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Thread: Character intercation and protagonist types

  1. #1

    Character intercation and protagonist types

    I don't really know if this is topic worthy but I'm bringing it up anyway.

    I noticed that there are lots of types of "protagonist" in every game, there's the "silent" type, the ones that never speak throughout the whole game and communicate through emotions (like in Harvest Moon MFoMT, or Ark of Napishtim) and the ones that are never mentioned like in FFX for example, Tidus's name is never said throughout the whole game.

    Also, the way you interact with other people in the game. In FF's like IX VII, VIII ect. they only speak during special events and sometimes only with certain random people, but for the most part the protagonist hardy actually has conversation with the person you're talking to (like when exploring cities). You just get some random thought, statement or fact and then go about your business.

    I think the only game I've played where not only the main character, but all the party members communicate and have conversation with people you talk to, is in Grandia II. It was just something that stood out to me.

    Last edited by GypsyElder; 04-16-2010 at 07:53 PM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User Character intercation and protagonist types Rebekah's Avatar
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    Re: Character intercation and protagonist types

    I noticed this too. It is kind of strange but the game you mentioned I wish the party in FF was like that game sometimes.

  3. #3
    Registered User Character intercation and protagonist types
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    Re: Character intercation and protagonist types

    Well, I think that the silent types are most often used so the player can feel like they fit into that role better. The choices that you make can be purely what you would do, rather than what you think that the character should/would do. Also, I think that if those characters don't really "speak" so that you as the player can sort of add in your own thoughts as to what tone of message the character is trying to get across.

    Somewhat related to the topic of Tidus' name not being mentioned: I played Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, and you have the option of renaming the characters, but during cutscenes and scenes with character interaction, the other characters will still be called by their default names if their name was to be spoken. So it was really kind of pointless to rename them other than the names they were given.

    NPCs are pretty much just there to have those sort of one-sided conversations, I think. I haven't played a game that made conversations with NPCs just something that was entirely deep, but they do their job well enough with dropping those handy tips or quotable quips.
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  4. #4
    Virmire Survivor Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Character intercation and protagonist types

    It all kinda depends how the game plays out, whether I want a silent protagonist or not. Some games, like the Shin Megami Tensei series for example, are meant for the main character to be based directly off of the player's actions/feelings. This works for those kind of games because you get to see real development through your decisions, not those cheesy "loophole converstations" where they give you the false sense of free will, but a NPC begs you until you say "yes."

    Most of the other rpgs have the main character with a personality, agenda, etc. I like it when those character can talk and speak their mind from time to time lol. I hate having to play through a game with a one dimensional mute as a main character. But anyways, characters that have personality that also interact with the other characters make the game fun and interesting. That's why I like games like from the Tales series, Tales of Vesperia for example. the little cutscenes you can constantly do are pretty fun and add a lot of flavor for the characters.
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Character intercation and protagonist types

    Depends on the game for me. I'm really open for anything, as long as it grabs my attention, I should enjoy it.
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  6. #6
    Rabanastran Character intercation and protagonist types Belugn's Avatar
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    Re: Character intercation and protagonist types

    Golden Sun is another example. The only thing you get to say really is answering Yes or No on often times..really retarded questions. xD Anyone else who've played the games who's thougt about that? I can't really reminisce any of those questions right now though, but a lot of them were stupid.

    I remember a huge argument on some other forum long ago where someone posted an in their opinion proven theory that Link is mute.

    I personaly have no real or actual preference if the protagonist makes conversation or not, but I really like if they have as much dialogue as the other characters in the game. : >
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