(OoC: Seems like bad timing having on Christmas Eve, but I didn’t realize when Christmas Eve was when I said middle to end of the week. This is the casual forums so you’re pretty much free to write in whatever style you wish. Let past balls I’m not going to hold rules on anything. The idea is to have fun and enjoy yourself, not stress over the details. So have fun and mess around!)
The ball came around for a third time. Last year’s event turned out to be more than either of the Andromedas wished to remember. Most of the night turned into a blur for Andromeda, she made the regretful mistake of having something to drink. Which she had to hear about all of the things she did after from those she knew. Andromeda the Second, he came out better socially, but personally dealing with his other half made for a living nightmare. Both were uncertain about how the night would play out, but they could not let personal embarrassment prevent them from carrying on.
Arrangements for this year’s Quistis Ball came from an unusual source. An unknown wealthy individual that had some strange interest in their happenings offered up the venue. The location managed to feel even grander than the ballrooms from past years while also feeling somehow lower scale. It still puzzled the two of the how they managed to secure such a site.
Due to the scale there was no practical place to really have an entrance. There really wasn’t one to speak of anyway. The Calm Lands was just a very large field with only a store and teleport stone in the center. Arrivals came through the stone greeted by Stiltzkin the Moogle. Here the Andromedas arrived early before most had showed up.
She scanned the view briefly to see where everything was placed. The store fronted much of the catering providing a central gathering location. Since chocobos ran wild around the Calm Lands it seemed some had been gathered up for the guests to ride or race. It also made it safer and faster to travel out to the main attraction, Balamb Garden. Another oddity that neither understood how it happened, the two didn’t even belong in the same universe (but who’s going to quibble over crossover details for Final Fantasy considering how hard they’re trying to put seven and ten together).
Balamb Garden floated out at the very end of the cliffs of the Calm Lands. It provided the dance hall and recreation area. The light show and other party stuff also were provided by the Garden. The sound system managed to project clear across the Calm Lands, a surprising feat.
“Welcome, Miss Andromeda!” Stiltzkin greeted, as they arrived. “You’ve really out done yourself this year, kupo!”
Andromeda gave a modest denying wave. “I can’t really claim to have done this one. I’m as surprised as you.” This year she wore a long black evening dress with a slit up the side stopping halfway up her thigh. The dress hugged her figure a little more than she preferred. She kept her hair down with a simple series of braids drawing back her very long hair.
“A lot less stress hopefully,” Andromeda II grinned. He wore a more traditional black tuxedo matching with Andromeda color scheme. He escorted her along from the entrance. Leaning over to whisper into her ear he tried some words of encouragement for strength. “It’s a different year and different party. Let enjoy ourselves and not think about regrets. Alright!”
Stiltzkin’s turned around hearing the teleport stone activating again and awaited to greet the next guest.
(OoC: Don’t forget that you can make anything you want. We have a lot of space so if you want to add something that I don’t have feel free to do so! Enjoy!)