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Thread: Combine the last two games you have played

  1. #1
    Registered User Combine the last two games you have played LauriJ's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Combine the last two games you have played

    Same as title. The last two games that i have played would be Team Fortress and MGSV. Combining the two would like result in a game that's like TF2 except All of the players will be Spies! Complete with Cardboard Boxes! On second though, that might not be a very good idea at all...

  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger Combine the last two games you have played Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Technically, mine would be Pokémon Picross and No Man's Sky, because I played them for about five minutes each last night before bed. So their combo game would be Skycross, a game in which I make pictures of all of the parts my spaceship needs to fly, and somehow have them in my inventory.

    But for games that I invested time into, Overwatch and Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force. I wouldn't know how to combine them though. Boy takes magical sword and fights the omnics that are oppressing his people.
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  3. #3
    The Mad God Combine the last two games you have played Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Pokemon xenoverse 2. Yo dawn, I heard you like rng, so we put some more rng in your rng so you can rage while you rage.
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  4. #4
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Combine the last two games you have played Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Hmm.... Pokémon Sun and Skyrim.... That would be a very strange combination in my eyes. Those giant spiders would have a lot more food to consider though and I guess Pokémon battles would take the place of raids or something.
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  5. #5
    This ain't no place for no hero Combine the last two games you have played Tiffany's Avatar
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    Destiny and FFXV.

    Would be kick ass to use a super AND have a summon happen in the same fight! lol. Raid bosses in FF that you could co op with friends would be pretty cool too.

  6. #6
    I am Ol' Fartsy and I said So! Combine the last two games you have played Ol' Fartsy's Avatar
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