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Thread: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

  1. #1
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    RPing is one aspect of TFF that I truly loved (still do) in addition to General Chat, Clubs (another inactive forum that I noticed.) and my lurking around the Gaming forums and now Art section.

    I noticed when I came back that the RP forums are not as active as it was back in the day so ...I was just curious. Is it the general lack of interest or just lack of initiative to start RPs? Any other reasons? (I am speaking excluding RL stuff. RL comes first obviously lol)
    Last edited by Quistis; 12-07-2011 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Memento RK So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Personally, I would love write in any RP I can get my hands on. However, I am a strong believer in doing things one at a time, and I have been in an RP on another forum that's been going on for over two years *Cheer!*. I am currently juggling work, life, and school while doing so, and I think it fills up my time pretty well. If I was in more then one RP, I think I would be overwhelmed, and potentially confuse the characters I've made for the other and it would all end up a confusing jumbled mess. You know?

    I can't speak for others though. I know from experience that life trumps anything in the internet world. When people have the time, they'll come back. This seems to be a busy year for people all around. I've noticed a lack of activity in other parts of the internet as well.

  3. #3
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention to exclude RL stuff (cos that goes first obviously). So I edited my first post. lol.

    2 years of Rp? that's great. I used to be in 3 different RPs at one time as well. I never had a trouble of keeping up with so many toons in diff stories somehow. I do have more than 3 different characters in one storyline though and oftentimes their interests conflict with each other and that could get borderline confusing/interesting.

  4. #4
    HRH Albha So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I think the main problem is that creating a new RP takes a good bit of work to establish the world and things like that. Most of the more senior RPers still on the site are all old and busy, plus there's the chance that a lot of work may go into an idea only for the idea to be a complete washout.

    There's only been a small handful of new RPs created, and although I was interested in joining a number of these, there's always something stopping me. Sometimes a character profile is created in a thread that just turns me right off of an RP, usually something that seems god-moddy but not quite god-mod standard. Also I'm a total elitist nowadays even though I'm not a brilliant writer.

  5. #5
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Albha View Post
    I think the main problem is that creating a new RP takes a good bit of work to establish the world and things like that. Most of the more senior RPers still on the site are all old and busy, plus there's the chance that a lot of work may go into an idea only for the idea to be a complete washout.
    This is the main reason I rarely make well thought out characters in the beginning of any RP I join in. I just let them get absorbed in the story like putting a guinea pig in a sandbox and watch them grow from there.

    I also have the same mentality in creating new stories pretty much. Just give the 'situation and the complication'. Thinking of a detailed world is a bit too much for me, I just normally start with a generic fantasy or modern world. lol

    PS- if you and Alqha were aiming to confuse me with your names and avy, you almost succeeded =P

  6. #6
    Lady Succubus So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I'm mostly RPing elsewhere. I was in an RP in this topic, and it -was- going fairly okay, but things slowed down to a stop. Again. I think even if I posted to resume the RP, I doubt other people would post.

    So whatever.

  7. #7
    Registered User So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I used to love being in RPs even though I'm not the most brilliant writer, but in my 5 years here I've never actually completed one... they all seem to die out after the first part of the storyline and go kaput. I think people have just lost interest, or can't think of any ideas. I know I certainly wouldn't be able to come up with a new world and storyline, I wouldn't have the confidence too. Plus, I think the nature of the forums has changed as well. It's not so much of a nerdy gaming website anymore as it is a 4chan-like site where people just come to post silly stuff, troll, etc. as opposed to writing and RPs and clubs.

  8. #8
    Lady Succubus So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Yeah, I'll agree to that. TFF really isn't like it used to be. It used to be more focused on RPing and clubs and whatnot, but for some reason, it slowly transitioned into something more 4chan, which I don't particularly care for.

  9. #9

    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Maybe it is something close to the realm of trying too much to make any rp just like the ones back in the day. The idea of some great epic with people actively taking part and a huge interest all around is a sweet thought but the reality is it doesn't happen anymore. Could it be like not playing an instrument in a long time and then just deciding you were going to play a difficult song? The last couple sparks to make the rp section gain ground again were too ambitious I think, or too complex maybe?

    Honestly that was pretty much all I did a few years back on the forum, I think it was pretty rare to find a post from me outside the rp section. I've joined one of the new rps started but haven't heard anything from the creator in a week or two. I share the same sentiment with Xana though every rp I joined never came to a conclusion (sometimes my own fault) and it kinda stinks knowing the little thought and time you devote just fades away and nothing is ever brought to a closure.

  10. #10
    TFF's Resident Messenger So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    I think even if I posted to resume the RP, I doubt other people would post.
    Don't be so sure. The saying "If you build it, he will come" would fit nicely here. My Adoptee, Hot Shot, came to TFF solely to RP. When he found out that RPing wasn't as big as he heard, he left. There are those people out there. You just have to go out there and do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post
    Plus, I think the nature of the forums has changed as well. It's not so much of a nerdy gaming website anymore as it is a 4chan-like site where people just come to post silly stuff, troll, etc. as opposed to writing and RPs and clubs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Victoria View Post
    Yeah, I'll agree to that. TFF really isn't like it used to be. It used to be more focused on RPing and clubs and whatnot, but for some reason, it slowly transitioned into something more 4chan, which I don't particularly care for.
    Then, instead of saying that TFF has changed, change it again. Xana, you say that you don't have the confidence to start an RP. You are showing more confidence than the ones who truly can't start one. If you want to RP here, then RP here. The only way TFF can catch people's eyes for RPing is by RPing. I have only been here nine months (nearly), and just in the last month ot two, the RP forum has spiked in activity.

    Even just sending out some feelers and saying, "Hey, I was wondering if anyone would want to do a such-and-such RP." would get members' wheels turning and get some activity to this forum. You never know unless you try, after all.

  11. #11
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Well the fact that I (surprisingly) got several responses from people here seems to indicate that there's always been an interest it's just that people seemed a bit discouraged is what I am getting. (so far)

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I've never actually "RPed", but would be interested in learning. Im not sure what the rules are. If someone cares to pm me some basic guidelines and a link to their RP id be glad to participate.

  13. #13
    Sir Prize So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I've lost my D&D dice, char sheet and will to live...
    That aside, if I got the drive and there was a decent RPG to join, I would be down. I am picky, though, I admit. More picky with whom I RPG than anything but, I wouldn't turn down a decent RPG.


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  14. #14
    Memento RK So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Honestly, I'd rather be on the 'not knowing what's going to happen' side, rather then the 'creating' side of things. If there would be more people creating the RPs, I might be more inclined to join, no matter the number of RPs.

    If someone is willing to lead, others will follow.

  15. #15
    The Quiet One So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Yeah, unfortunately RP/RPB has been a slow decline in the last 5 years. I've tried a couple of things to get some group interest stirred and even opened the RP up fully so that people did not have to feel restricted by rules if they so wished.

    Since I currently have a full time job, I write as a hobby, build my portfolio and in general are quite busy. It has been difficult to do some world creation to start a RP. I've been more interested in joining a RP rather creating one.

    I prefer not to believe that we have reached the point that they are going towards 4chan. We still have more substance.

    Considering my work load, I probably could only manage one RP at the moment. I miss the days where I juggled like 5 or 6 and there was a limit on how many you could create personally. But my time is no longer like that, I'm an adult with lots of adult life problems. ><

    I miss the opportunity to RP with you Quistis. I barely at the chance before you disappeared. Go to see you back.

  16. #16
    Registered Uber So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    What can I say? I'm trying... There's a lot of cobwebs in the RP forum, seriously. I think that's why I left in the first place. You put your soul into creating a good RP and people just don't participate... I've got enough creativity for 20 RPs! Come on people, let's make these things more active! Seriously!!! I want to show up to TFF each day and be like, "Damn! 20 new posts, let me get typing!" Not "Well, nothing has happened, agaaaain." Like it's going. If we got everybody who was in this thread together for an RP, it would boom. That's it, people just have to decide to participate. As for me, I started one, and still have yet to have anybody besides my brother Order post in it. There's also a new zelda based one, and yeah, nobody besides the OP and my brother and I have posted in it so far. Come on people... RPing is what makes TFF... TFF!

  17. #17
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Well now that the holiday's are over, hopefully we'll get more activity around here =P.

  18. #18
    Registered Goober So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Order's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I agree that things will probably pick up pretty soon.
    I get the feeling that 2011 in general was a tough year with a lot of changes for most people, considering everyone I've spoken to has mentioned expecting 2012 to be a better year over all. You never know, though...

    I think the real reason things have slowed down is probably due to a lack of originality. If someone came up with a story that was deeper than just the traditional "good vs. evil" it would get plenty of attention.
    It's difficult to come up with something truely original, though...

    I'm working on coming up with a good plot, but I don't want to use one I've already written.

  19. #19
    The Quiet One So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Well it's not always about originality either or deviating from good and evil. Everyone has different tastes and different amounts that they take things in. Sometimes just having a little fun and not worrying about plot or development is what someone wants.
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  20. #20
    Registered Goober So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Order's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    That may be true.
    I'm thinking that a joke RP might actually be a good idea. Something where everyone can make a seriously flawed character, but it's hard to come up with any kind of purpose for that...

  21. #21
    The Quiet One So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    This is a very true point. RPs that don't have an end goal in mind other to have fun are difficult to push and keep going. It is usually why they are hopefully, designed only to be short little things. They are not intended to be long-term ventures. Just a break from the monotony of epic writing.

    Though additionally, while I don't claim to have the best sense of humor, one thing that I wish I saw more often was a sense of humor in those that RP. In all of my years here, nearly all of the people I played with were so straight and serious, it's a little suffocating sometimes.

    It would be nice to see people being able to joke around while doing their RP. I think running heavy on the action or just on the drama can tire people out just as easily as not having a direction.

    It is why I've considered on a few occasions bringing back my training RP that was a comedy. Just to light things up a little in here.
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  22. #22
    Registered Goober So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Order's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    That might not be a bad idea.
    I honestly am pretty terrible at writing comedy. I have some ideas for stories, but I haven't worked on anything comical. I would like to try it out, even if I end up just embarassing myself.

  23. #23
    Registered Uber So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Hobaginator's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Who likes Final Fantasy RPs?

    My bro and I are cooking up a new little RP style... basically what we're going to do is have various missions that us RPers can undertake, it will be kind of like the mission system in FF tactics where you assemble a group to go do whatever, RP and level up.

    Here's how it's going to work -- Whoever comes up with an RP mission will post a little "Ad" in the "Tavern". The jobs can be anything from "Need Help Tying Chocobo's Shoe Laces!" as far as "Dragonslayers Needed!" and anything in between. Those of us who like to do continuing RPs can level up, advance and continue in-depth characters with a certain FF style class like Paladin, Bard, Monk, etc... anyone who is more of a "temp" style RPer can just come up with their character and class and hop on in any certain mission...

    Basically; minigame style RPs that don't require continued participation to continue for a long time -- your involvement can be for two posts for all that matters, it will contribute to the overall *inhale* Story! (I love stories! :3)

    TLDR; Final Fantasy class/job characters in an ongoing -- yet short mission-based -- RP.

    Awwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaah.... Can you feel it? I feel it... RPing is about to happen...

  24. #24
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I am a big procrastinator and I end up not being home when I want to post and when I'm home I forget or procrastinate.

    I like the idea of an RP that has a main goal and the means to finish it.
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  25. #25
    Death Before Dishonor So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I would love rp, but I am not the most creative. If someone puts up an idea I will go with it. As far as creating an actual thread myself not gonna happen. If anyone wants to start up an rp feel free to count me in.

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  26. #26
    Registered Goober So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Order's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I wonder if the issue is people being selfconsious about their writing ability.
    Aye mispeel suff awl de teim.
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    I still manage to have fun writing. Its more about the story and character progression than anything.

  27. #27
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I have two major problems with RPs as they are now. The first one, obviously, is the lack of long term commitment, of which I am occasionally a guilty party myself. Most RPs fizzle out as people lose interest, get busy, etc. I once had an idea to start doing shorter, more focused RPs but no one was active at the time anyway so it was rather a moot point. I'm talking RPs with a small group that take 50 posts or less to finish. Something like mission based RPs, like someone mentioned above. Or maybe RPs with lower stakes--not necessarily saving the world so much as saving one's own skin. It would also help if RPs could be more dynamic and not sorted so much into epic war, quest and good/evil type stories. But I suppose that latter bit is more of a personal preference.

    The other major issue I have with RPs is that unless the RP is invite only, you always get that one wanker (sometimes more than one) who joins and is either on the other side of the virtual map doing their own thing and contributing nothing to the story or they simply aren't at all serious and start introducing ridiculous concepts that completely go against the grain. That's what happened to my Sky City RP, which sucked because I'd wanted to do that one for years.

  28. #28
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Yeah I think for RPs that you actually care about, best to do an invite only or sign ups with screening or something like that (I remember back in the day some sign ups require a sample of an older RP post to be accepted)

  29. #29

    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    Was I that wanker DH?

    I think DH has something there though. Most rps are started with grandoise fantasies of grandeur and whatnot. Then once things die down it quickly snuffs out...I always found it hard to get character interaction going if people were all over the huge world someone made.

  30. #30
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

    I'm guilty for making my character doing his own thing and nothing with everyone else, but that's part of my character development. It never goes far enough.
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