View Poll Results: Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VII playable character?

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  • Aeris (Aerith) Gainsborough

    0 0%
  • Barret Wallace

    0 0%
  • Cait Sith

    0 0%
  • Cid Highwind

    3 60.00%
  • Cloud Strife

    1 20.00%
  • Red XIII

    0 0%
  • Sephiroth

    0 0%
  • Tifa Lockhart

    0 0%
  • Vincent Valentine

    1 20.00%
  • Yuffie Kisaragi

    0 0%
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Thread: Let's Play Final Fantasy VII!

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    TFF's Resident Messenger Let's Play Final Fantasy VII! Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Let's Play Final Fantasy VII!

    First, here are my current party's stats. I forgot to write Tifa's and Red XIII's before I split the party into two groups.
    Level - 16
    HP - 593
    MP - 122
    Limit Level - 2
    Limit Break - Blade Beam

    Strength - 31
    Dexterity - 20
    Vitality - 30
    Magic - 39
    Spirit - 39
    Luck - 20

    Attack - 63
    Attack % - 98
    Defense - 42
    Defense % - 5
    Magic Atk - 39
    Magic Def - 39
    Magic Def % - 0

    Weapon - Hardedge
    Armor - Four Slots
    Accessory - Talisman

    Weapon Materia - Restore, All
    Armor Materia - Cover
    Level - 14
    HP - 576
    MP - 95
    Limit Level - 1
    Limit Break - Big Shot

    Strength - 27
    Dexterity - 15
    Vitality - 28
    Magic - 29
    Spirit - 24
    Luck - 18

    Attack - 44
    Attack % - 98
    Defense - 46
    Defense % - 6
    Magic Atk - 29
    Magic Def - 24
    Magic Def % - 0

    Weapon - Assault Gun
    Armor - Mythril Armlet
    Accessory - none

    Weapon Materia - Lightning, Elemental
    Armor Materia - Fire
    Level - 13
    HP - 429
    MP - 106
    Limit Level - 1
    Limit Break - Seal Evil

    Strength - 22
    Dexterity - 16
    Vitality - 34
    Magic - 32
    Spirit - 27
    Luck - 18

    Attack - 38
    Attack % - 100
    Defense - 61
    Defense % - 7
    Magic Atk - 32
    Magic Def - 27
    Magic Def % - 0

    Weapon - Mythril Rod
    Armor - Carbon Bangle
    Accessory - Protect Vest

    Weapon Materia - Poison
    Armor Materia - Steal, Enemy Skill
    Time 8 hours, 39 minutes, 40 seconds
    Gil 9,983

    I am currently right outside of Midgar. I saved my game as soon as I split the party into two groups. Aeris and Barret are with Cloud, Tifa and Red XIII are by themselves. I am hoping to get a different "date scene" in this playthrough, because I have always gotten the scene with Aeris. So I will be listing the decisions I made throughout. I have no clue how much of an effect each individual decision makes, but only time will tell.

    1. When asked by the "flower girl" after the Mako Reactor explosion, I replied that she get out of the area. I did not purchase a flower.

    2. When offered a drink by Biggs and Tifa, I declined. I replied in the positive when asked questions by Wedge and Jessie.

    3. After spending the night at 7th Heaven, I replied that Barret's snoring kept me awake when Tifa inquired about my night.

    4. I make it a point to talk to Aeris last when given a choice. During the jail cell scene, I first talked to Red XIII, then Barret, Tifa, and finally Aeris. After climbing down the wire to escape Midgar, I talked to Red XIII, Tifa, Barret, and then Aeris. The only reason I have Aeris in my party is because she has the lowest level among the entire party.

    Here are some of my observations while playing:

    I was wondering if all terrorist groups thought as AVALANCHE did, doing the attack for the betterment of the future. I mean, you don't just do something for absolutely no reason, right? There has to be something to work for, be it monetary, environmental, or social gain. I also don't really understand why they had to blow up the reactor. If it were me, I don't think I would blow it up. I would think that blowing it up would cause a Mako leakage, instead of capping it off and stopping the drain. But what do I know, I'm not a plumber. Especially one that deals with pipes containing a planet's life energy.

    What is up with the timer's amount in the bombing mission? I was able to walk to the exit, and win the battles, all within the allotted ten minutes. To be exact, I had 2:51 left on the clock. Is this another example of the game's designers making the game too easy for the North American gamers. I know that the setup of the temperature during the mountain climbing scene was made easier for us in North America, and I wonder if the same is true with the bombing mission clock.

    After I jumped off the train to go blow up another Mako reactor: I am in the area right before entering the Mako reactor area. I went down the train tunnel for what seemed like forever. I like to walk whenever possible when I play. I was thinking while walking in the opposite direction of where I was supposed to go. I thought, "Does Cloud get ticked off when I always go toward the guards while I am in this tunnel?" Because really, I would get kinda aggravated. Barret said that the area was in one direction, and here I make the entire party go the wrong way. And for what? A battle against a ton of those slug-like monsters (Grashtrike), all leading up to a too easy battle against a couple guards? It hardly seems worth the time. But I do it for the experience points. Even though I hate it that every time I fight those slugs they inflict the entire party with Slow status.

    The Wall Market sidequest: This session was spent getting the necessary ingredients in order to make Cloud in to the perfect lady. Personally, I don't like this part of the game. It seems to not be needed. Seriously, where in that dress does Cloud keep the Buster Sword? Cloud should have just busted in there and beheaded all the bad guys. We've already seen that Tifa can kick butt, and would be able to fend off any attackers if they came to harm her because Cloud and Aeris are crashing the party. Besides, it wasn't as if she was being held against her will. She went there voluntarily to find out what Corneo knew.

    The seemingly endless staircase: What is up with this? I get that you're sneaking in through the back door, but other than the dialogue between Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, there is no point in having the player climb all those stairs. One or two of those scenes would have been enough. And also, why did Tifa have the guys go on ahead. The way she was moving, she looked as if she had to use the restroom.

    The executive's meeting: Why was it going to take 120 to complete the tests on Aeris? Since the whole point was to find the Promised Land, why not work harder on finding it instead of leaving it for other people after you have passed on?

    Anyway, my goal in this LP is to finally complete the game. I am not aiming for 100%, just seeing the end of the game without having to watch it on YouTube. This LP is open to all, so feel to start a playthrough yourself and join in on the fun! I would like it to be more than just Rowan and I, but I understand if no one else is interested. If you don't want to join in, I hope you enjoy reading about it.
    Last edited by Michael Swayne; 12-02-2012 at 11:14 AM. Reason: Had to fix some weirdness.
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