Considering that this is an RPG forum, I think you'll find at least a few people who play for story. Personally, I don't understand people who don't play for story. I have literally seen people play an RPG by skipping past all the dialogue to get to the boss battles. Totally missing the point of playing it in the first place.
I'm not saying I play only for story; as I mentioned before, it has to have at least decent gameplay too. It's just not as big of a contributing factor when I'm deciding what to buy. I bought the new Tomb Raider based on the fact that it looked fun and had very defined themes that I thought would be interesting. I actually enjoy hunting around for the journals and things (mostly...Mountain Village and I are not friends) for that aspect of it. Would I still play it if the gameplay was shitty? Probably not. Gameplay is obviously integral to a good game, but it's not the only metric by which to judge.
And hey, for all you know I have horrible taste in games.

I like to think that's not true, but like all forms of entertainment, good is subjective.