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Thread: Best Year in Gaming History

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  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Year in Gaming History Xanatos's Avatar
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    Best Year in Gaming History

    The other day IGN chose several great years in gaming going by games alone and left their fans to chose the very best one. Now, if it was up to you and your personal experience which year would be the best one in gaming and why?

    Last year was the second best year in gaming if you ask me, we had tons of brilliant titles, such as Batman Arkham City, Skyrim, Portal 2, Uncharted 3, Bastion... though the best one would be the year of 1998:

    - Gran Turismo
    - Half Life
    - Metal Gear Solid (one of my all time favorite games)
    - Pokemon Red & Blue (first released outside Japan, arguably the best games in series)
    - Resident Evil 2 (brilliant survivor horror game, vastly superior to newer ones, 4 & 5 to be more precise)
    - StarCraft and it's expansion Brood War (my favorite RTS)
    - Tekken 3 (my favorite fighting game)
    - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (the best one if you ask me, though not my favorite)

    ... are the main reasons why I adore this year so much, not to mention that my favorite handled console, GameBoy Color, was released this year and I got my Play Station.

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  2. #2
    The White Wizard of Fynn Best Year in Gaming History Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Best Year in Gaming History

    I haven't put much thought into it but one year that stands out for me was 2001, which saw the release of four of my all time favourite games: Devil May Cry, Max Payne, GTA3 and Silent Hill 2.

    I think 1999 would come second for me, as that year saw FF8, Resident Evil 3, Dino Crisis and the original Silent Hill.
    Last edited by Mindu; 03-01-2012 at 08:43 AM.

  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Best Year in Gaming History

    lol Resident Evil 2 was just as bad as 3 imo. 4 was better. Never played 1.

    The best year in Gaming was the year the first video game was created, because without it, we wouldn't be talking about this thread.

    also Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal > Red, Blue, Yellow and (Green).
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  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Best Year in Gaming History Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Best Year in Gaming History

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    lol Resident Evil 2 was just as bad as 3 imo. 4 was better. Never played 1.
    In survivor horror sense, yes, Resident Evil 2, actually, the first three games are vastly superior to Resident Evil 4 which to be honest is a plain shooter. It's not really fun to play a survivor horror game that fails to scare you, but that's just me.

    also Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal > Red, Blue, Yellow and (Green).
    I honestly couldn't agree more, Gold and Silver have yet to be toped...

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  5. #5
    .............. Best Year in Gaming History smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Best Year in Gaming History

    2001 as far as I am concerned is hard to beat. As well as the games mindu mentioned, we also have FF X, Gran Turismo 3(the best GT for its time), MGS 2, Dark Cloud and Jak and Daxter.
    "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
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  6. #6

    Re: Best Year in Gaming History

    I'm with Xanatos, thats probably thee best year for gaming, to 1998!!

    - Gran Turismo (The best GT to day IMO)
    - Half Life (The best FPS to date and gave birth to Counter strike)
    - Metal Gear Solid (Far better than any other MGS game)
    - Pokemon Red & Blue (Pretty sure i played the crap out of this game)
    - Resident Evil 2 (The best resident evil EVER)
    - StarCraft and it's expansion Brood War (Played this alot too, even played it with some TFFers back in the day..)
    - Tekken 3 (my favorite fighting game too)
    - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (This game took some hunting to get that year, it was selling out everywhere and i managed to snag a copy from Smyths toy store about 3 days before Christmas )

    Oh and you forgot to mention Grim Fandango!!!

    Just looked at all the other years releases, and 1998 truely is the best year for gaming history!

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