and the stories aren't very intriguing. The replay value isn't that great either. I could play Other M over and over with its features if I wanted to.

    About the not being able to use your abilities from the start, wouldn't that make the game too easy? Other M provides a decent challenge and a nice tie in to Super Metroid. I'm going to overlook the flaws and enjoy a nice metroid game.
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  5. #5

    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Victoria View Post
    Fluff, you do know there's a Metroid Prime game on the Wii, right? The trilogy? Try playing that, and then comparing it to Other M's FPS portions.
    Yeah, I feel they weren't that great. Not only am I not a big FPS fan, but the games themselves felt way too slow. Nothing seems to happen for way too long periods of time. I still finished, and they're still good, but nothing achieving greatness. The FPS of those games doesn't need to be compared to this one at all; the FPS on this game works fine for what this game is.

    And the story? Don't make me laugh. Samus defeats Ridley time and time again, and all of a sudden she becomes a chicken shit in front of him?
    Or she was afraid of him every time, but they just didn't show that. This is the first game they actually try. Even if they had her showing fear in the the Prime Trilogy, she didn't show fear in Metroid. Are you really going to call that a flaw? I'd say the flaw lies in the original Metroid for not attempting to display this. Just the same, I'd say that applies to every Metroid before this one. They failed for not containing enough attempt at story in the first place. They're great games, but the lack of a good, solid story has always been a flaw of the Metroid series in my opinion.

    And not to mention that she can't use her powers that she already has? Just because of some bland male character? I mean, do you remember the stage where you couldn't use your Varia suit? >.>;
    Would you have preferred that they make her lose all of her powers again? Or maybe you'd want a game where she just has all of her powers available to begin with; sounds boring to me. There's only so many ways you can make her reacquire her powers. The fact that she doesn't lose them again is refreshing. I can really only think of two times that this proves to be a problem:

    The time she's at a risk of dying without her Varia Suit, and the time that she's attempting to save Anthony.

    I'll agree it would have been better if she ignored orders in those two situations and just activated them. Other than that? Not a problem.

    As for the bland male character, accordning to the now in-game canon, as well as previous sources,
    he isn't just some former superior officer. He's basically like a father to her. You may think he's bland, but she does not. He's pretty much one of the most important people in her life. And he requested/allowed her to stay as long as she followed his condition. Just because she's an independent bounty hunter doesn't mean she can go around disobeying orders from a high ranking Federation officer. So if she had disagreed, she wouldn't even be allowed to stay. Or I guess she could have disobeyed and risk losing her main source of jobs.

    Of course, none of that matters if you didn't like the story and would prefer they didn't make this game. I suppose instead they could have made another game where she just goes and blasts stuff without questions. I personally prefer this.

    And keep pointing out glaring flaws? I pointed out one, and it wasn't that big of a deal. It took me a minute longer than it should have on two occasions to progress. Everything else you've pointed out I don't see as a flaw at all.
    Last edited by Fluffy; 09-03-2010 at 09:32 PM.

  6. #6
    Metroid: Other M Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Quote Originally Posted by Sabin
    Metroid Prime 1-3 is a flaw in itself
    lol wut?

    Not to reduce it to numbers, but...

    Metroid Prime Trilogy Collection: Metacritic - 91 based on 48 reviews; user score 9.5 based on 70 ratings.

    Metroid Prime Trilogy Collection: GameStats - 92 based on 46 reviews; user score 9.5.

    I'm sure you can look up the games individually on your own. I'm afraid you're very much in the minority on this one.
    Last edited by Jin; 09-04-2010 at 05:25 AM.

    Until now!

  7. #7
    Certified tech, come at me! Metroid: Other M SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    lol wut?

    Not to reduce it to numbers, but...

    Metroid Prime Trilogy Collection: Metacritic - 91 based on 48 reviews; user score 9.5 based on 70 ratings.

    Metroid Prime Trilogy Collection: GameStats - 92 based on 46 reviews; user score 9.5.

    I'm sure you can look up the games individually on your own. I'm afraid you're very much in the minority on this one.
    ^ I said that out of exaggeration, I'm only doing my part in defending a metroid title.
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  8. #8
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    Well my copy's shipped, so hopefully I'll start playing it next week.

    Nice to hear positive comments. Considering a lot of this is pulled from the OFFFICIAL Metroid Manga which I've read and enjoyed. I really look forward to seeing how it is in this game.

  9. #9
    Death Before Dishonor Metroid: Other M Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Metroid: Other M

    I am a huge fan of the entire Metroid series. I haven't had the chance to play it yet, but I have heard excellent things.

    My mom said that my little brother is addicted to this game, and has been playing it non-stop.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

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