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  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Close Calls SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Close Calls

    I'm sure many of you experienced in rpgs the defeating of enemies while at low hp or with most of your characters koed. What amazing moments have you experienced that were memorable?

    One that I've recently experienced is in FFIV DS in the fight against Bahamut. I had no magic to aid me to start with and I was forced to use stuff like bardsong/life's anthem to keep my characters' hp up. In the end of that battle it was Kain and Cecil left with their hp very low and I won the fight.
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  2. #2
    Memento Rhapso Close Calls Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    The Legend of Zelda is technically a role playing game, as you play the role of Link , but in "A Link to the Past" I was facing the Desert Temple boss, he knocked me down to a quarter heart, and somehow I came out victorious.
    But in case you were literal on it, in FFVII I scraped by the Materia Keeper with one member alive and in the Yellow Zone on health, I think it was Barret.

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  3. #3
    Woot-Woot!! Close Calls CloudA2K's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    Ahhh my memorable moment of triumph was just this weekend when I was playing FFT for the Playstation. I was in the third chapter against Belias at Riovanes Castle. This is one tough battle to beat if you're not prepared, especially since you can't go back to gain EXP if you saved the previous battle.

    Anyways, my party was completely damaged, and Ramza was knocked out. I had already dealt some serious damage to Belias, but his stupid minions kept knocking out my party. Eventually I was only left with my trusty Lancer and Monk. I had my Lancer's reaction set to counter and when Belias attacked with a physical attack, my Lancer countered and dealt critical damage. As you can guess, he killed Belias's sorry ass and saved the battle mwahaha.

    That was the most intense battle I have had in the game. My palms were actually sweating lol.

  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    Cronotrigger was the first that comes to mind, mainly because that is what I am currently playing. After a few play through I decided it was high time to take down Lavos as quick as I could which was using the warp directly to Lavos using new game plus at the fair teleporter.

    Ended the fight with no curing items left, no magic, and with about 1/16 of my HP left. Pucker factor was about a 10+ when it came down to the final few blows. Thank god me missed with his attack on his last turn because I would of been toast if he didn't.
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  5. #5
    The Lone Dagger Close Calls Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    My last close call was in FF IX and I had all my characters at level one when I was going through Mt. Gulug and after I had beaten the two Red Dragons I had to face Meltigemini which is the two jesters Zorn and Thorn combined as one.

    So everyone had Auto-Life on so they could be killed once and I had Quina at 1 HP already going into the battle. So the first round luckily Meltigemini uses Wing and takes out Amarant and he is revived. Zidane uses Thievery and Quina uses Limit Glove each inflicting 9999 damage. Eiko then used Holy so that one more hit with either Thievery or Limit Glove would kill him. Well he decides to use Virus or something and it kills my whole party. Amarant stays dead but Eiko, Zidane, and Quina get revived. Their ATB's start again and Meltigemini takes out Zidane with a Wing, so I thought I had won. I plug in Limit Glove as fast as I can when Quina's ATB popped up but Meltigemini gets off a Bio that in the past he did on the entire party and killed everyone, I was so pissed that he got his move off before I did. Luckily he only attacked Eiko with it which left Quina to do Limit Glove and kill him. So my party was just Quina with 1 HP and everyone else dead lol I had failed already like 6 or 7 times so I was really happy.

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  6. #6
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Close Calls ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    On my very first play through of FFVIII, I was fighting BGH251F2 (the blue tank in the Missile Base), my party was reduced to almost nothing, but I somehow done it.

    My party was Selphie, Irvine and Rinoa. Selphie was annihilated in about 2 minutes. Irvine lasted until about halfway into the fight. I was very lucky with the enemy attacks, as they kept missing. I had Rinoa on constant limit breaks, since I had no curing magic/items what so ever. She was down to less than 150HP, and yet I took down the tank, thanks to Invincible Moon and Quezacotl. It was definitely the closest call I've ever had.

    Another one I've had that deserves honorable mention was the first Chaos fight in Dissidia. I had a Squall level 70 and the final part of the fight, Chaos could have taken me down pretty easily, but thanks to good timing on dodging the attacks, I took him out. I think I may have nearly broken my PSP trying to do this fight!

  7. #7
    I want to play a game. Close Calls Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    My most memorable close call was in Final Fantasy IX during my first playthrough. I got tired of getting my characters to what I thought was a decent level, decided the hell with it, and entered the final dungeon. I got to Necron which he was pretty tough with for my party; Zidane was the only character alive - in trance - and Necron kept using Blue Shockwave to which I countered with Elixers. I only had 1 turn left in trance with Zidane and I knew I couldn't keep this up so I took a gamble and used Dyne. My gamble paid off for that was the final blow, was I excited after that.

    Another time was with ESPN Baseball 2k4 for the PS2. My team was the Mets (season mode) and I was versing Pittsburgh; I had just got the game so I wasn't accustomed to how the game worked which is why it was 7-6 Pittsburgh in the bottom of the 9th. I had a runner on first or second and Mike Piazza up to bat; if I recall correctly there were two outs as well. Piazza came through as he hit a towering shot to center field; I knew instantly that it was a home-run. I was on my bed so when I knew it was gone I jumped up out of indian style and my hands touched the ceiling - one of my best sports game wins.

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  8. #8
    I feel epic... Close Calls Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    Final Fantasy VI, the battle against Kefka in the Narsh Mountains to protect the Esper. Before my ultimate success, I went through a large string of failures. My levels were around 13, so neither Cyan nor Sabin had either of their sweeping moves. Thus, the battle was draining and not at all easy.

    After about ten attempts, I finally got to the miniboss before Kefka. I'd faced him many times before, and I never really had any problems with Hi-Potions helping me out. Then came Kefka, who I could never last 30 seconds against.

    It was at that point, all my restorative resources were gone, and it really became a last stand. I lost about 6 times. But, there was one time when I won from sheer dumb luck. Celes and Terra were KO'd, and Locke was pretty much at 10 HP. I figured it was all over, so I charged forward, and a Desperation Move activated. I dealt 9999 damage with a single attack and beat Kefka.

    This came as a shock in more ways than one, because I didn't know about DMs before this. But that DM saved me, and I leveled up massively after this.

    All subsequent playthroughs, I have been Level 16+, so Sabin and Cyan can sweep all the minor enemies, and I can send my other two teams in to take out the miniboss and Kefka. And I'll actually remember to use Celes's Runic to absorb Blizzara this time. ><

    That's the best moment I can remember. I'd say a battle with Yunalesca in FFX, but I ultimately resorted to a guide for that.

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  9. #9
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 Close Calls T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    I think I've mentioned this one before, but for the benefit of everyone...

    It was playing FFVI in SNES, fighting against the Chadarnook (the haunted painting). For some reason, I had placed Umaro in the party, along with Terra, Cyan and I believe either Edgar or Sabin. I had a bit of upset stomach, and I was a tad desperate to finish the battle, so I kept doing my best. I can't recall most of the things that happened (other that I got one of my character's Charmed), but I recall that I left the game in automatic; Umaro was the sole survivor. I thought that I'd basically get a game over once I finished doing my...necessities, so I went a bit frustrated.

    Returning from the bathroom, I was completely amazed that Umaro had won the battle singlehandedly. It seems that launching the corpses of his partners to Chadarnook did the match, actually. It was the only time it actually happened, tho.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Close Calls
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    Re: Close Calls

    Does it have to be from an RPG? Because I have one that just happened to me not that long ago from an Action/Adventure game.

    So, I'm playing Batman: Arkham Asylum again, and I entered into a brawl with like 12 Blackgate prisoners. They were beating me to a pulp, mostly because I was trying out some new combo moves, and also because I kind of suck...but that's not the point. Anyway, the life meter was down to a millimeter of red for Batman, which meant like one more hit and it would have been GAME OVER! I still had like 5 dudes I had to take out, so I had to keep maneuvering out of their punches and keep trying to take 'em out. FINALLY got 'em all beat, and I did it with just a teeny bit of health!

    In retrospect though, I probably should have just exited out of the room when the going got rough and continued on with the story... Meh, live and learn, right?

    Oh, just thought of one that's RPG related!!!

    Okay, so in FF VIII, I was going up against some monster boss that you gotta face off against before you get to Esthar, and my party was nearly wiped out. I tried using a Phoenix Pinion to revive my fallen comrades, but it didn't work... So finally, my people got wiped out, and I THOUGHT it was game over, but NOPE. Phoenix came in and not only revived my fallen comrades, but also defeated the monster! Turns out that the monster was an undead type, and was susceptible to healing magic.

    Lucky me, eh? Weird thing is, that I never got it to do that again...
    Last edited by Dodie16; 07-26-2010 at 12:27 PM.
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  11. #11
    Certified tech, come at me! Close Calls SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Close Calls

    I have another close call moment I would like to share. It was back when I was playing FFXII and I was fighting Zeromus trying to get him as an additional summon/esper and out of many attempts, I finally got him. 5 of my characters were down, the only person left in the party was Panelo and she had exactly 250 hp left.

    EDIT: Yes dodie, this is rpg related, but i'll let that post slide.
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 07-26-2010 at 12:16 PM.
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  12. #12
    Registered User Close Calls
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    Re: Close Calls

    always remember dying tons of times on final boss in FFVIII... then when i did eventually do it, not a single character died.. thought it was a little odd as in previous attempts i was practically 1 shotted..

  13. #13
    fem saiyan

    Re: Close Calls

    I was running through Memoria at a pretty low level in an FFIX playthrough once and my party was in horrible shape, no items and basically left with nothing to do against a boss with one character standing. I thought "Ugh, I guess I lost" and for kicks, threw a dead pepper at the boss and realised it caused 9,999 damage! So I threw another, and one more, and ended up killing him! Good thing I like to do something obnoxious before resetting.

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