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As Xanatos started, DA2 is quite the downgrade from DA1. DA2 they favored simplification to most features that existed in DA1. There were only a couple of things that they actually managed to improve. But at work I usually go on rants about all of the faults of the Dragon Age series.
The biggest one and the most important part for what the game is about, choice is meaningless in the games. They give you the illusion of choice and making decisions, but in the end you're still funneled down the exact same story as everyone else playing. If you kill this person rather than this one, you will still end up going the same path. If you're good or evil you're still saving the world. If you can't actually deliver on the primary selling point of the game, then it has already failed in my mind. Give me, the player, control of the story if you're giving me choice. Make me the director, not the game designer.
The relationships are all shallow and too easily bought off in the first game. The relationships were still shallow, but you didn't just buy your relationship like in the first game. If they don't agree with a decision, even slightly you can't actually have a relationship with them. Approval equals relationship. There are plenty of times people have relationships and they don't agree on things, differences often attract as they say. This approval equals relationship was corrected in the second game. It also ran better with an a rival or friend rather than approval.
The choices are not always clearly stated for the tone that they are delivered. So you could make a choice that you thought would be serious and they make it a joke or the other way around. Which is totally not what you were wanting. This is improved in the second game, but at the cost of not knowing what you're going to say. So you can pick something and not have any clue if it is really want you wanted to say, you just know the intent it is being delivered.
All solutions in the game are ended by the death of someone. There are no other solutions but the one sided killing, no middle ground no reconciling your differences. Just death. Which I find to be shallow and the easy way out. For a developer that is touted for crafting complex stories they could not find another solution to the end of a main story arc than killing. There is never any room to even try to convince them otherwise.
You can't defend your own choices. Your party members disagree with your choice and it just ends there. You can't explain yourself to them trying to convince them that this is actually a good decision.
There are a ton a visual errors in the games. I've never seen so many animation bugs in a single game until I played DA1. I actually stopped playing the game started finding bugs, it is the only game to have been able to do that to me.
DA2 is heavily recycled. You play in a single city and the surrounding lands and underground. It is all very clear how they made several large dungeons and then sectioned them off to use for specific quests. You will see the same dungeons a lot even though you're in different areas.
DA2 made party customization nearly non-existent. You had no control over their equipment, only their skills/abilities and point allocation. So you could not tweak their armor. I think you still controlled their weapons, but that was it.
DA2 none of the romance options for characters were interesting. DA1 actually had some appealing characters to pursue.
If you want to be good in DA2, less so in DA1, you have to micro manage your party members quite a lot. The game would have been better as a turn based affair since you could not trust your AI to actually play well enough to survive. The amount of pausing I had to do for an "action game" was just not right.
DA2 definitely went more towards the flash rather than practical. Everything looks when it is being done in DA2, so they succeeded there, but it is all a fairly empty feeling. It doesn't have the right action RPG feel to be an action RPG, it fits better as a slower turned based affair with what it is trying to work with rather than being an action RPG.