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Thread: So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?

  1. #91
    The Mad God So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I generally do both action and thought focus, the exact ratio depending on circumstance, more action heavy in combat/crisis scenarios, more thought focused otherwise. And I usually prefer to write in either the third person omniscient, or third person limited, depending on the extent of my influence on the story, set by the creator of the RP.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  2. #92
    The Quiet One So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Andromeda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    Writing for me became something more than a good time long ago. I have a blast doing it, and few things satisfy me more, but it's not a game to me anymore. About 4 years ago someone who loved writing, and story telling more than I ever could, someone I loved dearly passed away. After that I began writing a story for and inspired by that person. It was through that story I realized what I'm here, on this forsaken rock for.

    Writing should be fun, but not at the cost of the story, or art form. That's my problem with improv, "**** It" RP'ing. I don't have 8 hours to waste doing nothing. I'd put in a shift, or work on Final Fantasy, or Legacy Written Blood before I ever go back to "**** It" writing. Those types of players are the reason millions of damn fine RP's failed epically, falling short of their potential.

    The ruined art far outweighs the good times in my eyes.

    Could also be the reason this site's RP activity is in the negative, effectively rendering it a mere Final Fantasy Discussion Forum.
    While I can agree that the story is important, when you're doing a group activity like RPing people need to be enjoying themselves and having fun. If they aren't having fun then the writing is just a chore. Which is reason I think a lot of the RPs here have died. People stopped enjoying it. Barring the few exceptions, RPs have a life span of about a month or two before they collapse into inactivity. I used to RP possibly more than anyone currently around here back during my peak. But after you watch enough you start die quickly and most of the members disappear it is certainly hard to keep wanting to continue.

    Reviving the fun is important.
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  3. #93
    Courage, Character, Confidence. So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Lunasa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I generally do both action and thought focus, the exact ratio depending on circumstance, more action heavy in combat/crisis scenarios, more thought focused otherwise. And I usually prefer to write in either the third person omniscient, or third person limited, depending on the extent of my influence on the story, set by the creator of the RP.
    I'd love to rp. Question is: What subject/world and who wants to start it?

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  4. #94
    chocolateer So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? 01habbo's Avatar
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    It helps if the creator is always seen as motivated and excited about the rp, that way they inspire others to keep going. But the reason I don't write anymore is because of time. I was in charge of an rp on another forum but due to time it fizzled away, We did have an idea to bring to this forum which we were going to do after we finished the current rp.

    I would personally love to write again I would love to finish the rp I'm currently in and then bring a new rp to this forum, I would also love to start writing fanfiction again, but due to my job i work nights so I don't have any motivation due to being too tired.

    If I have any advice on how to get the rp forum active is that someone just needs to go ahead and just start an rp, you only need one other person to rp with and then you can start, people will naturally be drawn to it if they see something big starting, the other forum I was on was dead but the rp forum was active because me and a friend kept rping there, you don't need a huge group of people. If you worry about people not joining before you even write anything down then nothing will change.

  5. #95
    The Mad God So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I've been known to carry on an RP with one person remaining for over 100 pages before finally getting new interest in the damn thing. Really annoys me when I see people give up because they couldn't get 20 people to start.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  6. #96
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    No one is roleplaying here, and hasn't been for about a year solid, to be realistic, the better part of 2 years.

    Bottom line is, no one here wants to RP, or they would be RP'ing.

    And Heart, I don't want to do a 1x1 in a community that doesn't RP, whatsoever, hoping that one of the handful of regulars here, might stumble into the thread; might care enough to read it; might become interested; and might decide that after 2 years, they can handle a project of this magnitude...

    No thank you. I'm sorry I annoyed you.

  7. #97
    chocolateer So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Correction: No one wants to start.

    There is a difference I see plenty of people that want to rp, there has been enough talk about it on this forum but no one is brave enough to start an rp, and I'm not knocking people for that because I do understand. You spend weeks going over your set up, planning it, writing it, deciding if there will be a battle system.Then you finally post it up, this piece of writing becomes your baby and joy and then no one joins and you are absolutely devastated. I get it no one wants to go through that disappointment.

    If anyone does have an idea I'd be willing to help them with giving them advice and setting it up, even though I'm unable to start my own I'd be willing to help anyone out to set up one even though I can't join myself. (did that make any sense? )

  8. #98
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    When you want something, you go for it. You take the chance, roll the dice. Otherwise, you don't really want it.

    That's how I was raised, and how I carry myself in everything I do. If you want it, you'll make an effort to obtain it when it's something as simple as creative writing.

    EDIT: If there are really people here who want to write, why not get those people together, collectively hash out something? This way you avoid said fear of rejection, and have taken every possible measure to ensure a consensus when it comes to interest. When 5 people are dancing to the DM's tune, interest can dwindle FAST, but when 5 people are collectively building upon a brainchild, interest is more likely to be sustained, and fostered.

    RP 101.

    I think there's more to this story. Motivation seems to be a serious issue. No harm, no foil - this is a hobby, but right now the lack of motivation has ceased the day, week, month, year.

    How bad can this want you speak of be? You haven't destroyed the RP section yet, so there is some hope left, but without stimulating the RP scene, it might as well not exist. Your Written Media can serve that function in it's current capacity.
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-21-2014 at 11:46 AM.

  9. #99
    Courage, Character, Confidence. So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Lunasa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    It helps if the creator is always seen as motivated and excited about the rp, that way they inspire others to keep going.
    Highly agreeing with this. It also VERY much helps if those that want to be involved in rping exhibits some enthusiasm. Hence why I am ASKING what you guys want to RP about so that if I do start and WRITE something, it will not turn out to be hours of planning down the drain. SIMPLY PUT: I want to, have experience, and have the time to start an RP. I simply would like some insight as to styles, subject matter, and formality of the RP(formal or informal)
    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I've been known to carry on an RP with one person remaining for over 100 pages before finally getting new interest in the damn thing. Really annoys me when I see people give up because they couldn't get 20 people to start.
    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    If I have any advice on how to get the rp forum active is that someone just needs to go ahead and just start an rp, you only need one other person to rp with and then you can start, people will naturally be drawn to it if they see something big starting, the other forum I was on was dead but the rp forum was active because me and a friend kept rping there, you don't need a huge group of people. If you worry about people not joining before you even write anything down then nothing will change.
    It seems that if this discussion matters to more than one person, I don't see why it'd only have to be one other person. Several people have been active here for the past few days, and some seem mildly interested in RPing. Also re-addressing what I said above. I don't want hours of planning down the drain. I have time to start something. Just need and idea of styles and subject matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    Correction: No one wants to start.

    There is a difference I see plenty of people that want to rp, there has been enough talk about it on this forum but no one is brave enough to start an rp, and I'm not knocking people for that because I do understand. You spend weeks going over your set up, planning it, writing it, deciding if there will be a battle system.Then you finally post it up, this piece of writing becomes your baby and joy and then no one joins and you are absolutely devastated. I get it no one wants to go through that disappointment.

    If anyone does have an idea I'd be willing to help them with giving them advice and setting it up, even though I'm unable to start my own I'd be willing to help anyone out to set up one even though I can't join myself. (did that make any sense? )
    With this, replying with my own quote:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunasa
    I'd definitely would start something and to accomodate Outlaw Torn, we can definitely do it the old fashion planned post thing. Though just a few things:

    - What will be the scope of your styles? Is it more thoughts or actions? I've done role playing with constant reflection, similar to that of a third person fantasy novels. Or did you want the method similar to that of Tolkien, who is more of an omnipotent style and action and event oriented.
    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    When you want something, you go for it. You take the chance, roll the dice. Otherwise, you don't really want it.

    That's how I was raised, and how I carry myself in everything I do. If you want it, you'll make an effort to obtain it when it's something as simple as creative writing.

    EDIT: If there are really people here who want to write, why not get those people together, collectively hash out something? This way you avoid said fear of rejection, and have taken every possible measure to ensure a consensus when it comes to interest. When 5 people are dancing to the DM's tune, interest can dwindle FAST, but when 5 people are collectively building upon a brainchild, interest is more likely to be sustained, and fostered.

    RP 101.

    I think there's more to this story. Motivation seems to be a serious issue. No harm, no foil - this is a hobby, but right now the lack of motivation has ceased the day, week, month, year.

    How bad can this want you speak of be? You haven't destroyed the RP section yet, so there is some hope left, but without stimulating the RP scene, it might as well not exist. Your Written Media can serve that function in it's current capacity.

    MY POINT HERE: I'll start an RP. FROM YOU GUYS, I'd like a subject that, at the very least, we are all interested in and we can go from there.

    "Let oneself make oneself a fool. Blind. Senseless. Confused."

  10. #100
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    I live, eat, breath, shit and sleep this stuff, it's my passion - I'm with it!

    I can do almost anything, literally. I wanted to do the 5th story in my FF series, but only one person bit the line, an I even did some footwork and sent links. Having said all that, I have so many ideas, conceptual and loosely developed.*

    I want to do something with some mystery, something that's rewarding to develop together, write, and read. Something smart, funny, a little dark, I'm down science fiction or horror elements.

    We need more people weighing in, so we can form a thread for the group.

  11. #101
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    So, anyone else care to tell me there are lots of people here who want to RP?

    All I see is the exact opposite. People like the idea of it, but aren't ready to put in the work. Instead of trusting my judgement, I stayed, and you've made me feel a fool for it. So thank you, TFF.

  12. #102
    The Mad God So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Wasn't referring to you. Didn't know you were expecting 20 to start.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  13. #103
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    I wouldn't have wanted 20, bro. 3-5 would have been enough. I can, and would have played 10+ characters.

    EDIT: I apologize if I came off as being nasty I my last post. I'm not being or feeling shitty, I just really want to RP, and people keeping saying they wanna RP; I get fired up, and I'm left the last man out, standing alone. It's frustrating. There are some good people here, I want to be here, but if no one else fights for creative writing here, I'm not going to.
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-24-2014 at 09:36 AM.

  14. #104
    The Mad God So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Yeah, I wasn't talking about you with my post lol. I used to administrate a forum that went under, our RP section was dead because nobody wanted to start if less than half the active members had a profile to play. As such, nothing ever actually started. Kinda pissed me off.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  15. #105
    chocolateer So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutlawTorn View Post
    I wouldn't have wanted 20, bro. 3-5 would have been enough. I can, and would have played 10+ characters.

    EDIT: I apologize if I came off as being nasty I my last post. I'm not being or feeling shitty, I just really want to RP, and people keeping saying they wanna RP; I get fired up, and I'm left the last man out, standing alone. It's frustrating. There are some good people here, I want to be here, but if no one else fights for creative writing here, I'm not going to.
    You seem extremely passionate which is a good thing, but for posting in a dead forum you are a little impatient. I did see your idea thread and ilike i said earlier personally my writing sucks when im doing night shifts and im not able to commit. Also with the idea thread your rp would be clearer if it was a sign up thread

  16. #106
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    First you need a group of people (dead forum). Then you need an idea that entire group of people can truly get behind. I'm trying to give my last shot at saving YOUR RP scene the best chance it can possibly have.

    I'll create a sign-up when people show me an ounce of conviction.

    And not to be rude, but if anyone is confused by a basic interest check, I don't want them near one of my projects.

  17. #107
    chocolateer So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Fair enough if you want to have an interest thread i was just saying that sign up threads are more popular due to past experience on anotherdead rp forum. Like i said i had a rp in that forum and it was successful. You do need patience . Generally in a dead forum i have a two week rule you post up your idea and then forget about it. Noone likes to be hurried people have jobs and giving it two weeks means people can get ideas together. It also works in the rp if there were no posts in two weeks i would send messages inspiring people to post and helping any who were stuck. As a creator it is your job to be patient and inspire.^_^

    i apologise for any typos im on the phone

  18. #108
    Banned So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days?
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    I appreciate the advice, but I've doing this for over a decade. The biggest killer of RPs is TIME, taking it, and waiting around on it.

    Right now this community doesn't have the luxury of being patient. 2 years worth of patients has assassinated creative writing of any kind here (Save 1 story belonging to an Admin).

    It's shit or get off the pot time. The clock has almost stuck midnight. You had 2 years to watch role playing die before your very eyes. Now I'm asking this entire community to help me save it, and only one man gave enough of a real **** to step up.

    Heartless Angel deserves a staff job as Mod of the Spotlight Theatre, because he actually gives a **** about writing, not in theory, but APPLICATION as well.

    With this, I'm done speaking of it. I've done more than is reasonable to expect of a new user. It's your turn TFF.
    Last edited by OutlawTorn; 10-25-2014 at 06:57 AM.

  19. #109
    One year later and here I am. xD

    I've taken the liberty to review the sorts of RPs this forum has experienced and I believe our old forum had a bit more in the way of an organised group of seasoned RPers, though mind you, that wasn't there from the start either. I believe we had success in that avenue due to this. I, alongside fellow veterans such as, bee happy and Gemini were typically the RP forerunners and were thus able to maintain them. In addition, beeness and Gem were keen on making RP systems which I've read is of interest to some of you. I, myself, have only made a few and, if haboo is anyone to go by, I overcomplicate them. xD

    What I feel lacking here is the motivation, as I believe Yoko has already mentioned. The chief excuse, if you'll pardon the word, is that it takes quite a bit of effort to create an RP and, should it fail to garner any activity, that effort has been wasted. Honestly though, you might think to recycle an old failed project if you don't want to put the effort towards a new idea that may flop. As some of you know from haboo and Yoko, we've been RPing within my Exigo Timeline for Final Fantasy, but that RP was the result of first, a recycled idea *Final Fantasy : The Lost Ones*, and second, a failed original Exigo RP. The Lost Ones had only been the result of a debate I had about how Final Fantasies VII and X related, but I developed it into an RP, which received much interest, but very little activity. My first Exigo RP met with a similar fate, though, admittedly, some were distracted by the RP System I'd developed for it. Given how many worlds I was to unite under the Exigo Timeline, there was little I could do to uncomplicate things, though I still don't believe it was very difficult to use. *bickers to self* In any event, I continued using the idea to expand into a series of RPs, The Chronicles of Exigo, which led to a rather successful six-year run of an RP that's still ongoing, though soon to be completed.

    The point is, rather than mention how RPs haven't gained momentum on this board, I see no harm in reusing those old RPs that had already failed in the past. You never know if it will be a success this time around and keeping even small amounts of interest going may make a difference.

    Furthermore, I'd like to comment on leadership within an RP and its necessity. While it is true that RPs can stagnate when their creators are inactive, I don't believe that always has to be. In keeping with that, I intend to start an RP, also a recycled one that failed in the past, and leave it open for any of its RPers to take the lead for as long as they feel fit to do so. Though I will also partake, my main function will be to mediate between the anticipated chaos that will result from this. I will dictate the ultimate direction of the story through key events, but this should leave copious liberties for each RPer to grow with their character and explore the world without feeling the need to commit to a supposed leading group that progresses the story. This will also serve a second purpose in that, just as many of you, my time is limited and I will be actively participating in the Exigo RP that haboo and Yoko had wanted me to do. Therefore, this allows me to participate in both without dwindling the bits of time I have.

  20. #110

  21. #111
    Registered User So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? Magi Of Worlds(Original)'s Avatar
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    So there hasn't been any activity in an entire month in Spotlight Theatre... Please tell me RPing itself isn't dead to this community. I used to RP like crazy on here every single day of the week and let me tell you, becoming an adult with a job hasn't changed my passion! I know I haven't been on TFF since 2010 but I'm ready to make a comeback with RPing if anyone is with me!

  22. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Magi Of Worlds(Original) View Post
    So there hasn't been any activity in an entire month in Spotlight Theatre... Please tell me RPing itself isn't dead to this community. I used to RP like crazy on here every single day of the week and let me tell you, becoming an adult with a job hasn't changed my passion! I know I haven't been on TFF since 2010 but I'm ready to make a comeback with RPing if anyone is with me!
    Hello Magi, I hope you're still about. While activity in RPs seems low in most forum circles I've thus far seen, it is my, as well as, older members such as haboo and Yoko's goal to see it revived in this forum. We've had a Final Fantasy VIII RP going that could use as many participants as possible to keep it alive. If you have any interest in the world of Final Fantasy VIII at all, I would love for you to include yourself, as well. ^_^

  23. #113
    Registered User So, What's Keeping People from Actively RPing These Days? HUNK's Avatar
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    Im not a blind man, and can quite plainly see the years in time between this last post and our current day, but as I've only recently come back I've wondered if it's still a relevant topic.

    I remember RPing here and having a blast with the few that took off. I fear I may have been one of those people off in left field doing there own thing but that was because I was young and had little idea what I was actually doing. While there are classes, I never exactly took any specific to creative writing. Its never been anything more than a hobby for me and that's a big part of how it was easy to forget my times here when life finally caught up with me and I had to start living it. Still all that being said, I am a little better with time management now and have been quite bored as of late. Heck, its that very boredom that made me keep trying till I got back into my account.

    It seems as though I'm too late though. In my last three days of checking the forums here I've noticed only a single post that wasn't my own. I didn't try to start of an RP or anything, but now that I'm an adult and have better ability to express myself more fully, I admit, I really wanna try... It quite honestly feels like I'm screaming in the empty streets of an abandoned city. I don't even know what the shift to more 4-Chan esq content was or was all about. Now that's just as much my fault as anyone else's for not actually hanging around but I can't fault other people who also have lives to lead.

    As stagnant as activity seems to be though, Im not sure anything too serious could really be organized. I miss the old days I at least think I remember, but I'd never stop to actually think that as the internet changed people would move elsewhere. I guess I just miss here out of nostalgia, and that everyone coming here at least had some common interest. That just don't feel the same elsewhere. I miss RPs though, even if I was never considered much of a serious player.

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