In taking this new forum for a trial run I’m putting together a new rule set for this forum. Since the roleplaying that is going to be happening here will be a lot less strict on most counts many of the rules will be removed or altered. So please review the rules for roleplaying in this forum.

Do remember that all TFF Rules do still apply.

The short version for the rules are listed there for a more detailed explanation continue on past the list.

1. No Signatures.
2. No harassing other members.
3. All Roleplaying styles are accepted.
4. No soloing.
5. Have fun and enjoy yourself.

This is a more detail explanation of the rules above.

1. No Signatures, this is a standard for all of the forums that have roleplaying and done to keep things clean and without distraction. Currently the forums automatically turn the signature display off for these forums, but do remember that updates and changes to the forum can cause settings to be reset. So please remember to turn them off.

2. No harassing other members, this is pretty straightforward. If you don’t like how someone is RPing or think there is a problem send me a report or PM and I’ll handle it. Do not stalk or continually pester members because you disagree with something.

3. All Roleplaying styles are accepted, this is especially true here. There are zero restrictions on the types of roleplaying you want to do, that does include asterisks and anything else your mind can come up with or that you’re used to doing.

4. No soloing, this is still a RP forum so please be sure that you are with at least one other person. If you are alone then please use the Literature Forum since you’re writing a story at that point.

5. Have fun and enjoy yourself! There are literally no limits.

Naturally if you have any questions please post them and I’ll respond to you. This is something new so I do expect people to be uncertain about what is allowed. Quite simply as long as you don’t verbally abuse, insult or attack other members (that aren’t RP related) I’m not really going to say anything. This is a completely blank canvas for you to use in any way you wish without me telling you how you can and can’t RP.
