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Thread: Console Wars!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Console Wars!

    With the console war well on its way it is becoming more evident as to who is going to emerge as top selling console for this generation.
    With things like the recession, higher cost of game consoles, battles for exclusive titles, it seems to be one of the most competitive console wars to date. I just recently bought a Playstation 3 to accommodate my Xbox 360 and Wii, so I Figured I would give my two cents on where Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are going.

    Price: One of, if not, the most important aspect of a game console when potential buyers.

    Playstation 3: The price of PS3 has gotten much better since the original $600, 60Gb first launched. I can now buy a superior console for $400 with 80 Gb of storage. The only disadvantage is the lack of PS2 backwards compatibility, however there have been rumors that Sony plans to release software that enables PS2 compatibility on all PS3 consoles. Even with this price cut, this price is still very high considering the recession and cheaper price of other consoles. Not to mention Sony loses money every time they sell a system, a further price cut would be devastating for Sony in the short run.

    Xbox 360: Microsoft has done pretty good for itself with the Xbox 360. The $200 price tag of the arcade system officially makes it the cheapest console. For 100 dollars more you get a 60 Gb Hard Drive included.

    Nintendo Wii: As a note to all other Wii related topics, I’m finding more and more difficult to generalize this market as the same market Sony and Microsoft are competing in. That said, the Wii topics will probably be written from a “hardcore gamers” perspective, not a “casual gamer”. Concerning price, the Nintendo seems to be a marketing genius, seeing how it’s kept its console at the same 250 dollar price tag that the Wii had when it first launched. From a gamers perspective the Wii is probably the biggest waste of $250 dollars.

    Worth the Money?/Exclusives..: Kind of bleeds in with the “price” subject, however focuses more on what features you get with the console concerning how much you paid for it, and the number of exclusives.

    Playstation 3: Considering Sony loses money every time you buy one, it would seem like a pretty good deal. For $400 I got a Blu-Ray player, a game console, and with the right Linux distro, a home computer. Not bad for $400, however, Sony is really hurting when it comes to exclusives, the controversial subject haunting flame wars everywhere. The truth is, the PS3 just isn’t worth $400, especially because I already own an Xbox 360. In fact, the only reason I bought it was that the bundle came with Metal Gear Solid 4 and Killzone 2, effectively acting as a price cut for me. After I bought Ratchet and Clank, it then became apparent that their weren’t any other games on the console that I didn’t already have for the 360, after I complete these 3 games, I’m not really sure what games to buy after that. Sony is going to have to get more at least twice as many (good) exclusives, or a price cut to 300 dollars if they plan on competing with the Xbox 360.
    Edit: Just bought infamous; a nice addition to Sony’s library. Still, only four games though.

    Xbox 360: Not much more than a gaming console, but there are tons of exclusives. I could name 5-10 exclusive games off the top of my head I would immediately buy if I were a new buyer to the console. The 360 is a good investment simply because of all the software available to it.

    Nintendo Wii: Pretty Much all exclusives; however there are only a select few that are actually good, most of these being first party games. The whole “Motion-Control” gimmick got old to someone like me in few hours. I haven’t touched my Wii since Brawl was released. I could write a few paragraphs on this subject, but I won’t, because I’m assuming the majority of you aren’t too crazy about this console anyways.

    Online experience: Probably the main distinction between this generation of consoles and the last generation of consoles.

    Playstation 3: Hey you can’t beat free, eh? All in all PSN is pretty decent considering I don’t pay 7 dollars a month to access it. Not much to say other than that. PSN has got some cool stuff, but XBL’s library of downloadable content dwarfs it.

    Xbox 360: They didn’t invent online play on consoles, but they might as well have. Microsoft is obviously undisputed champion in this area. Sure it cost money to access online play, but it is worth every single dime. With the new dashboard update the interface is incredibly streamlined, and online play still feels superior to the PSN. Also, it seems to be getting a bunch of DLC that the PSN isn’t, making some of the games near exclusive status on the 360.

    Nintendo Wii: Once again free, but very cumbersome online play. It’s virtual console downloads is the only reason I would ever use this feature.

    Motion Controls!: You’ve probably heard that both Microsoft and Sony planning to release and have demoed their motion control interfaces, as well as Nintendo’s “Wii Motion Plus” addition. Obviously, these “casual-gamer friendly” additions is somewhat due to Nintendo’s success with interface.

    Playstation 3: The PS3’s motion control system is currently my favorite of all 3. “Wands” as there calling them are two, you guessed it, wand like controllers that let you control objects on the screen. Judging by the demos, it is very precise and looks much, much more responsive then the Wii-mote. Still in early development, but looks promising.

    Xbox 360: Looks like they’ve got some cool stuff going down at Microsoft as well (no, not Windows 7). They’re calling it project “Natal”. It’s essentially a very advanced video camera that takes very accurate measurements of whatever is being displayed to it. Basically, it makes your body the controller.

    Nintendo Wii: Nintendo recently released the “Wii Motion Plus”, which essentially makes the Wii-mote much more accurate. I’d like to see what developers could do with this.

    Future of the consoles: My predictions on the future of these consoles

    Playstation 3: It looks like Sony is finally going in the right direction now. The last two E3’s have been impressive as far as exclusive titles go. Sony most certainly can make it if production costs become cheaper and they can finally announce that price cut everyone has been asking for. And, if developers finally get the hang of the PS3 architecture, then this consoles future looks a little shaky, but positive nonetheless.

    Xbox 360: Microsoft has had great success marketing the Xbox 360. Prices are ridiculously cheap compared to when it was first released, and is subsequently the cheapest console. The Xbox offers affordability and a library of games that hardcore gamers are looking for. My only problem with the Xbox lies in the fact that the Xbox may not be able to keep up with the steadily rising requirements console developers are demanding. Another problem is the 9Gb DVD’s Microsoft has been milking. At this rate, multi-platform games will take up multiple discs on the Xbox 360. Final Fantasy 13 is a perfect example of this. Are developers going to want to build more advanced games, or will they simply keep developing one version of a multiple-platform and then port it to the PS3? I’m guessing the latter, but who knows. There have been talks of “Natal” being bundled with a new Xbox, possibly one with beefed up hardware.

    Nintendo Wii: Let’s no try to worry about Nintendo. Though they’ve pretty much dissed the entire hardcore fanbase, they’re massively successful. Nintendo could sell <insert useless piece of junk here> and make it successful.

    Anyways, that was my mindless rant on the console wars.

    Also, because a massive flame war will probably ensue, try to keep it respectful. Keep the pointless fanboy comments to a minimum.
    Last edited by Christa Pho!; 08-06-2009 at 08:32 PM.

  2. #2
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Console Wars! Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Defenitly go with the PS3...But for me, I'm getting all three, so it doesn't really matter to me...LOL

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  3. #3
    Registered User Console Wars!
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    Of the new consoles, I have a PS3 and a Nintendo Wii.

    My PS3 is still fairly new, and I don't have that many games for it (actually, I just have one, XD). I guess what prevented me from buying it at launch was the price. Looking back, though, I wish I would have bought one then instead of now. I could kick myself for not doing so.

    I got my Nintendo Wii when it was first launched. Yep. I got caught up in the hype. I still like it, but it does seem that Nintendo is focusing more on the casual gamer market. If I still had my SNES, I wouldn't bother with the virtual console, but alas I do not. So more money goes to Nintendo for games that give me the nostalgia factor. There is one game that I can think of off the top of my head that I can't wait to get my hands on. Super Mario Galaxy 2. I loved the first one, and I hope this one will be just as great.

    I have never had an Xbox or a 360, so I can't tell you my opinion about them.

    I think you did a good comparison of the consoles, listing thier pros and thier cons. I really couldn't say who will emerge victorious in the end. I can speculate, but I won't.
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    Master of the Shadow Key Console Wars! KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I like to stay with Sony since the original Playstation was the first console I got. The Xbox360 doesn't interest me very much, mostly because of all the RROD reports and I consider bricks a more comfortable controller, but that's just me. I liked the Wii when I first bought it, but now I see a drought of interesting games so I only play it for Smash Bros. and Mario Kart Wii.
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  5. #5
    Boredness rules us all Console Wars! Midnight Panda's Avatar
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    im getting all three seventh gen consoles
    Been gone a long while but im back now and not as annoying. promise


  6. #6
    Memento Rhapso Console Wars! Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Console Wars!

    I'm with the PS3 and Wii for I've always been a Nintendo fan, and lately Sony has been capturing my interest. An Xbox 360 seems like a waste of money to me for Red Ring o' Death.

    This puts everything in perspective. Personally, I'd like for the WiiS360 to exist. That'd be frickin' awesome. Well, without the mass suicide part. Then no one would play Super Mario Call of Halo 4 online with me. . .
    Last edited by Rhaps; 07-21-2010 at 09:39 AM.

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  7. #7
    Registered User Console Wars! NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Console Wars!

    haha, that is curmudgeonly classic. If i knew what that meant.

    I love Nintendo's answers to everything. Just oblivious to what the competitors are doing, but you know? They are still kicking some ass in the market. I have no preference to game system anymore. When it was PS2, Gamecube, XBOX... I was hardcore a PS fanboy. But it's too expensive to buy my exclusive love.

    I only own a Wii for current genre, but I have 3 games. I mainly just play my PS2 all day still. I have to get a DS. Thought it was going to be a fad. I mean, 2 weeks before its release, I got my GBA, and I was like, Look EVERYONE, and envy me!

  8. #8
    The Lone Dagger Console Wars! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Console Wars!

    I have played PS3, XBOX 360 and the Wii so I have had my fair share of experiences with them all, I only own a PS3 though. As far as your initial comment on the small amount of games that you would want to get for the PS3, I know that there are some titles that are shared by both the PS3 and the XBOX 360 but I can think of one title that isn't that way and I'm sure happy I have a PS3 because of it.

    That game is MLB The Show franchise, which is not made by EA Sports anymore bc they were bought out but it is so much better than anything 2K Sports is able to put together. I am an avid baseball fan as well as a Final Fantasy fan and not only is The Show only available on PS3 but after comparing visuals from a PS3 FF XIII and a XBOX 360 FFXIII, PS3 takes it hands down. But maybe I'm biased lol

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  9. #9
    The British Guy. Console Wars! Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Console Wars!

    I have an Xbox 360 and a Wii but i think that the PS3 is the better console but i like gears of war and halo .

    Although i regret buying an Xbox because FFXIV isnt being released for it the other games i go on regularly are FFXIII, call of duty modern warfare and fifa 10 which are all out on PS3 with blu- ray

  10. #10
    Console Wars! Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Console Wars!

    People who think that a one console future is the way to go are delusional. When has a monopoly ever been good for the consumer?

    Until now!

  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Console Wars!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    People who think that a one console future is the way to go are delusional. When has a monopoly ever been good for the consumer?
    And at this point in time, all three of the choices have things they can do the others can't. Even if they all become equal in hardware features (likely won't happen), all will have some games you can't play on the others.
    victoria aut mors

  12. #12
    Mark Wough

    Re: Console Wars!

    As far as potential goes, the PS3, it has a super powerful processor, an awesomely huge Blu-ray format, but is lacking games-wise.

    The 360 is winning figures wise but is having huge drawbacks due to the red rings of death.

    But the Wii is definitely winning overall, there in so high of a demand you'd be lucky to find one anywhere.

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