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  1. #1
    Registered User Chains of Memories Zidane77's Avatar
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    Chains of Memories

    Does anyone know the difference of items in the gba and ps2 version?
    What weapons are new and is anything left out in the remake?

    What version do you prefer?

  2. #2
    Registered User Chains of Memories
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    Re: Chains of Memories

    Well, I have both games, so I could try to rack my brains to see if I could recall all the changes made, but I don't think I'd get very far with that. There is a list in the KH Wiki that pretty much goes over everything that was revamped and changed for the PS2 version:

    Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - Kingdom Hearts Wiki - A world of information not accessible by Gummiship

    As for which one I preferred, I still have a fondness for the GBA game. Not that I don't like the PS2 port, but just judging for their respective systems, the original release was a damn good game, and really innovative for what they had to work with in terms of what the GBA could handle. That is worthy of some praise.
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  3. #3

    Re: Chains of Memories

    I prefer the PS2 version because it looks nicer and it looks more like the other KH games Although i really dont like the whole "its now a card game" thing

  4. #4
    Registered User Chains of Memories Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Chains of Memories

    I've finished both versions and i have to say i like the GBA version alot better.
    Although the remake has a little bit more collection like the Roxas card which is kinda the best card, it something i just wouldn't bother with playing again.
    Now the gba version is something i could play again, it's just a good GBA game like Dodie said.

    The only thing i actually liked in the PS2 version was Winnie the Pooh, they did a good job with that and also Sora had more fun abilities although it got boring in the end.
    Riku also had more abilities but was alot cooler in the GBA version in my opinion.
    The cutscenes were not even that good, maybe 1-2 decent ones..

  5. #5
    The Lone Dagger Chains of Memories Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Chains of Memories

    I'm glad they implemented the card battle system into the PS2 version instead of making it like the other KH games. It made it an interesting challenge to learn how to fight using the cards and adding them to do special attacks and what not. I haven't played the GBA version but I can tell you I enjoyed playing through the game on PS2. I really like Organization XIII so to see more of a back story with them was a treat.

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  6. #6
    Certified tech, come at me! Chains of Memories SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Chains of Memories

    I've never played the PS2 version but to be fair the GBA one was alright. Story was dull, you basically revisit almost every world in KH1, it was linear, and i hated that dumb card system.

    Its like nothing ever happened once the game ended, only the player and some characters know what all went down in Castle Oblivion. I can't talk about this game without treating it like the black sheep of the series haha.

    To be fair it was impressive how they used animated cutscenes like the other KH games.
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  7. #7

    Re: Chains of Memories

    Take this as a biased opinion if you want because I havn't really played the GBA version but I can only see the PS2 version as superior for all the extra things it adds. It's more-like the original in terms that it is 3D, there is voice acting and with the additions it just fits better in the series.

    They didn't do the remake half-heartedly which is admirable, they had to get several new voice actors just to give some characters unique voices for the cut scenes. When voices are involved it adds a lot more emotion to a scene which is something that Kingdom hearts is great for.

    Overall though the battle system frustrates me to death. Kingdom Hearts 1 had an amazing battle system but they decided to just ignore one of the best battle systems created because they needed to slow it down or something for an inferior system. This leads me into another frustration with Birth By Sleep being made on the useless PSP. I want a remake on the PS3 or something but I heard that they have no intention to for no good reason. I want to play Birth By sleep so badly but I don't want to waste money on an over-sized paperweight that forces you to rebuy movies and games if you want to play them in squinty version.
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  8. #8
    Registered User Chains of Memories Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Chains of Memories

    The remake of CoM, was a mistake. I've come to realize that.
    I enjoyed CoM:Re up to a certain point but that was before Riku story, which was the most what i liked in the GBA version.
    For example the few cutscenes in the 358/2 Days are like 10 times better than in CoM remake.
    The GBA version was cool though, because it was only for GBA.
    The remake shouldve been alot different.
    One thing i liked though was Winnie the Pooh add, did really good job with that.
    Wasnt in the GBA version if i remember correctly and was an improved world from the first game.

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