I felt that we needed a place for Roleplaying specific and non-actual-roleplaying discussions to take place. In the past they have generally been put in the General Chat Forum since there’s never been a place for them. It certainly helps with visibility and I’m not saying you can’t still post there, though the sorts of discussions that you would want to put in General Chat should be of a wider nature looking to get attention from all members.

This forum will be for everyone that wants to talk about roleplaying. You can discuss anything you want from ideas on how to improve the place, get more activity, story ideas and anything else you can find. I want this to be available as a place where all of the roleplayers of the forum and people interested in roleplaying and come together. We have not really had such a place for an open dialogue since we are all divided into our groups and RPs.

So welcome to the new forum and make yourself comfortable!